Mexico Hermosillo Mission

Mexico Hermosillo Mission - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 25th Mar, 2018 - 1:22am

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Mision Mexico Hermosillo
28th May, 2014 - 7:38pm / Post ID: #

Mexico Hermosillo Mission

Mision Mexico Hermosillo

We used to have a small alumni site for the Mision Mexico Hermosillo but have since moved the content here. This site covers the return missionaries from the Mexico Hermosillo Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in both English and Spanish.

Este sitio cubre los misioneros retornados de la Misión Mexico Hermosillo de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias en ambos idiomas Ingles y Español.

This site is NOT an official representation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints nor its mission(S). The content, graphics, and links are the responsibility of the designers and those who have joined the alumni. The views herein are solely the thoughts of those that are part of the alumni or the designers. This site seeks to bring together those who served / lives within the boundaries of the above titled mission to share positive experiences that will uplift all those that view. For official information from the Church please go to: Source 7

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Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Mission Hermosillo Mexico

Mexico Hermosillo Mission Presidentes / Presidents

Picture provided by: Hermana Valenzuela of herself and Pres. & Sister Valdez

Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Mexico Hermosillo Mission Studies Doctrine Mormon

Sister Missionaries

Hermana Laura Elsa Valenzuela

Hermana Domínguez

Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 7:51pm / Post ID: #

Mission Hermosillo Mexico

Misión/Mission y Templo/Temple

Apartado Postal 557
Hermosillo, Sonora, C.P. 83000

(011-52-62) 141-502

Esto fue recibido de parte de la Hna. Domínguez:

"Lo copie en un museo de Sonora ( es una provincia en Mexico donde se encuentra la misión Mexico-Hermosillo), me gustó mucho porque en cierta manera nosotros como misioneros tambien habíamos hecho un juramento similar y debíamos luchar por una causa común haciendo a una lado muchas otras cosas que estimábamos mucho."

"Los Yaquis"

"Para tí no habrá ya sol
para tí no habrá ya noche
para tí no habrá ya muerte
para tí no habrá ya dolor
para tí no habrá ya calor
Ni sed,
Ni hambre,
Ni aire,
Ni enfermedades,
Ni familia Nada podrá atemorizarte
Todo(Laugh)concluido para ti,
excepto una cosa:
el cumplimiento del deber en el puesto que te designe,
allí quedarás por la defensa de tu nación,
de tu pueblo,
de tu raza,
de tus costumbres,
de tu religión"
"Juras cumplir con el mandato divino?"
Con estas palabras los capitanes yaquis otorgan la investidura militar a los oficiales del ejercito. Los nuevos caballeros bajando la cabeza responden
"¡Ehui! " (¡Si!)

"Back in the late 1970's many of the missionaries had difficulty getting Mexican Visas and as a result I spent 5 months in the United States before arriving in Hermosillo. The mission then included from Culiacan up north to Tijuana and over to La Paz. Verle M. Allred served as Mission President. I worked in four cities: Culiacan (Junior/Senior Companion), Tecate (Senior), Hermosillo (District Leader) and Los Mochis (Zone Leader). I had many great experiences with my companions and other members of the church, as well as those that we taught and baptized. I hope that those whom we taught are still strong and active members. I am happy to see that in the past 22 years, the church has grown tremendously and that there are now many missions and temples for the Mexican people to enjoy."
-- Russell W. Wallace, Tecate, August, 1978

Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 7:54pm / Post ID: #

Mission Hermosillo Mexico

Esta es la portada de una caja de zapatos que son fabricados en Caborca ( un lugar de Sonora) la Hna. Domínguez lo adaptó con el nombre de la misión y una escritura que representaba a la Misión por la temperatura tan alta.

Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 7:55pm / Post ID: #

Mexico Hermosillo Mission


Announced: July 20, 1998.
Ground Broken: December 5, 1998.
Dedicated: February 27, 2000.
Dedicated By: Gordon B. Hinckley.
Location: Garcia Conde yJuan Jose Rios in Colonia Pitic.
Site: Temple Design: Modern Classic.
Rooms: 2 ordinance and 2 sealing. Square Feet: 8,600.
Members Serviced: 46,200; 11 stakes and 6 districts.

