Many on this board have expressed that in the Last Days there will come a great divide within the Church that will cause some members to fall or as the scriptures put it... even the very elect shall fall from grace. This event or chain of events to come will cause members of the Church to look at themselves and wonder, take stock of what they believe, how they believe it and even cause a decision as to if their testimony has been set to the right channel. This thread has been started to discuss ideas and to speculate on how this may happen, since no one knows the exact happenings of the future we should not take anything as literal by members who post here and as usual prayer, the Spirit and the scriptures should so guide towards the Truth.
From this thread I take the quote from Joseph Smith:
"There are three dangers that threaten the church from within, and the authorities need to awaken to the fact that the people should be warned unceasingly against them. As I see them, they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity."
One can wonder how flattery of prominent men could threaten the Church or even false educational ideas... What are your thoughts?
One can wonder how flattery of prominent men could threaten the Church or even false educational ideas... What are your thoughts? |
That is true Tenaheff. What I always look at is who is next in line and the way they like to 'talk the talk'. For instance after Pres. Hinckley next to be Prophet is Monson, he 'looks' healthy and vibrant but seems 'quiet' in his approach to spiritual things (but I am only gauging from the 0.2% I know of him from his talks, etc. Then there is Boyd K. Packer which many say 'already has enemies' because of his 'forward' approach. I like to research the 'pattern' of these Brethren where possible. At present we see that Pres. Hinckley is very focused on expansion, visiting everywhere and families, he handles the gentiles with that tone of 'it's the past, don't worry about it'... will Pres. Monson do the same? Another question to think about. If the US government truly becomes separate from religion and gays are allowed to be married and possibly men are allowed more than one wife, will that mean the Church may once again practise Plural marriage among the living? Maybe what is to come in the future may be so different as to 'spiritually shock' the members in the same way entering the temple for the first time may be a 'surprise'.
These are very good questions and observations. Although the US is probably going to very soon be accepting of marriage between same sex partners, no one is suggesting that multiple spouses be allowed. However, it seems to me, if it is o.k. to allow same sex, which is contrary to all christian teachings (the basis for our current marriage laws), then it follows that eventually, they will have to also look at allowing polygamy. What will be the argument against? That is is unnatural??
If that happens, I don't know what the Church would do. Probably nothing at first, but at some point someone is going to need to inquire of the Lord (i.e. prophet, and council of the 12) and why would he NOT reinstate this law, if the reason for discontinuing it no longer exists as a threat. That will truly shake up a lot of people within the Church. Many faithful members will have a problem with this, me included. Not saying I would leave over it. I wouldn't, but it would be very difficult for me to live it.
"There are three dangers that threaten the church from within, and the authorities need to awaken to the fact that the people should be warned unceasingly against them. As I see them, they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity." |
Even if the First Presidency were dead, and some of the Apostles, wouldn't the remaining Apostles take control? I would not personally have any problem with that or are you talking about an actual disagreement? In both cases the scriptures outline what is to be done... specifically D&C.
Offtopic but, Yes, we have discuss the plural marriage topic tro death, but there is still a lot unanswered there. I think I will awaken that thread. |
I think what is happening all around us today is causing many to apostasize. It is evident when you visit internet sights like exmormon.org and others. The other night at the Arizona Easter pageant, someone had a big sign that read Josephlied.com. My 15 year old daughter was curious and looked at the sight when she got home. I had to take some time to explain away some of the attacks of this web site.
Information at the click of a mouse is a great tool. You can read the Conference talks, scriptures, and a host of other uplifting messages. But Satan is quite active on the web. Anti mormons are very organized and prepared in their effort to make the church appear to be something it isn't. They are experts at twisting the words of church leaders, quoting talks from the Journal of Discourses but ommitting key phrases to change the entire meaning of what was said. In other words, They Lie in wait to deceive.
Many long time church members who have gone through the motions of church membership without truly being converted come across this material and lose their testimony. In their minds, they were duped all these years by the church. Now they see the truth of the mormons and are getting out. All of a sudden, the one true church is now a mind controlling organization and is only after your money.
The Lord knew this was coming. For some time know, Prophets have been warning us to have family prayer, read and PONDER the scriptures, have FHE etc. Why? Well, with the lies Satan is pushing today, without personal revelation, many will be deceived. Those who have deeply experienced the scriptures and have personally communed with God on a regular basis will not likely lose their testimony. Those who attend church out of force of habit, never open their scriptures, usually forget to do their home teaching etc. will all of a suddden be faced with a decision. They cannot continue being a member in name only. They will have to either commit fully to the Lord, or follow Satan.
Those who are not used to the Spirit in their lives, guiding them on a regular basis will tend to follow Satan. And they won't recognize that they are following him. Their minds, desires, ambitions will be on the things of the world. Sadly, some people in this group may be church leaders, Bishops, High Councilors etc. The position you have attained in the church is not necessarily indictive of your overall spiritual health.
So, I thing right now we are experiencing this divide. but i doubt there will be a great divide where most of the members fall. I thing the majority of active LDS will follow the Saviour.