How much do you know about this war? In the latest news shown below an interesting revelation about Chile's participation came to light. Despite the deadly brutal time of the Military Argentine government one has to wonder if this war did not help to bring about change. What is your view?
Falklands / Malvinas War
The Falkland Islands are a group of islands in the south Atlantic. [..]
The battle for the falklands book Argentina has claimed the islands since 1820. Britain had occupied and administered the islands since 1833 and had consistently rejected Argentina's claims. The Falklands War, chronicled below, started after Argentina invaded and took control of the islands in April 1982.
During the war, the British captured about 10,000 Argentine prisoners, all of whom were released afterwards. Argentina sustained 655 men killed, while Britain lost 236. Argentina's ignominious defeat severely discredited the military government and led to the restoration of civilian rule in Argentina in 1983.
Ref. Source 5
A former air force commander has acknowledged that Chile helped Britain during the 1982 Falklands war because it feared an attack from Argentina after the conflict.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/americas/06/...s.ap/index.html
I obviously have an outsiders opinion of this based solely on straight facts that I read. I believe that the UK has the legitimate claim to the islands based on previous occupation of the islands. The inhabitants where originally british and prefer british rule so that should be the end of it.
However, the island is far far away from britain. The island is close to south america and should be "owned and operated" by a south american country in my opinion. Britain should be the one to back down and do the right thing by giving the land to the Argentineans and not keeping it for themselves when they are obviously not in need of it and not using it for any real purpose.
I wonder if this is too little too late for the Argentines or maybe - why even mention it at all?
UK 'regret' over Falklands dead Britain expresses "regret" over deaths on both sides in the Falklands war, 25 years after the Argentine invasion. Ref. BBC |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3243 100%
The UK gave that statement because today passed 25 years since the war finished. Also Argentina gave up the rights of exploitation of oil near the islands as a sign that we still claim sovereignty over our islands.
Argentina last night announced it was ending an agreement with Britain to explore for oil near the Falkland Islands in a worrying signal of deteriorating relations as the two countries prepare to mark the 25th anniversary of the conflict over the disputed South Atlantic archipelago. Argentina decided to end the 1995 agreement after "unilateral" British efforts to drill for oil, the foreign minister, Jorge Taiana, said. advertisement He gave no further details. "The Argentine decision brings an end ... to an instrument the United Kingdom sought to use to justify its illegitimate and unilateral action to explore for resources that belong to Argentines," he said. The accord was one of several significant moves by the two countries to build a working relationship in the aftermath of the Falklands conflict. It was reached in 1995 under British prime minister John Major and Argentine president Carlos Menem. Mr Menem, who adopted a so-called "policy of seduction" towards Britain between 1990 and 2000, became the first Argentinian head of state to visit Britain since the war, saying his country would never again try to take the Falklands by force and laying a wreath at the Falklands memorial in St Paul's Cathedral. But under the current government of President Nestor Kirchner, relations between the two countries, while remaining strong on all other matters, have deteriorated significantly over the Falklands issue. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Falklanders enthusiastically welcomed their liberators this week, British veterans of the 10-week 1982 war with Argentina that took almost 1,000 lives but brought attention to the remote islands, helping them revive their economy.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/06/...reut/index.html
Dozens of military aircraft flew over Buckingham Palace on Sunday as Britain marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Falklands War.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...nniversary.html
Name: Trey
Comments: As I've come to understand it, the reason we went to war with Argentina was more for political standing than anything else. The Falklands is British sovereign territory and any attack on British soil is an act of war, from a political standpoint. If Argentina had not have tried to take the islands by force, I have every confidence that the islands would be under the control of the Argentines today.
QUOTE (konquererz @ 8-Jul 05, 3:44 AM) |
However, the island is far far away from britain. The island is close to south america and should be "owned and operated" by a south american country in my opinion. Britain should be the one to back down and do the right thing by giving the land to the Argentineans and not keeping it for themselves when they are obviously not in need of it and not using it for any real purpose. |
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 1 0.1%