Death March

Death March - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 21st Nov, 2006 - 1:24am

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23rd Oct, 2005 - 3:02am / Post ID: #

Death March

Death March

Today, 22 October, 2005 in Port of Spain there was a show by the citizenry that they no longer wish to tolerate crime in the least degree - it was dubbed 'Death March'. My question is... Do you think it will make any difference on the rate of crime in Trinidad & Tobago?

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9th Nov, 2005 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

March Death

do you think it will make any difference on the rate of crime in Trinidad & Tobago?

No, it will not make any difference. Anyhow, I think is a great step from the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago who are so laid back in every possible aspect. I think it could
make a difference if marches like this one would take place more often and people start making REAL noise. Otherwise, it will just be remember for a couple of days and forgotten (as it is happening).

14th Nov, 2006 - 2:55pm / Post ID: #

Death March Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Some time has passed since this and other showing of solidarity, but one has to ask, did anything change?

15th Nov, 2006 - 1:24pm / Post ID: #

March Death

No, nothing changed. You see, for these kind of "marches" to be taken seriously they must be done often and with real intent! But because Trinis in general are so laid back, they do it once and then pretend somehow a miracle would happen. It does not work like that.

Post Date: 15th Nov, 2006 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Death March
A Friend

March Death

As usual, my point of view is different.

For one thing - the so-called 'Death March' had no true purpose or intent, therefore they could not succeed in one should they march every day for ten years. Their unofficial slogan is, "something must be done" but when pressed to answer what exactly they'd like to see done, they waffle and dodge, saying it's not their job to come up with solutions.

Therefore, no matter what anyone actually does about the situation - they can still feel free to sit back and complain that it's never enough, that it's high time "something" should be done.

On top of that - they chose to name their march after some of history's most gruesome moments - look up the term "Death March" in any encyclopaedia and read up on the events it describes - then kindly explain to me, why we would want to call down that sort of horror on our country. Any writer can tell you about the power of words, can they not?

I have to say that not only was that march purposeless, but it was ill-advised.

15th Nov, 2006 - 6:44pm / Post ID: #

Death March

QUOTE (Trinichic)
As usual, my point of view is different.

Different from what?

I believe lots of action with no goal in mind is like a man working very hard in the hot sun all day long to buy bread for one dollar, but getting only a few cents for his labors. When you ask him about getting more money (which is the goal), he may respond, "But I work so hard". Working hard is not the goal, the goal is getting enough money to buy bread. There are plenty people who can do a few easy tasks to get a dollar, because they use their brain rather than muscle.

Marching all day is not the goal, is changing the mindset of the culture so that in turn crime will come down, but no one ever talks about changing the mindset or the culture, instead each day I hear it being promoted and along with it crime goes up!

Twice a week I meet with some youth, I help them to understand that there is a better way (no need for vice, injuring their fellowman or being dishonest) and that there are wholesome activities available (not only fetes, parties, limes and carnival) - this is the change that needs to take place - one on one culture change. Marching does not do that.

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20th Nov, 2006 - 3:44pm / Post ID: #

Death March

but no one ever talks about changing the mindset or the culture, instead each day I hear it being promoted and along with it crime goes up!

and that there are wholesome activities available (not only fetes, parties, limes and carnival

I agree with you but how do you go about changing the mindset that has been here for years and that affects most of the population in T&T? How do you go about making that change in society because let's be honest, you tell tomorrow to the Trini population that Carnival would be limited somehow or not having it at all, alcohol would have regulations and limited use, etc etc etc, it will cause such an uproar never seen before, not even the death march or the high food prices would gather so many people together. spock.gif

Maybe the death march did not help at all but at least some people got together in something more serious than liming and partying.

21st Nov, 2006 - 1:24am / Post ID: #

Death March Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

QUOTE (LDS_forever)
I agree with you but how do you go about changing the mindset that has been here for years and that affects most of the population in T&T?

Well, changing the mindset of T&T is not exactly what this Thread is about, but to stay on topic I would say that 'Death Marches' will not change mentality, but people of themselves have to change through example. Here is a small example... I remember our current President talking about how dismayed he was about the crime situation, but in the same week I also saw him behind a scantly dressed woman in a Carnival launch dancing in a way I thought was unbecoming of his title. Now, many would say, "so what", and to that I will say... "This is why Death Marches do not work!" To few bright among us will understand what I am saying.

> TOPIC: Death March


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