![ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting, Question](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
ICon Kingmaker Pathfinder Rules, Setting & Questions
Base Informtation: Pathfinder Adventure Path Play By Post Role-playing Game Start Here
This thread introduces the system, setting and is open to any questions players may have about rules or adventure.
The role-playing system used for this campaign is Pathfinder and the setting is the default setting, the planet Golarion. Pathfinder is a system not too different from Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition. The rules are available online at Official Paizo PRD or at Extended Free D20PFSRD. Pathfinder Character Generator: HERE (Note: We have no affiliation to this site. The generator is free you do NOT have to buy anything there despite the sales pitch (Tag)).
Core Sourcebooks (Must haves):
Core Rulebook - Free on PRD
Ultimate Campaign - Free on PRD
Kingmaker Player's Guide - Free Download from Paizo, see below
Other Sourcebooks (Automatically allowed):
Ultimate Charisma - $15 PDF but we can paraphrase rules for you (Used heavily: you will get a Leadership Score and Perks)
Anything published by Paizo - mostly available on Archives of Nethys or d20PFSRD
Optional Sourcebooks (With GM Permission):
All Wayfinder magazines - free downloads (#4 has new buildings, Herbalist archetype, #15 came out last year and is focused on the River Kingdoms - That's not to discount the others, I only flicked through #4 and glimpsed at #15. I still have to check #5 and #8. Note: A lot of spoilery GM content is written alongside articles for players.)
Ultimate Rulership - $10 PDF
Kingmaker Players Guide and all other FREE downloads (PDF Format) are also on this page.
The setting of this adventure is localised to Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, but characters will be allowed from all countries of the continent Avistan. Extended information about the setting is available on the Pathfinder wiki.
Kingdom Building rules can be found on the Official PRD which is a write up of the rules from Ultimate Campaign. All of the Optional Kingdom Rules from Ultimate Campaign (And on Paizo's PRD) are in use. Rules borrowed from the third party source Ultimate Rulership will be mentioned in this topic:
Buildings, Events from Wayfinder #4
With GM Permission: Buildings, Events, Exotic Settlements, Settlement Attributes/Qualities from Ultimate Rulership, but no change to build times.
I'm glad you asked, as it's not very clear from what I wrote. The bare minimum to read is the Kingmaker Player's Guide, followed by posting a suitable and creative backstory in the character thread. I am there to assist in the actual character building and will give suggestions based on the backstory. As the game progresses, hopefully the rules will be understood.
I would love to give it a try, mate. The problem is that, now, I'm already at my limit with the number of games I'm in: I doubt I would be able to dedicate the proper time. But I'll keep an eye on it and, if things will change for me, I will seriously consider joining it.
I would love to play in your Role-playing Game but I'm not very good at making characters, for some reason I just don't get all the modifiers and skills and feats. I'm not very bright! But if you wouldn't mind making me a character I would appreciate it, and would like to get into your RPG? I don't want to be a pain, so either way I will try to make one if you prefer? Thank you.
Sure, I'd prefer if you wrote your own imaginative backstory. Please read the guide, which requires an account but is free, and post a story in the character thread.