Commune With The Saints - Page 5 of 8

I'm am so sorry about the situation - Page 5 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 15th Jun, 2008 - 7:38am

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When you cannot commune with the Saints... what do you do?
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8th Feb, 2007 - 7:23pm / Post ID: #

Commune With The Saints - Page 5

Johery, the police here is a joke. The crime situation is horrible and the guy is handicapped, if someone cannot get the police to help you find your kidnapped daughter for instance, why would they take me on?

The whole issue is a mess, last Sunday I felt so tired like I haven't been for a long time. Let's see what is new this coming Sunday. *sigh*

Rather off topic, but...
Check this article about how the police behaves in this country:

Warning: Is very graphic, but this is the type of mentality we are dealing with.

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21st Mar, 2007 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #

Saints With Commune

Enemies within the Saints

The other day chatting with Farseer, she asked me "Do you feel among the Saints?" I truly don't. I feel somehow that those brothers and sisters who are supposed to be your friends are indeed your enemies. I do not trust no one, I used to trust some of them but I do not anymore .

Right now, as the Branch President told me the Branch is going through a very tough time: an extremely huge amount of Gossip (lots of it, from leaders themselves), contention, confusion, you name it.

I am the kind of member who loves to participate in classes, that's how I learn and I always loved to be involved in questions and answers but lately a lot of the members (specially women who for some reason they have a lot of jealousy and envy towards me) started net picking on the words I use in class and try to cause contention. I never thought this would ever happen but is happening and right now I do not have a choice but to remain quiet during the classes, I just won't say a word.

10th Apr, 2007 - 1:54pm / Post ID: #

Commune With The Saints Studies Doctrine Mormon

A Typical Sunday...

While having an interview with the Branch President, his First Counselor burts in the room saying loudly that he does not want him in there interviewing when he has to conduct priesthood. He then told us to go to another room. The Branch President did as he requested.

Before that another Member knocked, opened the door and then proceeded to ask for garment prices, etc. No, she did not say excuse me, she did not even say "Oh, sorry I did not realize you are in a meeting" - nothing.

Am I among Saints or the lowest classed people on earth?

Has not finished yet... here is more...

During sacrament meeting I was in the back moving Jonah in the stroller to keep him quiet and calm. A member in the back who has no physical disabilities kept raising her hands trying to signal me. She would point to a certain area in the chapel. At first I did not understand what she was going on about until I realized she was asking me to leave where I was with Jonah to go and get her a tithing slip and envelope. At first I thought... wait, we are in Sacrament meeting right? She can walk right? She seems me trying to keep my son calm right? Am I insane?

To not cause contention I just went to the other side of the room and got it for her. People I am among some of the weirdest Members on the planet! There is A LOT more I could say here, but I have other things to do.

10th Apr, 2007 - 2:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 Saints With Commune

Let me help you JB. rolleyes.gif

My stalker returned to his old ways and waits for me outside the RS room and just stares at me and follows me.

I stayed with Felipe through the last class in Primary where the Primary President (who is also the wife of the Branch President) was teaching the lesson for all the kids. She was teaching about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. She then proceed to ask the kids there (as young as 3) how they would like to die Yes, you heard good. She asked them how they would like to die. Did I mention this sister is a former Primary School teacher?

First one of her counselors said she would like to die on her sleep. Then one of the daughters of the RS President said she would like to die of old age and then the son of the RS President said he would like to be shot at. Oookayyy. The Primary President shook her head in disbelief and when you may have thought she would gently explain why is not a good thing, she started raising her hands and saying "But that's not good! You know when you are shot at blood is all over you, all over the street. It's a mess! And your heart does not stop just so, but just pumps out blood like mad (she used her hands to illustrate this point). The kid at this point have his eyes wide open.

Then one of the counselors have the bright idea to ask HER how she would like to die to which she replies "Does not matter as long as I keep my whole body. I do not want to become a piece of meat in the street where the police have to find and pick up a head, or an ear or a leg".

I was there in disbelief and I told one of the counselors that I think that type of talk is way too much for the kids to which she smiled and say "You think?" I just remained quiet. I was just glad Felipe could not understand what was going on.

While in RS, one of the counselors was teaching and she was so happy sharing an experience about her husband (who is a counselor in the Branch Presidency, same guy that JB mentioned entered the room while he was with the Branch President) She mentioned an incident where her husband reacted nicely. She had a big smile on her face saying that we know her husband has a very bad temper and he is always angry but that day he wasn't! And she was sharing it like a great experience to the sisters with a big smile on her face. I thought it was pathetic, but the rest found it amusing because they smiled and laughed. I could not. She obviously does not realize that she sounded just like an abused woman.

19th May, 2007 - 2:24am / Post ID: #

Saints With Commune

Of recent this has been one of the main reasons we have decided to leave Trinidad. It is tough enough when you have to deal with a culture of vice engulfed thinking society to also have to put up with it in Church too each Sunday. Mind you, there are good people, there are those who try, there are leaders who mean well, but they are so few in number and their voice so often unheard because it is drowned out by the bickering and boastfulness of those who are seeking for everything else but the welfare of Zion. I do not want to bring up my sons in such an environment - it is not conducive to their spiritual growth.

