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Our web site(s) ONLY acts as a portal and provides a method for chatters to find other persons seeking friendship or good conversation, and does not research the persons entering it for any reasons including suitability, stability, safety, or sanity. It is the responsibility of each user of the site to investigate the persons whom they choose to have contact with as a result of registering on or browsing through this web site.

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If you see someone's web site or agent or email claiming to be from Borde Global Impact Designs(r) you may always ask for confirmation and/or assistance for verification by Contacting Us.

By registering you also understand and agree that the web host, designers, Borde Global Impact Designs (r) (Reg. Trinidad & Tobago) and all other persons and businesses affiliated with this site cannot be held responsible for short falls in online time where the site is down for maintenance, host failure or database lost. The internet is not just one individual but many people, computers and networks, all of these have to work continuously and efficiently to provide you with this web site.

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All images, text, and graphics on our sites are copyrighted and belong to Borde Global Impact Designs (r) and are not to be copied electronically or in print. Images will usually have the following embedded in it: 'copyright(c)', 'BGID(r)', 'Borde Global Impact Designs(c)', and/or '(c)' to signify our ownership or joint ownership.

Some images may be public domain or licensed purchases, but in either case you have to acquire your own and not use those that you see on our sites unless specifically stated by us as in the case of web ring banners or demo downloads, but even these have rules for use on their respective web site. It is always recommended that you Contact Us about using any of the content on our sites. Other scripts or special codes are the property of those indicated.

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All chatters should be dignified in their use of words with each other. Racial, profane, vulgar, or degrading comments will not be tolerated and you may be banned from the room. This chat is logged along with your IP.

For those of you who are seeking a clean room to chat in this is it! There are certain security features enabled that watch what a chatter is 'typing' and 'edits' where necessary. In addition to this we have friendly moderators to help you if you are not sure how to use the room.

If you have questions you can Contact Us.

NOTE: Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

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If you received an Email from us and you are not on our list, its not because we spammed it, but because we saw your site and or Email address online and thought there may be some common interests. We DO NOT use mail bots that sparse the net for random Email addresses.

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"Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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