George P. Lee plead not guilty, I wonder why? I mean, it seems he has not registered as a sex offender since 2001...Well....He is going to trial now.
An excommunicated general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has pleaded not guilty to a charge of failing to register as a sex offender. George Patrick Lee, 64, was arraigned in St George's 5th District Court on Thursday on the class A misdemeanor charge. According to court minutes, the judge set the case for trial and Lee indicated he would hire his own attorney. Lee was arrested by Washington County Sheriff's deputies earlier this week after they received a tip. Deputies claim he had not updated his information on the registry since 2001. He had been convicted of attempted sex abuse of a child in 1994 and sentenced to 18 months probation. In 1989, Lee was a member of the LDS Church's First Quorum of the Seventy when he was excommunicated for "apostasy and other conduct unbecoming a member of the church." |
I did not know that about Lee, all the time I thought it was doctrinal issues. I am sure that was a real disappointment for the Church, not only because of his position, but because he had the chance to truly represent his people. His latet mug shots make him look like a hobo.
I was a bit disappointed that the statement given by the Church was kind of misleading when it said he was excommunicated for "apostasy and other conduct unbecoming a member of the church." It almost make it sound as Apostasy was the main reason. If they did not want to share the reason for his excommunication (which is fine to me, disciplinary councils should be kept privately), they should not have mentioned Apostasy, period.
The sickening part of this case is that Lee abused this girl for three years while in Conference trips! What a sicko!
I don't see the release by the Church on why Lee was excommunicated as being deceptive in any manner. I had no idea why he had been excommunicated, but certainly child molestation is "apostasy" and conduct unbecoming of a member.
And this site, https://www.childpro.org/ldscases.htm, I would not take as an unbiased reporter of the facts. It characterizes the LDS Church in a negative light several times, referring to its "kooky" religion.
Sure there are plenty of bad Mormons out there. And it's little surprise with the changes the Church has made to protect children from the bad among us. But I do think that too often we hear one side of the story, and do not hear the other one, e.g., the bishop told my son this and wasn't that terrible!
In short, I think that too often our clergy are not prepared for the circumstances they are faced with. And often they attempt to solve problems using the Spirit, without taking necessary precautions first (like obeying the law). Salt Lake has set up hotlines where the priesthood leaders can direct these issues.
Remember, we have a priesthood of volunteers who come from various occupations/backgrounds (including the thousands of missionaries we send out). With the Church as large as it is, I'd say that we're doing okay. And consider the overwhelming reputation for good that our youth show forth as a whole, compared to the common problems of those kids our youth grow up with. Edited: tortdog on 29th Aug, 2007 - 1:11pm
Note: I assume this is on-topic as it discusses George Lee's crimes and is excommunication. If not, I can move it to a new topic.
I did a little research on the circumstances involving the excommunication of Elder Lee by the Church. My wife expressed her belief that it was connected with his doubt on the Book of Mormon.
This article gives the reason as being a condemnation by Elder Lee of the entire Church and its presiding officers for:
* racism
* pride
* love of power
* no sense [of] obligation to the poor, needy and afflicted and
* love of money.
And the charges relating to child molestation were some five years AFTER his excommunication. There is no hint that the Church was ever aware of this conduct by Lee.
I am fully aware of his views on the Brethren as well as the harsh letters he wrote to Pres. Benson, nevertheless I do think the Brethren knew about his involvement in this case because he admitted that the First Presidency accused him of "polygamy" as well as "immorality". BUT yes, probably his views on the Brethren was the real cause of his excommunication.
I hope members of the Church learn a lesson with this case as well. Just because someone is called to be a General Authority or even an Apostle, does not mean the person is somehow "free of sin" and everything that comes out from their mouth need to be followed as "doctrine". They are MEN just like WE are.
Oh yes, I do. In the 60's and 70's some Bishops used to ignore child molestation allegations, and they are now many bitter victims of the "blindness" of some of the leaders.
As a mother, I want to know how to protect my children and even though it is true those who are involved in these type of crimes are usually excommunicated and they cannot longer have callings that involve children or youth, the Church leadership does NOT work like that every where in the world and I have seen that right here where I live. So yes, I do think in child molestation cases as well as "predators" of any kind, the Church leadership should let the membership know about it.
Rather off topic, but... Take the example of this excommunicated member who attends my Branch. His wife is a leader in the District. He committed fraud to several members of the Church, some of them even sued him. The leadership never made mention the fact he uses the Church meetings to meet new people and do his "business deals". It is heartbreaking to see NEW members talking to this guy and you know he is going to steal from them. He even came once after Church with a machete and threatened a Counselor (in front of everybody). Do you think the police was called? Do you think the leaders made mention of the incident? Not at all! You should read some of our rants here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....6590&hl=commune I suggest you to read all the pages so you will know where I am coming from. |