As I said at the start, there is a problem in communicating our ideas, not only because we see things from a different perspective, but from a different starting point. |
And I must say that I find your opinion that atheists are more prone to disregard law rather ridiculous. As for what you call greater knowledge, I strongly suspect the term would mean something else to an atheist, so perhaps you should find a more suitable one, to avoid misunderstanding. |
Wow, can't believe I missed this thread.
After sifting through the mounds of responses and counter responses, I think I have something to lend to the actual purpose of this thread.
The reason people fear atheists, if thats what you can call it, is because they tend to obstinate and intolerable about what they believe. Most atheists I know leave no room for their beliefs to be wrong, and they are thus very 'angry' and 'objectionable' about it.
However, the idea that this is strictly related to atheism is simply something misconstrewed by religious people in general. I have met just as my religious people or 'true believers' that are just as obstinate and intolerable to those who don't follow the same faith as them. This helps create some attitude between atheists and believers.
Many atheists used to be believers and have now moved away from that, often with very bad memories and situations left in the church. This leaves a nasty stereotype of the church in their mind. This causes them to be angry and then causes them to intimidate those who believe. This results in head butting and conflict between atheists and believers. When neither is willing to move, and parties get angry, the one who can yell the loudest wins. Unfortunately, many atheists are prone to anger towards believers of any faith because of their past situations thus leading believers to see them as bullies or threatening when it is simply that the believers have hit a sore spot.
It really has nothing to do with morals as I have outlined above. I am able to overcome my sore spots with pure logic and reasoning and the desire for true dialogue, but many can not do this. Another possible reason for anger between the two that leads to 'fear' is the irrelevant desire to be right no matter what the cost. Why? Because atheists must be absolutely right because if they aren't and the believer is, then the consequences are eternal. Its hard to stay calm in the face of such a daunting eternity if you aren't a hundred percent sure you are right. Which leads to my final point.
I have never met a true 100% dedicated atheist. You cannot truly be a dedicated atheist in all phases of life. It is against logic to deny somethings existence based on your own senses. Your senses can deceive you. Many atheists are fighting the desire to believe that some god exists in some form. That internal fight leads to external aggression, usually towards those who aggravate that condition, believers.
I hope my take on this has been helpful in allowing both believers and atheists to see each other in a different light. Open dialogue about religion is the only way that we can ever get along. We must not fear each other, but welcome open conversation regarding each others beliefs, understanding that we all cannot be right. But we cannot all be wrong either.....
Here is something I have noticed. People who have lost their faith should not be confused with atheists. Most of the Atheists. I know tend to pick on, or joke about or put down religion as a whole. People who have lost their faith, in my experience, do not. People who have lost their faith have lost it for a reason. They don't object to people who have religion. Whereas most atheists I have met do. Why? I will not hazard a guess.
I would like to clear this up straight away the only reason I am an atheist is because I require proof of a greater being and I don't see how God could just appear from nowhere and create earth that doesn't make sense. However I understand and agree with the advice from many different religions but the prospect of there being something out there controlling us or guiding us or whatever it maybe, outrageous without proof. you want me to believe in God prove it.
That is the only reason I am an atheist not because I am a criminal not because I have a problem with authority or anything else for that matter. I just thought I would clear that up.
the only reason I am an atheist is because I require proof of a greater being |
the prospect of there being something out there controlling us or guiding us or whatever it maybe, outrageous without proof. you want me to believe in God prove it. |
QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 27-Feb 06, 9:10 AM) |
Armstrong, based on these two statements then you are not an Atheist but an Agnostic. Atheists do not believe in the existence of God or supreme being, period. The agnostic does not believe in the existence of such God either unless it is proven to them. |
Armstrong, if it is impossible for you to be proven the existence of God then why do you say you try to accept "new" possibilities? If there is no God, there is no God period...there is not such thing as "new possibilities" or prove for it within an Atheist mindset. If you know there is no God then you are an Atheist and need not need for prove of any kind since as you put it is "impossible to prove". Nothing to do with optimism.
So as I said and meant I do not believe in God until it is proven |