Guyana Mormons
Information related to the Church in Guyana may be placed here.
Guyana Chapel Dedication
President Johnson made history last Sunday as he dedicated the first-ever chapel in Berbice, Guyana. The article we put together highlights the 2-day event (Open House and combination District Conference and Building Dedication) and provides a short history of the Church's growth in Guyana, South America. The pictures are representative of the families that attended, the building itself, and the missionaries who currently serve in the Canje Guyana District (zone).
I read it in one of the blogs of a couple serving in the West Indies Mission. There is a special permission being granted to a few 18 years old to serve. There are around 15-20 prospective missionaries to be called immediately. There are other 15 waiting to qualify.
According to one of the counselors in the Mission Presidency, three or four of these missionaries ready to serve are a primary breadwinner in the family so their departure to serve means their family will take a 30 to 70 percent reduction in income.