Porn drive makes audience sit up and notice
Reuters - Indian police forced around 200 people caught watching pornography to do sit-ups in public to shame them and keep them away from theaters that illegally screen smutty movies.
As much as pornography is a pernicious evil, we have got to learn (in the world) to "teach people correct principles and let them govern themselves." This applies to bad movies as much as it does to other, more socially pressing issues of our day. We are NEVER going to be able to legislate morality. It will come from within, instilled in us by good parents, role models, instruction, or other external influences when we are in our formative years. Let's get over this notion of thinking that we have to be commanded in every thing.
I love it! If you knew this might be the out come you might never start viewing the material to start.
Personal rights have not been crossed here it is just a punishment for a small crime. When you chose to commit a crime you personal rights other then to shelter food and to be safe have been eradicated.
I believe that this type of small crime punishment and public display of said punishment is a way to help people not commit these crimes again. Many do not repeat the offense they got caught for. I think they should continue enforcing these laws with this type of punishment.