24th Dec, 2007 - 12:54am / Post ID: #

Commune With The Saints

Mental Hospital

I haven't update this thread for a while because I feel so discouraged about how things are in the Church here. My branch is at the lowest point I could think of and everything surrounding us is literally madness. Let me illustrate my point.

The missionaries are teaching and baptizing people who have lots of issues, yes I know we all have them but these issues go beyond challenges but they are mental. There is this family that just got baptized, the mother has 6 daughters and one small little son. The boy, must be around 2 years old and he cannot be left on the floor otherwise he bites everyone he sees. He even tried to bite baby Jonah in Primary.

A couple of Sundays ago, the kid was in Primary literally biting arms, legs and headS of the children while the class was going on. The kids were crying because they were terrified, but the Presidency just looked at the whole situation and did not say a word or did absolutely nothing. It was only when JB mentioned the boy needs to be put in a room when one of his sisters took him out of the class.

The whole family (daughters, boy and mother) have severe hygiene issues, you can't literally stand next to them because is unbearable and even though it may sound judgmental to some of you, it is not, I really wonder: What the heck is going on?

Then my stalker continues harassing me by posting pictures he stole from this site and put it on different sites for people to comment on my look! That along with his usual information about us all over the internet. We talked again with the Branch President (who brings him to Church) but everything always falls in dead ears. We spoke to his mom who promised she will pull him out of the internet because she cannot supervise him and she will stop sending him to Church because she cannot be there. Well, everything was just "talk". The Branch President and his wife encourage the guy to come to Church even though he stalks me in Church and two sisters came to me with similar complains. The guy is a perv for heaven's sake!

Then the wife of the Branch President told me today, the guy's mom said she won't take off the internet from him because he will get more aggressive towards her and she cannot handle it after he tried to kill her (the reason why she does not come to Church). She also said we have to "understand the guy is 90% handicapped and that's how he is".

Hello? Did I hear "that's how he is?". The issue here is NOT whether he is 90% or 100% or 3% handicapped, the issue is that she is NOT doing her work as a mother as to supervise what he does online and in Church! If she cannot handle it, then why is she allowing her son to ruin the life of others this way?

I am a mom of a child with special needs, I know how it is. One of the reasons JB stays in Primary is to control Felipe so it does not affect other kids. What is this leadership waiting for? Are they waiting for the guy to bring a knife to Church and stab me? Unfortunately, not even an incident like that would mean anything to them. After all, the same guy with the cutlass incident was invited to come to Church the following Sunday after the incident and his wife made a District YW President despite the fact she was in fully support of her husband's actions.

I go to Church literally with a prayer requesting safety on my heart.

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15th Jun, 2008 - 2:18am / Post ID: #

Commune With Saints - Page 5

After the incident of this member coming to Church with a machete and threaten one of the counselors and nobody from the Branch leadership or District leadership mentioning the incident at all to the members after the episode, like it never happened! (even though it happened in front of the whole branch, kids included) more things are going on in our branch.

There is this member who is an American guy in my branch who brought to Church several months ago a guy he met. He is an evangelist and as part of his job as some sort of "pastor" he is also the coach of a football team for young boys. This guy literally takes over the lessons in Church and make himself and his questions the focus of the whole lesson, same with testimony meetings.

From day one I perceived he had an agenda. You can say I have this sixth sense that I perceive when something just does not "click", I believe is a gift and I am never wrong when I get these "feelings". Anyhow, he set his baptism date several times but always put excuses and cancels it.

Recently, he started visiting the house of a big leader in our Branch who is also a friend of ours. This leader was quite surprised on why this guy would come to his house every single Sunday uninvited. His friend, who also brought him to Church wonders the same thing. What this big leader and his friend have in common? : Both have boys at home.

This leader told me that the mother of his grandson who is NOT a member said "So, like this guy that goes to your Church likes boys?". He was shocked and asked what she meant, she then proceed to say that her son (who is 9) told her that when he was at the house of his grandpa this guy kissed him on the lips. Before she knew about this, the guy took the kid out of school with the excuse of some sort of activity. This woman trusted this man because he goes to our Church! She also caught her son hiding himself when he was talking on the phone with this same guy. She is going to the police with this information.

This leader seemed concerned and tried to contact a little boy the guy brings to Church on occasion so he can figure out next what to do.

But to be honest...if you read the five pages of this thread and see what really is like Church in Trinidad, I won't be surprised in the least if this alleged pedophile comes tomorrow, smiles to everybody including this leader, gets baptized and even held a calling. What about these facts? What about it? This is Trinidad, where like the three monkeys nobody sees, nobody talks, nobody listens.

Post Date: 15th Jun, 2008 - 7:38am / Post ID: #

Commune With The Saints
A Friend

Commune With Saints Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 5

I'm am so sorry about the situation with your ward and stake. I can kind of relate to you although nothing that big of a scale has happened here in my ward. I guess all I can say is keep on praying and if at all possible I would consider moving out of Trinidad. Well I will be praying for you and the Church in Trinidad.

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