Yes, but one can believe in God and still try and live this life to the fullest. Nowhere does the Abrahamic God say to waste this life and simply wait for one's afterlife. Plus, it is the very concept we learned from the Abrahamic Books that led to the ethics systems we hold dear today.
Oh, I quite agree Abn, I am not at all saying that all or even most of the religious follow that behavior pattern, at least not in non oppresively theocratic societies.
I just find it more than a little annoying when someone tells me that my life must worthless, hopeless, and/or devoid of meaning just because I don't place my faith in that which cannot be perceived. And believe me, it is an argument I hear all the time. Edited: daishain on 22nd Sep, 2017 - 3:25am
Right, now that I understand. I think everyone has the right to believe what they believe and should do so. I can also see discussing this and even having heartfelt (Friendly) arguments about it. But what I cannot see is belittling someone's belief, disbelief, or something in-between. Edited: Abnninja on 22nd Sep, 2017 - 4:06am
[..] Daishain your right no one has the right to belittle another person because they chose not to believe in God. When they do it does it shows that they are in fear or envy of the other person. Life is to lived to the fullest and if done happiness will be found.
I think you are right too many Christians live in fear of sin and spend too little time living life as we are meant to. Perhaps this is the root of the envy, which creates distrust and hate.
Well I apologize for some of the bad sentiments I see here from people that call themselves Christian. Unfortunately I also see entirely to much moral relativism. Abn I am sorry but not everyone has the right to live however they want. That argument can be shot down very fast. Atheism is a absolutely destructive elements in our current culture but far from being as destructive as relativism.
Relativism as a base concept is what ended the days where it was all but expected to kill people from other religions.
Tolerating the viewpoints of others is the key to unity and peace, while intolerance has remained throughout history the single greatest ideological threat to humanity that has ever existed.
I don't fear, Atheists as such any more than fearing a Muslim, or Hindu.
Atheism, is more a theology for certain world views, or perspectives that are held by a group of people.
For example, atheism is prominently endorsed by secular humanism, and Marxism, Leninism world views.
They definitely need not be hated or despised any more than a Christian or Muslim.
Fear, is the breeding ground for radical fundamentalists, to promote their world views through violence. Edited: anronrosby on 18th Nov, 2017 - 8:50am
As I and many have always said - it’s not your beliefs that are worth examining, it’s your actions. No matter what religion or lack you profess to follow, if your actions were applied to the whole world by everyone, and they do not benefit the world, then it’s not a good system. Edited: Gknightbc on 18th Nov, 2017 - 5:35pm