Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization

Catholic Doctrine Vitro Fertilization - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 1st Mar, 2013 - 1:05pm

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  Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization
14th Jan, 2003 - 5:25am / Post ID: #

Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization

Catholic Doctrine On Invitro Fertilization

I started this Thread for Discussion on the Catholics position on life: cloning, embryonic research, stem cell research, etc.

international QUOTE
Pope Restates Strong Defense of Life, Opposition to Euthanasia

Vatican City -- Pope John Paul II on Monday outlined a fresh defense of the ``dignity'' of human life, denouncing abortion and euthanasia and saying human cloning reduces humans to mere objects.

In his annual speech to Vatican-based diplomats, the pope called the right to life ``the most fundamental of human rights.''

``Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a mere object: life and death to order, as it were!'' he said.

``When all moral criteria are removed, scientific research involving the sources of life becomes a denial of the being and the dignity of the person,'' he said.

The Pope has long voiced opposition to abortion and euthanasia: in a 1995 encyclical, he declared they were both crimes that no laws can legitimize.

The Vatican has more recently voiced condemnation of cloning and research using stem cells from human embryos.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, for example, called the recent claims that a cloned baby had been born ``an expression of a brutal mentality, devoid of any ethical and human consideration.''

The Vatican is expected to issue a document, possibly this week, touching on cloning, abortion and other issues that clash with the Roman Catholic Church's moral teaching. The document, drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is intended as a guideline for Catholic politicians.

The full statement can be found at the Vatican website:


Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization
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27th Dec, 2003 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Fertilization Vitro On Doctrine Catholic

I don't know that I agree totally with the Catholic Church on these issues, but they have remained consistent. They haven't changed their opinion to bow to public pressure. The Catholic Church fully believes all life should be determined by God. They don't even believe in any unnatural means of birth control. For the Catholic Church, it is up to God if you become pregnant or not. I believe they were opposed to "test tube" babies as well. (Invitro Fertilization) This is now a somewhat routine procedure for infertile couples these days. I don't know if the Church still opposes IVF pregnancies or not. I wonder if human cloning will become like IVF for infertile couples as well someday.

Post Date: 28th Nov, 2005 - 1:01pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization Catholicism Studies


The battle over embryonic stem cell research moved into the pews Sunday, as Roman Catholic priests across Missouri urged churchgoers to oppose a petition seeking a constitutional amendment that would protect the controversial work.

Post Date: 13th Dec, 2008 - 1:45am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Fertilization Vitro On Doctrine Catholic

New Vatican Document Reaffirms Opposition to Cloning, Embryonic Research

The Vatican ( -- The Catholic Church released a new document on Friday that reaffirms its opposition to anti-life bioethics practices like human cloning and embryonic stem cell research. The document also tackles problems with in-vitro fertilization and even embryo adoption. The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued the papers, known as "The Dignity of a Person" to provide more clarity on the Catholic pro-life teachings as they relate to bioethics issues. It confirms the teachings set forth by the Pontifical Academy for Life that human life begins at conception, or fertilization, and that human beings should not be created by scientists in a lab setting. The document opposes the practices of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research because they involve the purposeful creation and destruction of human life. But the teaching also extends to in-vitro fertilization -- which can include the creation of multiple human embryos who will only wind up destroyed. That means the Catholic Church is also opposed to selective reduction of embryos, pre-implantation diagnosis and embryo freezing. Regarding embryo adoption, the document lauds pro-life advocate who support the "praiseworthy" goals of adopting human embryos instead of letting them die in fertility clinics. But it said embryo adoption puts a good face on the practice of destroying human life.
Ref. Source 7

Post Date: 21st Jun, 2011 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Fertilization Vitro On Doctrine Catholic

Vatican Puts $1 Million Behind Adult Stem Cell Research

The Catholic Church is teaming up with a biotech firm that is engaging in adult stem cell research - helping prove its contention that it is supportive of stem cell research without destroying human life. Ref. Source 9

Post Date: 13th Aug, 2011 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Catholic Doctrine On In Vitro Fertilization

Catholic Church: Unborn Children Have a Soul at Conception

We continue our study today of a little-known and little-studied 1974 document from the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith entitled:

Declaration on Procured Abortion

Read Part I here.

Today we turn to the document's treatment of the Church's varied voices on when the body is infused with a soul. This is critical, because so many proaborts look selectively to voices from within the Church that have fixed a point some time after fertilization. What they do not do is point to the universal condemnation of abortion at every stage, going all the way back to our most ancient document of apostolic teaching, The Didache (pronounced DID-a-kay), subtitled, The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.

Here are excerpts from the Declaration on Procured Abortion, followed by the footnotes from the text, and then a few words of analysis: Ref. Source 8

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Post Date: 1st Mar, 2013 - 1:05pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Catholic Doctrine On Vitro Fertilization

Catholic Church Not Unsympathetic to Infertile Couples

The Catholic Church is often portrayed as unsympathetic to infertile couples. Because the Church finds IVF wrong, others mistakenly believe that the Church has no compassion for the pain and heartbreak of infertility. That is simply untrue. In fact, recently the Pope called for more research into the causes of infertility so that life could be created where it is supposed to be created, in a mother's womb and not in a lab.

The Church wants the best not just for the children, but for the infertile couples as well. Ref. Source 7

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