Bill Clinton
Despite his controversial sex scandal which has pretty much died down with all the war in the air, do you think that Bill Clinton was a good President?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I cannot really judge that. All I can say is that probably if he was the President at this moment he would not go to war with Iraq. He seems kind of 'chicken' I always have that impression of him, but again I really don't know. Maybe Stranger or Vale can reply to that.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
In my opinion, Bill Clinton was one of the most self-serving men ever to occupy the White House. I believe Hillary was behind most of Bill's deviousness but Bill cannot be forgiven for degrading the White House and his position the way he did. The numerous scandals he was associated with and the way the media cooperated with him makes me resent him. His lies, and more lies and involvement in so many illegal activities make me resent him. He's a highly talented conspirator. I couldn't believe the American Public, Congress and the News Media let him get away with so much.
I wonder if he has any shame or regret for allowing the terrorists community to plan all these things on the US and elsewhere through his mismanagement of intelligence services?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I agree with you all. The Media was not strong enough with him, I'm wonder why...there must be a reason for it. I think he was a weak man as a President of the United States. He allowed too much and did whatever he wanted. Really, he's disgusting to me...
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
But is he a good President for American where the economy is concerned? I think America had some of its best years economically, under his administration. And environmentally, I think the US made some gains then especially since Gore was such a strong proponent of environmental correctness.
The Presidency was shamed, no doubt. But the world was definitely in better shape then.
I have little use for Clinton, do not think he was a good President, but do not like getting off on diatribes that could turn nasty.
The economy was good while he was in office, but what most people don't understand is that the President, and Congress in general, have almost NO effect on the economy.
Presidents get blamed when it is bad, but those are forces beyond the legislative control.
Clinton was weak, no two ways about it. He crippled the military, virtually handcuffed the CIA and made only half-hearted attempts to deal with bin Laden.
I won't comment on his personal faults, because the same could be said of virtually everyone in Washington.
He does play a decent saxaphone.
Personally, I would choose honor over money. But that's just me.