Another Mormon Connection To A Heinous Crime - Page 7 of 14

*sigh* My heart goes out to the victim and - Page 7 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 6th Sep, 2008 - 3:43am

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13th Mar, 2008 - 1:09am / Post ID: #

Another Mormon Connection To A Heinous Crime - Page 7

This is for those who think that only men are "predators". Unfortunately, even WOMEN in the Church are. In this case, also a Church leader. *shaking head*

LDS Young Women's Leader Sentenced for Sexual Abuse

A Rexburg woman, and reported LDS Young Women's leader will spend at least 6 months in prison for sexually abusing a girl under the age of 16.

Monday, 36 Year-old Adele Marie Dye was sentenced for soliciting a minor to participate in a sexual act.

Three teenagers, including the victim told the judge that Dye wanted them to climb into her bed, fit them for bras, and told them about her sexual relations with her husband.

At the end of her 180 days, the judge will decide if she should spend 3-9 years in prison.

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17th Mar, 2008 - 7:41pm / Post ID: #

Crime Heinous To Connection Mormon Another

*sigh* After reading the story of the LDS Young Women leader accused of sexual assault as well as last week an LDS father of 10 and handicapped man accused of several accounts of rape, I am reading this story I find absolutely disgusting particularly how the first Bishop dealt with this issue (which was a VERY common approach by the Church at that time) How many kids could have been saved of the abuse if a police report was made! But no, instead they give him a calling to work with children! *sigh*

People like him do not recuperate, I do not believe pedophiles can.

Read all the article if you can finish it....

Robert Michael Tubbs used two of the most trusted titles in the community to prey on teenage boys.

As a Scoutmaster, he sodomized four brothers ages 12 to 17 for more than a year. As a baseball coach, he molested "five or six" boys on his team, he doesn't recall the exact number.

Tubbs, 56, went to prison for aggravated sexual abuse of a child in the case involving the siblings. He never told authorities about the other victims.

Until two weeks ago, Tubbs was one of nearly 1,900 sex offenders at the Utah State Prison.

On March 4 - about 15 years after he committed the crime for which he was sentenced - Tubbs was released from prison to a supervised halfway house in Ogden.

In his parole agreement he agrees to stay away from children. He has a 9 p.m. curfew for 30 days. He will be under close supervision by a parole agent who can visit him and search his home, car, computer or body at any time. He'll go to sex offender treatment and mental health therapy. He won't look at pornography, date anyone with kids or hang out with other cons without express permission of his parole officer.

In a parole hearing last month, Cheryl Hansen, a member of Utah's Board of Pardons and Parole, asked him outright: "Are you going to be able to not victimize?"

"Yes," Tubbs told the hearing officer. "I will not victimize children."

But interviews with Tubbs and his therapist in prison and a review of documents on his case reveal a 30-year trail of abuse and what Tubbs calls "deviant behavior."

In 1973, shortly after returning home from an LDS Church mission to Japan, he began coaching a baseball team made up of 14- to 16-year-old boys from scattered towns in western Weber County.

He singled out a handful of players to grope and sodomize, mostly in his car after practice or games. He bought them hamburgers and took them to movies in exchange for their silence. He relied on their loyalty to keep quiet, and they apparently did.

Authorities never prosecuted Tubbs. He revealed his secret to no one except an LDS bishop whom he says told him to refrain from the conduct and advised him to see a counselor at LDS Social Services.

Tubbs, though, thought he could do it alone because "strong men don't need help." He clenched his teeth and went into what he calls "white-knuckle remission."

"It didn't work, that's for sure," Tubbs told reporters in an interview.

For the next decade, he worked, served in his church and dated. He said he avoided situations that would put him around teenage boys.

"When I got married, I thought, 'Things should be OK.'"

But after he wed in an LDS temple at age 32, the church assigned him and his wife to work with children in the ward. He found himself leading a Scout troop. Tubbs says he had a "normal" sex life with his wife. He figured he could handle being around teenage boys.

