I can't believe that three years have passed since I started this thread. Things have not changed at all, they got lot worst last year when an ex-member came to Church with a cutlass (machete) and threaten another member in front of the congregation. His wife defended him and his behavior despite the fact that the guy is a thief and stole money of a lot of members by fraud. But what was the brilliant idea of the District? Make the wife the District YW President and even get a job with the Church, the same woman who said that the old man who her husband threaten "deserved it".
There are so many worst things going on...you all would be literally shocked but let me share what happened today during Sacrament meeting.
We were signing the sacrament hymn and the Priesthood blessed the Sacrament. I usually bow my head but this time I was with the eyes open checking on Felipe. Well...what I saw, made me feel literally sick. I thought I was going to vomit (and I am not kidding). I saw a kid literally digging his nose for a while and then cleaning it with his hand (his father was sitting next to him and did nothing) and then with the same hand touch the sacrament tray and take the bread. I was disgusted! Then I saw a member literally coughing on the sacrament tray (he did not even covered his mouth). A little kid was playing with a coin inside his mouth! and then taking it out and touching the Sacrament with the same hand. Of course, I cannot forget a guy who is disabled and his head is full of dandruff, his flakes were like snow flakes today and he was all over the Sacrament tray....
Now, when the Sacrament reached to me, I tell you all, I thought in not participating because I started feeling sick but I did a quick prayer for the Lord to protect me after seeing the HUGE HYGIENE problem members have in Trinidad. *sigh*
I feel like I want to cry...right now, because of Church...I have Felipe with a cough and the cold and you all know what that means? Jonah is going to get sick too, everytime they go to Church, they ALWAYS get sick and is not mystery here. People are not hygienic at all.
So basically I am stuck in a country that I do not want to live, full of vice and worldiness surrounds me in and out the Church, they are changing the Curriculum for next year (Check my thread within this same board called "Change Curriculum because members are lazy?") then you do not go to activities that there is food because of the same hygiene problem and NOW is not even safe to partake the Sacrament!
I am not "Monk" but basic and proper hygiene should be something normal! This place is way too primitive. Gosh, what to do?
Sister LDS,
I couldn't imagine the struggle you go through. I know it's hard to feel the spirit when people talk behind other people's backs, and rumors run wild. My ward in England suffers a great deal from these things. We even have the occasional gift from some child's nose, but luckily I haven't seen a machete... yet. The hardest part is when my wife is thrown into the mix because she is friends with one sister who dislikes another sister who is also a friend of my wife.
The only thing I can think of is prayer. It may not fix the problem, but can show one how conduct one's self... to answer that question "What would Jesus do?"
Stay clear of these worldly acts, because they don't bring forth good fruit.
Rather off topic, but... Also in the spirit of fellowship, I too would like to thank you guys for this forum. So far there are only two members who attend our sacrament meeting on Sunday and that's the only day I see him because we work different shifts. This place helps me to learn, and communicate with the saints. Thanks again |
![]() Persephone: please use the Offtopic tag when posting off topics. |
Stay clear of these worldly acts, because they don't bring forth good fruit. |
I know exactly what you mean. I'll never forget, one time we had a family from the ward over, and we were enjoying ourselves until gossip began. I that point I shut up like a clam, and tried to pay more attention to what the children were doing. By the end of the night it was hard to hide my "dislike" for such talk... let alone it happened in my house.
Those things do chase away the Spirit and it's comfort.
QUOTE (Superme) |
...it was hard to hide my "dislike" for such talk... let alone it happened in my house. |
Personally, people in our ward here in England are struggling with these situations. There is gossip, and envy, and dislikes and our RS President tells the Bishop what to do. I have a very close friend that served in the RS presidency and she knew EVERYTHING that happened in our ward. She never kept a secret though. She would tell everyone's business to anyone that would listen. I love this woman, but I NEVER confide in her. Our ward suffers greatly from the lack of unity... There are people that don't talk to other people. I am a new member so I thought this was normal, until I asked a very close friend/member of the church. She said that it wasn't suppose to be like this. I look forward to going to church on Sunday's but when you feel that your ward/branch isn't unified and full of love, it's stressful. I don't want to be a part of it.
QUOTE (CrysGarcia @ 23-Nov 06, 2:32 PM) |
look forward to going to church on Sunday's but when you feel that your ward/branch isn't unified and full of love, it's stressful. I don't want to be a part of it. |
You are right, you do find yourself there EVERY Sunday, not worrying about other peoples problems. I had mentioned to my husband about moving so that we would be within the boundaries of a different ward, but when I really thought of the reasons I was there on Sundays, it was just like you said. I am there to partake of the Sacrament, renew my covenants, for my Heavenly Father, and for my personal and spiritual growth. It does make it easier knowing that not all wards are like this.