Mon, 10th March, 2025 - 6:51 pm GMT
About Future Earth
Welcome to our International Scifi RPG (Role-Playing Game)
Future Earth RPG was created by an experienced GM (Game master) that made hundreds of scenarios for community players of science fiction RPGs as well as Mega Traveller.
The RPGs here are all custom built and have special rules that are kept simple to emphasize in character involvement. The storyline and plots are very detailed and is based on brains and wit more than just hack and kill, therefore a more mature and experienced player will better survive.
First of all let me explain something. We want serious players for the text based games, NOT those that are just 'passing through' or teeny boopers. Also you should be the kind of person that likes to read and participate otherwise you will not enjoy yourself in the text based game.
There are many ways to play RPGs in the World of Medieval. We have a useful wizard if you need it:
Should you be here?
On this page you start the process to create a character that you control in one of the RPG boards. Please make sure to take the time to read, understand and then create your character. If you do not, you will be ignored for sure as we have a lot on our plate. Before you even begin you need to:
Join our Community and post your Introduction
2. Make 30 Constructive Posts
3. Have an activity rating of 75%
If you have done points 1-3 above then continue...
If you are a member of the Community, but did not get RPG status then make sure you meet the requirements and then contact admin via the forum (contact link is at the bottom of this page).
If you have RPGer status (request it) in the Community then continue...
If you do not even know what the Community is about then go join - it is FREE! Click Here! When you join you will be expected to at least post 30 positive messages in the forum before your status is adjusted to RPG. If you have done all of the above then continue...
Copy the following info into a text file and then fill it in.
If you need some explanation then check the KEY below the form.
------- Start of Copy --------
RPG: Future Earth
Level: 0
Special Skills:
Please show your equipment and next to it the amount of that item (NOT the cost) in this sample format:
Binoculars 1
Backpack 1
Total: 150 credits for all items
Balance: 3850 credits
------- End of Copy --------
KEY - This side is explanation only. Do not copy this.
RPG: Future Earth - The name of the RPG you wish to play. Leave as is.
Alias: Your character's name, must not be more than 8 letters or numbers combined.
Role: Choose either Mercenary, Flyer, Researcher, Engineer or Merchant, see:
Level: Your starting level is 0
You have a combined total of 30 points - distribute them how you wish among Body, Mind and Soul.
Example: Body 10, Mind 13, Soul 7.
You cannot add more than 18 to either Body, Mind, or Soul.
Body is your health and strength. Mind is your intelligence. Soul is your wisdom.
Armor: Set based on what you purchase (GM will do this for you)
Health: Set based on Body (GM will do this for you)
Special Skills: This is where you show BOTH your major (default) skills and your minor skills (the ones you choose). Choose two (or more depending on your mind level) from the following (Note: Bonus skills only applies to 10+ Mind):
See the
Skills List
To see Default Skills based on your chosen role:
Equipment: Set based on what you purchase - go to the plaza and select what you want... you have 4000 credits to start. Please make sure to ADD CORRECT!
When you are finished go to the
Future Earth Board located on the forum and post it in the 'Create New Character Here thread'. Make sure you fill in all fields, you will not get a second chance!