Despite growing confusion over his own sexuality, he says he didn't abuse any boys then. During that decade, he rose to the ranks of a district Scout leader.

Tubbs became acquainted with his victims - four brothers ages 12 to 17 - through the Order of the Arrow, the Boy Scouts of America brotherhood of select young men who best exemplify the Scout oath and law, which includes terms like trustworthy, loyal and kind. Tubbs was an area leader.

The boys were from a family with 13 children. "It clicked that there must be someone in this family where there would be some vulnerabilities," he said.

In separate incidents, he groped and sodomized the boys from June 1992 to August 1993. At age 17, as one of the victims was preparing for an LDS mission, the boy told his bishop about the abuse. The church leader called the police and Tubbs was arrested.

"I was relieved actually," he said. "Then there were no more secrets. I could at last be more honest....

11th Jul, 2008 - 2:38am / Post ID: #

Another Mormon Connection To A Heinous Crime Studies Doctrine Mormon

I wonder how much money will the Church pay before this case get any further? It seems they are not willing to settle.

A Lawrence-area woman is alleging that the Mormon church failed to conduct a background check on a convicted sex offender, who went on to molest her 9-year-old son in 2004 while baby-sitting the boy at the church's Methuen branch.

In a lawsuit filed in Essex Superior Court in Lawrence, the mother also alleges that church leaders tried to persuade her not to press charges against the sex offender, a Dracut man who had served a year in a Maine prison for a sex crime 22 years earlier, and refused to cooperate with a police investigation into the assault on her son.

Her lawsuit says that but for the church's alleged negligence, the boy would not have been molested, and that he now suffers from post-traumatic stress and other psychological disorders. The mother is asking for an unspecified amount of damages.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints denies the allegations. In a response to the lawsuit, filed June 25, the church said it "is not a proper defendant" in the case.

Its lawyer, Harold W. Potter Jr., said the boy was abused, but denied the church had responsibility for it. "The church, while it recognizes that something like this is tragic for the victim, it doesn't feel that the church itself did anything wrong," Potter said last week.

The lawsuit refers to the victim as John Doe and his mother as Mother Doe. The Globe's policy is not to name victims in sexual abuse cases without their consent.

Liam C. Floyd, a lawyer for the accusers, said he has advised the mother and her son, now age 13, not to discuss the case. Floyd declined to elaborate.

Potter acknowledged that the Dracut man, Kevin Curlew, volunteered at the church and may have supervised children.

Curlew "was a member like anybody else and . . . volunteered to do various things within the church," he said. However, he added, while "every church hopes that all of their members are wonderful, law-abiding citizens," any church "has members who sadly you find out later were not."

Potter said that the church did not perform a criminal background check on Curlew, and that it would be unusual for any church to do so. "I don't think you could find a church in the United States that does [criminal background] checks on its members," he said.

After the church found out about the crime, Potter said the church immediately excommunicated Curlew, while church leaders "did everything they could" to help the boy and his mother. Church leaders "offered the family counseling," Potter said.

He also said the church reported the crime promptly to the state Department of Social Services, as required by law, and cooperated completely with Methuen police.

"There was a trial of Mr. Curlew, and the church was prepared to be there and testify at the trial, and, as it turned out in the end, the assistant district attorney decided it wasn't necessary," Potter said.

The lawsuit, filed in May, is against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, called the Mormon church or LDS, based in Salt Lake City; its Methuen branch; two local male members of the church; and Curlew.

The complaint says that in the 1980s,the mother joined the church in San Diego, and participated in it until she divorced her husband. In 2002, she moved with her children to the Lawrence area. She then became a member of the church in Methuen.

During her visits to regular women members' meetings, other members at the church watched her son, the complaint says. It says Curlew volunteered as a church baby-sitter and was allowed to be alone with the boy, contrary to church policy, which required at least two adults to be present when watching children.

According to the complaint, in 1981 Curlew had been convicted of a sexual misdemeanor, in Maine, for which he served one year of a four-year sentence.

