Name: Adolph Hitler
Time: 1889-1945
Years after his death Hitler still has followers today even though he committed suicide as the invading allies stormed Germany. What are your thoughts on this man? The below links cover various aspects...
From Crystalinks site:
From the first days of Hitler's Third Reich(for its history, see Germany ; National Socialism ; World War II ) political opponents such as von Schleicher and Gregor Strasser (who had resigned from the Nazis) were murdered or incarcerated, and some Nazis, among them Ernst Roehm , were themselves purged. Jews, Socialists, Communists, and others were hounded, arrested, or assassinated. Government, law, and education became appendages of National Socialism. After Hindenburg's death in 1934 the chancellorship and presidency were united in the person of the Führer [leader]. Heil Hitler! became the obligatory form of greeting, and a cult of Führer worship was propagated.
Ref. Source 7 (Basic Review)
Ref. Psychological probabilities of Hitler click here
Adolph Hitler (Hover)
What can I think of the man responsible of the extermination of 6 million people? (including children!). He was a very sick man and his followers too. He charmed the Germans to do what he thought it was the right thing to do. A monster that I hope never can re-born again.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
This is just a question.......is it true that hitler designed the no smoking sign!!! |
i think hitler should of died before he even took leadership |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3245 100%
Yes! the war would be much worse indeed but also would be much easier to finish because whoever it was who would of took leadership of Germany at that time couldnt be as clever as hitler as hitler was one of the most intelligent man in germany interms of war strategy!
i think if hitler didnt break the soviet-nazi pact he would of taken over europe in no time!!!
Germany at that time couldnt be as clever as hitler as hitler was one of the most intelligent man in germany interms of war strategy! |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3245 100%
QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 25-Apr 04, 3:22 PM) |
Well he couldn't of been all that great |
I think it misguided to think that the force guiding the Second World War existed ony in one man (Hitler). I do not believe Hitler was a good man, but the Communists (who killed more of their own people in the same time scale as Hitler killed his own people (including the Jews)) were no better than Nazis (Hitler even referred to the Communists as "sub-human").
LDS_Forever hoped no monster like Hitler would be born again. Well, sorry to say it, but if you look at the forces at work in the world today - especially in Europe - you will see the plan of the National Socialists (this time working under Internationalism) in full swing. Anyone who has studied the EU deeply will know of its Nazi origins and the parallels of present policies with the enacted and published policies of the Nazis. Even the EEC was a Nazi term.*
* For one reference on the Nazi origins of the EU, see "Treason at Maastricht" by Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter (chapter 18).
As always, PM me if you want to know more!
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 10%