Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 30th Aug, 2008 - 2:10am

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Poll: Will Sarah Palin make a good Vice President?
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  I do not think she will do very well       24.00%
  Uncertain       8.00%
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Former beauty queen. Former Governor of Alaska. Ran as a nominee for US Vice President with McCain. Could she also be a future US President?
29th Aug, 2008 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

Need someone to give me the good, bad, and ugly on Sarah Palin. Given that we have a number of Alaskans on here that should be easy.

international QUOTE (BBC)
Republican John McCain names Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin, 44, as his running mate for the US presidential election, US media reports say.

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin (Hover)

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29th Aug, 2008 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

Palin Sarah

This is as probably dirty of a painting of her as I have read...even with that...she seems like a good match with McCain:

DENVER - John McCain tapped little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate on Friday in a startling selection on the eve of the Republican National Convention.

Two senior campaign officials disclosed McCain's decision a few hours before the Republican presidential nominee-to-be and his newly-minted running mate appeared at a rally in swing-state Ohio.

Palin, like McCain, is a conservative with a maverick streak who has shown a willingness to clash with others in her own party. A self-styled hockey mom and political reformer, she has been governor of her state less than two years.

Palin's selection shocked numerous Republican officials.

At 44, Palin is a generation younger that Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, who is Barack Obama's running mate on the Democratic ticket.

She is three years Obama's junior, as well - and McCain has made much in recent weeks of Obama's relative lack of experience in foreign policy and defense matters.

In making his pick, McCain passed over several more prominent prospects who had figured in speculation for months - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge among them.

Palin flew overnight to an airport in Ohio near Dayton, and even as she awaited her formal introduction, some aides said they had believed she was at home in Alaska.

She is a former mayor of Wasilla who became governor of her state in December, 2006 after ousting a governor of her own party in a primary and then dispatching a former governor in the general election.

More recently, she has come under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper.

The timing of McCain's selection appeared designed to limit any political gain Obama yields from his own convention, which ended Thursday night with his nominating acceptance speech before an estimated 84,000 in Invesco Field in Colorado.

Public opinion polls show a close race between Obama and McCain, and with scarcely two months remaining until the election, neither contender can allow the other to jump out to a big post-convention lead.

McCain has had months to consider his choice, and has made it clear to reporters that one of his overriding goals was to avoid a situation like the one in 1988, when Dan Quayle was thrown into a national campaign with little preparation.

Palin has a long history of run-ins with the Alaska GOP hierarchy, giving her genuine maverick status and reformer credentials that could complement McCain's image.

Two years ago, she ousted the state's Republican incumbent governor, Frank Murkowski in the primary, despite having little money and little establishment backing.

She has also distanced herself from two senior Republican office-holders, sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don young. Both men are under federal corruption investigations.

She had earned stripes - and enmity - after Murkowski made her head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. From that post, she exposed ethical violations by the state GOP chairman, also a fellow commissioner.

She and her husband Todd Palin, have five children. The latest, a baby, was born with Down syndrome.
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer

Wonder if there is a age difference limit between Pres and VP? laugh.gif

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 29th Aug, 2008 - 3:33pm

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

29th Aug, 2008 - 3:49pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin History & Civil Business Politics

More recently, she has come under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper.

That is funny, if it is true then we already know that she loves the power and is unafraid to use it. Look out males in the US you are in trouble! Here some on her;

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International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3243 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 29th Aug, 2008 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palin Sarah

DENVER - John McCain taps little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate on Friday in a startling selection on the eve of the Republican National Convention.

Two senior campaign officials disclosed McCain's decision a few hours before the Republican presidential nominee-to-be and his newly-minted running mate appeared at a rally in swing-state Ohio.

Palin, like McCain, is a conservative with a maverick streak who has shown a willingness to clash with others in her own party. A self-styled hockey mom and political reformer, she has been governor of her state less than two years. Ref. Associated Press - August 29, 2008

Post Date: 29th Aug, 2008 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin
A Friend

Palin Sarah

I think the more I hear about her the more impressed I am with her. I think she will make a excellent VP.

30th Aug, 2008 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin

If you are socially conservative she is a fine pick
She is Pro-life, A member of the NRA, a mother of 5, willing to tap into oil in our own country. (I do not know much more about her, so I will have to research)

And best of all she is not a Washington insider.

One of the biggest rips on her is that she was a major for a city with "only" 9000 people. Since when is living in a small town been a bad thing. I actually appreciate the fact that we may have someone in Washington who has experience in a small town. She will be a little more grounded in my opinion. We need to have more people in our federal Government who have not been corrupted by the Washington machine. In my opinion Palin will inject a newer perspective into political mix of Washington.

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30th Aug, 2008 - 12:15am / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin

I wonder how she will cope because she is also a young mother of 5 children. The youngest is only 4 months old and has Down Syndrome.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

30th Aug, 2008 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Sarah Palin Politics Business Civil & History

Interesting choice - she has less experience than Obama, is very young, has five kids (one with Down's Syndrome that she chose to keep even after genetic testing confirmed it in early pregnancy****), is an NRA member, has a reputation for going against the "big oil" buddies and taking on corruption in government - even against her own GOP peers. Whew!

But is she a replacement for Hillary? Hardly. Gender alone doesn't cut it. I'm not saying I like HRC, but for disenchanted HRC loyalists, Palin doesn't even compare as far as experience and connections... Perhaps those who would vote for a woman no matter what would be automatic, but truly dedicated HRC fans won't be easily convinced to change from Democratic to Republican voting.

My personal opinion? I'll need more info to make a decision. Frankly, both tickets are lacking. How can we choose from inadequate and inadequate? As Vincenzo said in another thread: "I'd rather vote for myself."

Rather off topic, but...
****I'm not saying that people should terminate pregnancy when they know that their children have Down's Syndrome or other debilitating conditions. I'm merely pointing out that many people do, and she had the courage to stay the course and rejoice in her child.

Reconcile Edited: FarSeer on 30th Aug, 2008 - 2:19am

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

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