There used to be a Federation of the West Indies, but it seems like small nations cannot get a long like big ones can. Do you think we can start it again and have it work as well as the European Union is working in Europe?
Look at the recent example of Barbados and Trinidad's disagreement over fishing rights... this has gone on for years and years, with such petty confrontations in the forefront how will we ever be united? Do you think it is still possible to have a unified Caribbean?
Name: Greg
Comments: You do not NEED A CARIBBEAN UNION that is not what you want you want sovereign nations. the new world order wants unions. they already have the European union, the African union, and almost the north American union so get your heads straight.
Name: JH
Comments: There will be a union weather we like it or not. Look at the time we are living in. Can any one country make it alone? This will happen very soon to ease the pressure of our money and also jobs and travel.
Something like this could never come off because countries in the Caribbean like to do things in their own way, why you think all of them ask for Independence in the first place, is because Black man like he power.
A union with the other islands is necessary but I think it would be beneficial to the other islands than Trinidad. The Governments of our northern neighbors are in debt and the oil revenues that Trinidad collects are a boon to integration. Economic integration would therefore be of interest to all parties if Venezuela were included since Trinidad has little extra oil revenues to spare.