Dedicated by President Gordon B. Hinckley, 27 February 2000

international QUOTE
Dear Father in Heaven,
Thou Almighty God, we thank Thee for the opportunity to meet this day in Thy sacred temple and dedicate it unto Thee and to Thy Beloved Son as the House of the Lord. It is sacred to us, the place where holy ordinances will be administered for both the living and the dead. Here will be exercised the only authority on earth which reaches beyond the veil of death and is efficacious in the worlds beyond. How thankful we are to have in our midst this sacred and beautiful edifice. In the name of Jesus Christ, and in the authority of Thy divine priesthood we dedicate to Thee and to Thy Son this the Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We present it to Thee with love and pray that Thou will accept it and sanctify and bless it as the consecrated gift of our hands and our hearts. May Thy divine presence be felt here. May Thy Holy Spirit touch the hearts of all who serve here. May it be a place of refuge from the noise and tumult of the world. May it be a place of quiet peace to all who come within its portals. We dedicate the grounds, together with the structure from the footings to the crowning statue of Moroni. We dedicate all of the facilities of this Thy holy house. May no evil hand ever defile it. May it be preserved from the forces of nature. May it be a structure of beauty, a crowning gem in this great city. We are grateful that the officials of government have permitted its construction, and that it is now completed and ready to be presented to Thee. Bless all who shall use it, and may they be very many. It is Thy house and we know that Thou wilt be pleased if it is kept busy with the sacred work for which it was designed. May it be a place of holiness to all who cross its portals. We thank Thee for the faith of Thy Saints throughout the world whose tithes and offerings have contributed to this building. Keep Thine ancient promises to the faithful. Shower blessings upon them. Crown their lives with a testimony of the truth of this Thy holy work. Bless Thy Saints throughout the earth that they may "Look to Thee and live." May they have cause to rejoice in Thy goodness. Favor them with faith and testimony and great joy as they walk in faithfulness before Thee. We pray for this great nation of Mexico which has permitted the messengers of eternal truth to serve among its people. May it rise in splendor among the nations of the earth. May Thy work here flourish and grow ever stronger among the good people of this land. Dear Father, we pray for Thy work in all the earth that it may grow and strengthen and move forward as a great wave across the sea. May its numbers increase. May it come to be known everywhere for the tremendous good which it does. May it be welcomed by those who stand in positions of power. We recognize our dependence upon Thee. Thou art the source of all of our blessings, and in reverence and love we thank Thee. May we ever be mindful of the great atoning sacrifice made by Thy Son in behalf of all men. Accept of our love for Thee and for Him and let Thy peace distill upon us as the dews from heaven we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

(Church News, 4 March 2000)

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Post Date: 28th May, 2014 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Mexico Hermosillo Mission

Mexico Hermosillo Mission Alumni - Return Missionaries

History: Email addresses used to be displayed here, but due to the amount of email harvesting, spammers and constant changing of email addresses we felt it best to automate the system by allowing the alumni to open their own accounts and profiles, in this way they can update their information anytime they like, upload a picture, chat, etc.

1973 - 1975
Howard Moline

1975 - 1977
Adam Robert Sessions

1976 - 1978
Martin Jay Busby

1977 - 1979
Russell W. Wallace

1978 - 1980
Keith Haven John

1979 - 1981
Christopher Charles Clark

1981 - 1983
Daniel Melendez
Raul Estrada

1982 - 1984
Miguel Duran

1984 - 1986
Michael Claridge
Samuel Castillo

1985 - 1987
Abraham Rodriguez
Evodio de la Rosa Torres

1987 - 1989
Marcelino González Beltrán

1989 - 1991
Laura Elsa Valenzuela Ontiveros

1990 - 1992
Matthew Philip Nolan
Brian Nicholas Schickedanz
Victor Manuel Flores Malpica
Matthew Philip Nolan
Kathy Gallardo

1994 - 1996
Ivonne Susana Domínguez Ramírez
Frinee Guadalupe Santillán Richaud
Ignacio Mota Coello
Jorge Velázquez Montes
Kevin Harwood

1995 - 1997
Rebecca Grace Erekson

1996 - 1998
John Derek Thornton
Marlow Dahl

1997 - 1999
Seth Robert Wright

1998 - 2000
Nelson Ariel Cabrera Fuentes
Victor Manuel Flores Malpica
McKay Scott Johnson

Post Date: 25th Mar, 2018 - 1:22am / Post ID: #

Mexico Hermosillo Mission Mormon Doctrine Studies

Name: Barrn

Comments: Estoy en Chicago y me gustara visitar a un compaero de misin en Hermosillo 1973-1975 su nombre Elder Johnston de Chicago, Illinois es todo lo que recuerdo estuve aqu con su familia 1976 Su mam Charlotte y una hermana Mary. No recuerdo ms. Si alguien tiene informacin por favor comunicrmelo.

> TOPIC: Mexico Hermosillo Mission


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