Illuminati: New World Order
I just saw the presentation made by Alex Jones called, 'Bilderberg Group'. This group is supposed to be a prat of or just like the Illuminati. This is where he goes into the forest of Northern California and secretly films ceremonies that he claims are based on serious rituals made by the New World Order. What do you think about the documentary and is there really a secret World Order formed based on rituals and ceremonies?
Keywords: illumanoty, illumanati, elumanati
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
Like most conspiracy theories, I believe that this one is based on the secrecy of the group. If you fail to provide details, the public will make up their own. Its not to say that some if it isn't true, but light must be given to the fact that rumors have a tendency to get out of hand.
I have not watched the actual documentary that you are speaking of, but I am familiar with the bilderburg groups legend. There are, however, other such secret organizations which also supposedly rule the world. The Illuminati are supposed to rule the world also. They are also supposedly tied to the Free Masons. But then again, the free masons have a secrecy clause about their meetings too. So the secrecy necessarily breeds rumors and conspiracy theories.
It is very hard for me to believe, in the media age of internet and blogs, that such a group could exist with absolutely no one ever getting any type of evidence that they are making all the world decisions. Do they influence world policy? Absolutely, by the very nature of the people who attend, they are people who influence world policy already. So it seems only fitting that people who decide the fate of the world anyway would get together and discuss what is best before they make their decisions.
In the film you do see Military / Government vehicles transporting people dressed in civilian clothes into the forest. You then witness a ceremony in which some kind of priest and others dressed in garb perform a medieval like ceremony to a statue about 45 feet high. On the other side of the river people are watching and clapping. The film quality is very poor, but you get the major take of it all. The audio is clear however and you have to wonder is this just 'fun' or are they really worshipping the 'owl god'. The ceremony consists of chants and verses that seem to be preset in old English.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I saw another documentary about the Illuminati with Alex Jones and one thing I was wondering was this... if this group is so secret and the Members so influential then why have thy not suppressed someone like Alex Jones?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
All I can tell you is this, I was talking about this indepth on myspace blogs and this is a reply I got via Private Messege ....
Just goes to show you our programming is way to strong and no matter how much information you put out there it dose not match our programming since we know how to lock people into the mainstream... Look how brazen we can be and put it in peoples faces.. We are invincible and People like you trying to spread the little bit of truth you are aware of are simply comedy to us and that is all. The new world order will march on with or without you, so really you are just wasting your time. In Hoc Signo Vinces |
I am very interested in this topic in fact I am currently studying about it. The connection with Freemasons and the Illuminati is that a gentleman in 1776 named Adam Weishaupt started the Illuminati group in Germany. The aim and goal is to take over governments through the secret order. Now, to do this they had to first convert people in similar secretive societies. They started with the freemasons but only the high up members 32nd and 33rd degree members, simply because to get that high up you were pretty special. Adam sent agents all over Europe to do this and then freemasonry became corrupt, a secret society inside a secret society. It goes alot deeper. Today all the secret societies we see or hear of are all part of that large peryimid on the dollar bill. They all make up one large secret organisation most people have heard of the Skull and Bones this is also a part of that group. This is the Worlds Elite any one who is very high up with money.
Message Edited... LDS_forever: Please keep in mind that we discuss LDS topics ONLY in the LDS boards. This is the Activism and Politics board, hence no mention of LDS topics are brought up here. Thanks. |
truthprevail, the Illuminati have been around for thousands of years. My mother raised me with understanding of the Illuminati, through the centuries they have had been known by many names, as far as I know the Illuminati is just the most recent name that they took upon themselves about in the last 250 years (give or take). I don't know what they were known has before but they are real. Their not a force to be reckoned with.
I just have to ask because I really don't know. Is all the skull and bones we see on the kids fashions these days (in the USA at least) carry a reference to these groups? Obviously I don't think the kids or parents would purchase them to represent these groups but I wonder why they are so big (skull and bones stuff) in fashion.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 1.7%