Mormons - Shaven or Bearded? - Page 2 of 7

QUOTE I'm hoping that this "clean - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 7th Jan, 2004 - 10:57pm

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Mormon Hair Temple workers are required to have no facial hair and most likely the same is true for the General Authorities. Missionaries carry the same rule, but you do see the occasional Bishop or Stake President with a mustache or beard. What do you think? Should it be a rule in the Church?
Mormons - Shaven or Bearded? Related Information to Mormons - Shaven or Bearded?
29th Dec, 2004 - 4:56pm / Post ID: #

Mormons - Shaven or Bearded? - Page 2

I don't think it should be a rule unless the prophet says the Lord told him to make it a rule. To me, it isn't good enough that the prophet thinks it a good idea.

I was a Temple worker just after the Boston Temple opened in October 2000. This clean shaven rule was newly in affect at that time. It was explained to us that the reason for it was that no one should feel offended or fearful while in the Temple and a Temple worker with a beard might intimidate a patron. This rule also forbade mustaches.

If that is the reasoning, it doesn't make sense. If you are a patron, then you surely understand the type of life any Temple worker must be living in order to hold a Temple recommend and to be called as a worker. So, I don't see why you would be intimidated by the presence of a beard. This is a poor stereotype that has no place in society and certainly doesn't belong in the Temple.

I know one member who chose to be released and even for a while refused to attend the Boston Temple. He had been a worker at the DC Temple and so thought this was a rule only for Boston. I don't know if he has gone back to attending the Temple or not.

Now, I think it is foolish for anyone to stop attending the Temple because of a facial hair requirement for workers. You may choose not to be a worker, but why would you give up the blessings of Temple attendance.

While I don't agree with the policy, I would not allow it to deprive me of the opportunity of Temple attendance. I don't care if they changed some standard for me and said, all motorcyle riders need to turn in their Temple recommends or give up the bikes. I would give up the bike. I would be resentful, but I would also be obedient not because I agree with the rule, but simply because attending the Temple is far more important to me than riding a motorcycle. I would hope this would be true for men and facial hair.

Reconcile Edited: tenaheff on 29th Dec, 2004 - 4:58pm

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29th Dec, 2004 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

Bearded Shaven Mormons

I would be resentful, but I would also be obedient not because I agree with the rule

Can one be resentful and still be doing the right thing though?

29th Dec, 2004 - 6:36pm / Post ID: #

Mormons - Shaven or Bearded? Studies Doctrine Mormon

Well, I think obedience comes first. Then maybe if I became convinced that it was what the Lord required of me and not just some man with preconceived, unfair judgments, then I would not be resentful.

Sometimes we need to obey before we learn the truthfulness of a principal.

29th Dec, 2004 - 6:52pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Bearded Shaven Mormons

It was explained to us that the reason for it was that no one should feel offended or fearful while in the Temple and a Temple worker with a beard might intimidate a patron. This rule also forbade mustaches.

If that is the reasoning, it doesn't make sense. If you are a patron, then you surely understand the type of life any Temple worker must be living in order to hold a Temple recommend and to be called as a worker. So, I don't see why you would be intimidated by the presence of a beard. This is a poor stereotype that has no place in society and certainly doesn't belong in the Temple.

I totally agree with you Tena, personally I could understand the matter of cleaninless and when facial hair was was discouraged (70's) but I do not fully understand it nowdays although my friend Nighhawlk may say 'another attempt to please Babylon' laugh.gif.
What amazes me the most is that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had and has a beard, and he's the perfect example of righteousness and perfect living. I have mixing feelings about this subject of facial hair, I personally do not like to see men with beard, it doesn't look neat, but of course, is only a matter of personal preference and I do not think that the spirituality of a Temple worker should be connected with his facial hair and performance in the work of the Lord.

5th Jan, 2004 - 4:46pm / Post ID: #

Bearded Shaven Mormons

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 29-Dec 03, 12:54 PM)
Can one be resentful and still be doing the right thing though?

YES! When the rules and policies come about for the wrong reason, and those rules and policies restrict my religious activities (such as being a temple worker), because of choices that I make that are not evil/wicked or morally wrong then if I am resentful, I can still be doing the right thing!

This is one of my greatest concerns about the direction that the church has taken. It is not a matter of doctrine, or of following the prophet, or any similar thing. It is the fact that rules and policies have been put in place, purely as a matter of "image"!

I am clean shaven. My wife doesn't like beards, so I try to keep the peace at home. But when I attended BYU I found it to be VERY improper the way they focused on facial hair. Students and professors could be teaching false doctrine, feminism, speaking out against church authority, be engaged in immoral behaviour, and yet get a pass. But if you had a hint of beard, or your hair was too long, you could begin looking for the exit.

I can (barely) understand it for missionaries, as they really are involved in something where image plays a part. When I was involved in selling, I learned that facial hair could have a bad effect on sales. So, missionaries without beards (in the West) may be a good idea. I am just not completely convinced that even that rule comes from God.

I just feel it is very wrong for anyone to deny someone else blessings, even the blessings of service, based on something like this, or to demand a certain image in order to participate.

If I was in a situation where such a thing was demanded of me, I would certainly seek spiritual confirmation before complying. If I got the confirmation, I would cheerfully comply.


5th Jan, 2004 - 5:02pm / Post ID: #

Mormons - Shaven or Bearded?

This is one of my greatest concerns about the direction that the church has taken. It is not a matter of doctrine, or of following the prophet, or any similar thing. It is the fact that rules and policies have been put in place, purely as a matter of "image"!

I agree with you Nighhawlk. But NO rules or policies are WITHOUT the consent of the First Presidency.

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7th Jan, 2004 - 10:52pm / Post ID: #

Mormons Shaven Bearded - Page 2

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 5-Jan 04, 12:02 PM)
But NO rules or policies are WITHOUT the consent of the First Presidency.

I am not at all sure about this. I think that there are a lot of rules and policies that get promulgated with the approval or even knowledge of the First Presidency.

For example, I remember when I was young that only Melchizedek Priesthood holders were allowed to say prayers in Sacrament Meeting. Where did this policy come from? Nobody knows.

Some people wrote a letter to the Brethren seeking clarification on this, wondering if this was a Priesthood ordinance, or what the justification was. The Prophet pondered it and replied that they were right. There was no doctrinal justification forbidding women, children or young men (or even nonmembers) from offering prayers in Sacrament Meeting.

This is especially true when a Temple President or a Mission President set some rules or policies in place for their calling, to meet a specific problem. Others hear about it, and start enacting the same rules and policies. Eventually these have spread throughout all the church, without ever having the approval of a single General Authority.

I'm hoping that this "clean shaven" temple worker thing is something like this.


7th Jan, 2004 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Mormons Shaven Bearded Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

I'm hoping that this "clean shaven" temple worker thing is something like this.

Sorry, but in this case, I saw the letter outlining this policy and it is from the First Presidency, so while what you say may be true in some cases, it is not in this one.

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