Why You Should Join This Community

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A Brief Video Explanation:

Your Administrators are coders, designers and experienced gamers! We have been around for 18+ years! Unlike other places we can actually code something right there on the spot - just like that!

We eliminate the spam, trolls and nonsense to provide a place that allows constructive Role-playing Games and 'talk'. We want everyone to enjoy themselves, it does not make sense to be using something and consistently complaining about it (Trolling). Hence, we do listen to constructive criticism and improve codes, layouts and so forth for those genuinely interested in seeing the Community grow.

It is also important to understand what International Discussions is all about. Many join the Community with misguided beliefs that it is X or Y and become frustrated when certain things don't work for them like another social network or what they envisioned. This is a writing Community, it runs on a compilation of custom codes that make up a Forum of many Boards. There are people from all over the world with different backgrounds, religions, cultures and perspectives. Whereas you may be accustomed with people from a certain locality, thinking or area in this Community you get input from everywhere all at once!

We have laid the foundation to help everyone get along, understand each other, and agree / disagree without wars being launched. The policies help you to expand and expound in a safe environment - it is not a restriction and should not be seen that way. International Discussions is a collaborative writing effort which means your input into any Topic, RPG or review adds to the growth and knowledge of everyone else that reads it.

Why Join

International Input

First of all, to join and participate is free! This is an International gathering of constructive writers from all over the world, their main interest is Constructive Discussion free from petty content so prevalent on popular social networks. Topics can be anything related to Politics, Religion, Medical Issues, Diseases, Psychology, Relationships, etc. We also have fun stuff like Role-Playing Games, Arcade, etc.

This is a writing Community. People want to know about your experience and / or opinion but they want to read it focused on the Discussion and not going off into tangents. International Discussions has unique guidelines to help structure communication so it is orderly and logical. This eliminates whimsical nonsense that is so prevelant on the internet.

The way a Community / Forum works is based on Bot intuitive information gathering and Member participation. In other words, you do not join to read only, but to also contribute to what others have written by adding your thoughts through what are known as "Posts" or "Messages". Just Some of the 100s of Features within this Site:

No directed insults or derogatory content. We welcome Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, Hindus, Catholics, etc. No Disrespect is shown, no silly rants and nonsense is tolerated so you can expect a higher level of reading than can otherwise be found on most Forums.

We cater for a more thoughtful audience, this means topics tend to be more constructive because of our strict Constructive Posting Policy.

Our Community is visually responsive. This means it works well on both Desktop computers, laptops and mobiles. In the past we used very graphic intense visualization which was nice to look at but difficult for new Members to use. There is not a lot of clutter and where a lot of content is needed it is often placed on a separate page. You have the ability to create your own profile and build friendship world wide. Track your Posts and CPosts, get Forum Points and apply it to features.

Free custom built RPGs (Role-Playing games), based on a Medieval theme like Pathfinder or D&D as well as Future, MMORPGs, etc.

Some More Features


Have you ever wondered what it is like to survive in a Tropical Forest or the Arctic? Come check our Survival Board. If you are interested in Military Tactics we have that too!


Into Cars or Motorbikes? What about Boats, Trains and Planes? We have great sections on those, plus you can create your own ATV profile to show it off!


Every Sport imaginable is discussed. We also have specific Boards for World Cup Football (Soccer), NFL and even a way for you to place your forecast!


Reading & Writing is a big part of our Community and we review many books and writing styles. If you are a very good writer you can also help us with our online Medieval Times interactive story. Or you can share your Poetry with us.

Comics & Anime

Who says adults are too old for Comics? You will see us analyze your favorite super hero as though it were an algorithm.


Wondering about why someone does something the way they do? Concerned about Romance? In our Psychology & Relationship Boards we try to understand it.

Substance Abuse Recovery

Tell us about yours and get the support from those who went through the same thing


Get tips on how best to go about starting your own pedigree.

Even More!


We discuss International Politics of every kind without getting nasty or hateful. Socialism, Communism, Democracy, Libertarian values, etc. International News, Business and Historical Profiles are also covered.


Whether it is about Travel, Airlines or the happenings in Trinidad & Tobago, we discuss it here with tips from people who have been all over the world. Chat with others using our lightning fast flash interface.


The best Text Based RPGs on the net are played here by people who are serious about their character and the roles they play. You will not find more detailed Text Based RPGs anywhere else.


Are you a Model or aspiring to be one? Then here is a place you can learn about some parts of it without the silly scams. Also try our Health and Exercise Boards for tips!


Get honest Movie reviews without the hype from people that have viewed them from across the globe. Also we have specific comments on Actors.


What kind of Music do you like? Do you like Rock, Rap, Jazz or Classical? It does not matter what your ear finds desirable, since we cover them all! We also have a section where you can share your music with us.


We cover many Cultures and every Religion within our Community from Islam to Catholicism, Shinto to Hinduism, Judaism to Agnostic views. Use our Bible Search to find the scripture you have been looking for a long time. If you are interested in the Quran you will find a search for this too. In fact there are specific Boards on Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Mystics, etc.

Mormon Doctrine

If you are a Return Missionary or interested in discussing the LDS Doctrine in a clean respectable manner then this is the place! Also a FREE section for LDS Singles.

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