Please Read:
This section allows you to create your own SRD which is short for "System Reference Document". This feature is attached to the Text RPG Creator thus aiding you, the Game Master, to add specific links to Player Manuals or create custom Rules unique to your system.
Important: The information you add here is your responsibility. It should only contain content that is legit, legal and accessible via open terms / licensing by the original copyright holders. You should not link to or copy any illegal material.
No affiliate links or promotion of other sites! Yes, you can link to other sites, but you link to the actual information based on your RPG rather than use it as a means to show off another site or your own personal Blog, etc.
In any case your SRD is subject to approval and will be vetted before being made public. If the content is your own home brew then be sure to distinguish it as such.
Home brew material is welcomed! To start your own SRD requires 15 FP and 30 Core Posts. Ready to start?
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