During the summer and fall of 2004, Curlew molested the boy several times in the church bathroom, the complaint says...

11th Jul, 2008 - 5:24am / Post ID: #

Page 7 Crime Heinous To Connection Mormon Another

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 13-Dec 07, 7:47 AM)
The Colorado shooter who killed four people and wounded several others at two Christian Churches in Colorado was an LDS member baptized a year ago. A.J. Ormond was there the day Matthew Murray was baptized. He says he immediately noticed a change; Murray seemed happy, calm, at peace. It was a demeanor that changed dramatically in just a year.

"Ormond describes Murray as polite and friendly, a young man who, despite his family's protests, was seriously contemplating devoting his life to the LDS Church. Murray's experience with the LDS Church culminated with his baptism. Soon after, he stopped going to church; and just a little over a year later, Murray was dead from a self-inflicted gunshot to his head following a shootout with a security guard...

This young man was obviously suffering from a mental illness.

I find it interesting, after reading through this topic, that people are "shocked" to think that "members of the Church" could commit such horrendous crimes. First, members of the Church are people with human frailties and weaknesses. They are as susceptible to temptations as anyone. Second, EVERYONE who commits a crime is connected with some religion or another - but do you ever hear about the presbyterian man who molested the next door neighbor's kid? Or the Baptist who was arrested for lewd behavior? Rarely, if ever. You only see mention of the accused criminal's religion if they are LDS or in recent times, Catholic. These crimes are not happening at any higher rate within the Church than in any other population - it is just brought to the forefront when they mention that this was a "mormon" or "return missionary." These crimes mentioned are such a minute percentage of these types of crimes. Unfortunately, many, many more occur that do not get reported by the news media because they don't make as good of copy when it is not a "mormon" involved.
The crime is the alarming rate these heinous crimes are occurring. Particularly the crimes against children. The increase, in part, is that they are being reported more than in the past. Keeping these things hushed was a cultural practice because it was such a taboo topic. It was not the Church necessarily that tried to keep things under wraps, but society as a whole. The lesson to learn is that these crimes are happening, those responsible should be punished. It really makes no different what the perpetrator's religious affiliation is - if they did the crime, they do the time!
As has been mentioned - as parents, we need to know where our children are and who has access to them. It is our responsibility to protect our children.

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16th Jul, 2008 - 12:30pm / Post ID: #

Crime Heinous To Connection Mormon Another

For me, it does matter a lot their religion affiliation specially when those committing these crimes sometimes are Church leaders and we are counseled to trust them.

Personally, just because someone is a member of the Church does not give them in the least a free "trust" pass in my books.

Look at this case, it is truly unfortunate.

SALT LAKE CITY - A Utah senior citizen is trying to find out exactly what happened to her life savings -- which totaled $1.2 million -- that she entrusted as an investment to a member of her local LDS ward.

It's a case that came to the attention of 2News and investigative reporter Bill Gephardt.

With the money gone and no success in getting it back, family members decided to Get Gephardt and investigate what happened.

It turns out, the man who received the money wasn't licensed to take investments from people -- and was previously involved in a civil fraud case.

78-year-old Luella Day and her husband had their retirement planned out quite nicely.  They once began farming a 17-acre piece of land near their Highland home, which became their nest egg.

When the couple retired, they donated three acres to the LDS Church -- which was used to build a ward house.  The couple kept 1.5 acres for themselves, so they could continue living in their home.

The remaining 13 acres were sold to a developer, which netted the Days more than $1.4 million -- cash that was supposed to allow the couple to live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

Then, something went wrong.

A member of the Days' LDS ward, Dan Merriman, offered to help the couple develop their nest egg.

"He claimed that he was a financial advisor," Luella recalls.

In December 2006, Luella started paying amounts to Merriman -- to be invested in treasury bonds.  All told, $1,222,000 would be given to the self-proclaimed "financial advisor" for that purpose.

"I trusted him. We were in the same ward... and I just trusted him," Luella said.

But all of that money disappeared.

