Atheists Not To Be Feared! - Page 12 of 22

God has made it clear in His word that He - Page 12 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 6th Jul, 2011 - 1:12pm

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29th Jan, 2011 - 12:37am / Post ID: #

Atheists Not To Be Feared! - Page 12

While I admit I've not been on this site constantly, for a long number of years, and not engaged in tons of religious discussion, nor on this particular subject in any great way, while there might be some adversarial comments here or there, overall I have never found there to be any significant overt or aggressive personal condemnation of atheists or folks of other religions, by the theistic-minded members here, be they LDS or other Christian or any other faith.

There have been some good and experience-backed discussions with both sides presenting their own opinions and beliefs and feelings on the matter, which could be seen as uncomfortable, as there was just no way around seeing how opposed some views were between some members, myself included (I'm more or less agnostic more than atheist), but I've not seen any particularly strong elitism here, other than what I suppose you could characterize as the passive kind that anyone of a belief system (including atheists, for their lack or rejection of belief systems) display when dealing with others who "just don't get it", a sort of unintentional placating and mildly patronizing veiled tolerance, but one in which they still have civil and thoughtful discussions - like I said, not accusatory or proselytizing, just where you can tell the other person is giving you the benefit of some leeway to present your side even though they don't agree with or believe or share your views or think they're wrong - but that IS how discussions of some kinds work, so that is to be expected, and it doesn't make them less valid or less edifying.

I've even posted tentatively in the LDS main forum itself and was welcomed there and although some of what I said was not popular or agreed with by most, no one "jumped" me for it or lambasted me. I'm not sure where you're posting or reading, BigglesPrime, but this is a discussion forum and community, and while there are various things here that may be a little awkward here or there, people are here to share ideas and opinions and learn from each other, express ideas and relieve some stress and talk things out, a little minor therapy, and get some perspective from other people, even opposing viewpoints which can sometimes help them examine their own views differently, and strengthen their positions. I'm sorry you've either had some unfortunate conversations here or are perceiving there to be some unfortunate comments - those are unavoidable in any community, but don't necessarily reflect everyone as a whole, and it isn't reasonable to admonish a whole group and write them off because of a few people who may have a less than stellar conversational style - even they may be fine people having a bad week.

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30th Jan, 2011 - 12:45am / Post ID: #

Feared To Atheists

I don't understand the need for atheists to defend themselves to believers. Maybe they are not sure about what they know or that they can't say they are part of any organization or club because they believe quite frankly in 'nothing'.

Post Date: 22nd Apr, 2011 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Atheists Not To Be Feared! Beliefs Religious General

Name: Rossana

Comments: I just feel sorry for atheists not because they don't believe but they have nothing to hope for after death. I can't imagine living my life knowing that we die and then there is nothing after. With that kind of thinking one would probably want to make life one big party with no responsibility or aspirations to help humankind just oneself, at least that's how I see it.

Post Date: 25th Apr, 2011 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Page 12 Feared To Atheists

Name: Harvey

Comments: How do atheists respond to miracles though? For instance let's say you needed some money urgent and a stranger knocks on your door and gives you the money, just like that.

26th Apr, 2011 - 1:59am / Post ID: #

Feared To Atheists

They will say it's pure coincidence because how is it possible that a total stranger may knock on your door when you need money yet million of children are dying of starvation every second despite prayers for a miracle?

Post Date: 8th Jun, 2011 - 10:01pm / Post ID: #

Atheists Not To Be Feared!

I don't believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.
-- Andrew Carnegie

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Post Date: 1st Jul, 2011 - 7:51pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Atheists To Feared! - Page 12

Atheists have a 4th of July message too

A group of atheists want to turn this July of 4th weekend into a PR campaign on how patriotic they are. It's not exactly clear who is saying that atheists are not patriotic, but apparently they feel the need to conduct a campaign to promote the idea that Godless people are patriotic as well. Airplane banners will be flying in 27 states -- are you one of the lucky ones? Ref. Source 3

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2011 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #

Atheists Not To Be Feared!
A Friend

Atheists To Feared! General Religious Beliefs - Page 12

God has made it clear in His word that He has put the knowledge of His existence into everyone that walks the earth. So, there is no such thing as an atheist. There are only people who reject the authority of God. An individual saying that they don't believe in God is simply a way of covering their ears and chanting over and over again, "I can't hear you!" to the message of God within them but all the posturing in the world won't change the fact that when you're all alone and the noise of the world has died down, you know God is there.

> TOPIC: Atheists Not To Be Feared!


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