India captivated by drama between star, husband
Reuters - A battle between a Bollywood star and her husband over their baby daughter is captivating India, where millions worship film stars and follow their personal lives closely.
Ref. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor..._uk_india_actor
This sounds oddly familiar. We do the same thing in America over our stars. When OJ Simpson was on trial, it was the biggest thing since sliced bread. People love to watch others who are seemingly bigger than life. It appears that this sentiment is shared all over the world with actors in India's Bollywood drawing the same fame and publicity from Indians in there own cultures.
This is what happens when you try to bring Bollywood outside of its realm in India:
Bollywood stars claim race abuse Two of Bollywood's biggest stars say they were racially abused while filming in London earlier this year. Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7110251.stm |
Bollywood (Hover)
What I don't get about the movies from India is why they dance in all of them? Do they have movies where they don't sing and dance, you know like just be normal.