Name: Michael
Title: NDE's
Comments: Bob, your experience seems to be contradicted by Boston's experience, as well as the four other LDS people that he mentions. Who should we believe, you or the five other people who seem to contradict you. You seem to assume that because you spent a little time in the spirit world that you now know everything that there is to know about the spirit world. I have spent 64 years in this world, and I still don't know all there is to know about this world. I can still learn from the experiences of others, and I suspect that you could also learn more about the spirit world from others who have been there and whose experiences were different from yours.
Brit, to answer your question, I suspect that you have just not read the right NDE's. I have personally read some where those things are mentioned. I suspect that the spirit world is somewhat similar to this world in the sense that not everyone in this world has heard of the things that you mention, and it seems unlikely that everyone in the spirit world has heard of those things either.
Newborn Baby Girl Begins Breathing on Her Own After Doctors Declare Her "Dead"
The parents of a newborn girl who doctors declared "dead" but who later started breathing on her own are rejoicing today in Halifax, Canada. The mother of the little girl is thanking God and calling what transpired a miracle.
Robin Cyr's fourth child became wedged in the birth canal during labour Saturday and for 25 minutes after she was born, doctors and nurses watched for any sign of life, the Truro Daily News reported. Ref. Source 7
LDS NDEs are some of the most reassuring stories you can ever read giving you hope about the possibilities in the next life.
Name: Johnathan
Comments: This is a topic that has always fascinated me specially when the account seems familiar to my personal beliefs about how the afterlife is like. Sometimes I wish I could be the person experiencing this but it is scary to know how close to death you have to be to 'see' it.