Luella says that she can't get any of the money back from Merriman -- despite a promissory note given to the couple, which guaranteed regular returns.

Now, instead of living comfortably, Luella struggles financially.

"I'm not in debt now, because I sold everything we had," she said.

Luella says she even had to cash-in savings and stocks to pay for taxes and various debts.  Now, she is forced to depend on others to survive.

"People in the ward... somebody is paying my utilities for this whole year," Luella said.

Bill Gephardt managed to track down Daniel Merriman to his new home in South Jordan, hoping that he could explain what happened to the $1.2 million given to him by Luella Day...

17th Jul, 2008 - 6:27am / Post ID: #

Another Mormon Connection To A Heinous Crime

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 16-Jul 08, 7:30 AM)
Personally, just because someone is a member of the Church does not give them in the least a free "trust" pass in my books.

Absolutely being a member of the Church does not guarantee the person is honest and trustworthy. My point is that anyone is capable of committing these crimes against humanity - regardless of their religion. They do not happen at any higher rate within the Church than they do outside the Church. Yet the media finds the need to point out the criminal's religious affiliation when they are LDS and seem to neglect that point when they are not.
Perhaps this is because as members of the Church the rest of the world holds us to a higher standard?

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27th Jul, 2008 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Another Mormon Connection To Heinous Crime - Page 7

When I read this story the first time let me be honest with you I thought it was ridiculous but again is hard to judge the veracity of someone you never met.

Having said that, the first thing I thought is how long the Church will take to make a settlement with this guy to avoid going to trial? In EVERY single case the Church is willing to settle to avoid going to trial and have to report it assets. *sigh*


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - A federal lawsuit filed by a Native American man who accused a Mormon missionary of sexually abusing him in the 1960s has been resolved before going to trial.

    Ferris Joseph, 53, filed the civil case in federal court in South Dakota against the Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Latter-day Saints, both of Utah.

    Joseph said that around 1968, when he was 11 or 12 years old, he was sexually abused by church missionary Robert Lewis White.
    Joseph is an American Indian who lived with his family in Sioux Falls from 1966 to 1968, according to the lawsuit. The abuse happened at White's apartment in Flandreau, it states.

    White was based at the Northern Indian Mission in Rapid City and was assigned to Flandreau, in eastern South Dakota, where the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe is located.

    Joseph had no memory of the abuse until an October 2004 visit to Canada to see his sister, a devout member of the Mormon church, according to the complaint.

    In a deposition transcript filed in court, White denied sexually abusing Joseph or any other boy and testified that he was celibate when he served in Flandreau in 1967 and 1968.
The trial had been delayed so the South Dakota Supreme Court could decide whether the law dealing with the statute of limitations applies to the church as well as the alleged perpetrator.

    But Joseph and the church have since resolved the dispute and a federal magistrate judge dismissed it with both parties paying their own costs, according to the judgment....

6th Sep, 2008 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

Another Mormon Connection To Heinous Crime Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 7

*sigh* My heart goes out to the victim and I hope he can live some sort of normal life knowing this disgusting sicko is behind bars.

A "respected office holder" in the Mormon church, from Cambridge, has been given a seven-year jail sentence after being convicted of raping and molesting a teenage boy he was "mentoring".
Postman Martyn Conway, 48, abused the boy for several years in the 1980s - once molesting him in a church, Cambridge Crown Court heard.

The youngster - now grown up - was left psychologically scarred and could not "steel himself" to complain unti
l many years later, a judge said.

Conway, who is married and was planning to emigrate to Utah in the US, home of the Mormon church, was convicted of eight offences of sexual abuse following 13-day trial.

He had denied any offence.

Judge Anthony Bate said the Mormon faith did not tolerate homosexual activity but Conway had broken the code.

"You were driven by some compulsion to throw aside the strict Mormon code by which you professed to live," the judge told Conway.

"It was a prolonged campaign of sexual abuse."

In later years, the victim, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, had suffered mental health problems and attempted suicide, the court heard...

> TOPIC: Another Mormon Connection To A Heinous Crime


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