You are right, they need a leader to save them, one who is willing to stand for truth and justice and not give in to threats, murmurings and the easy way. Honestly, after a couple of decades, I think it is enough. I have done enough although there is always more you can do, I just want to save family now, that is my priority, I'm not interested in anything about the Church here despite their many calls for me to get involved, that is how turned off I am.
You need to go to the Trinidad & Tobago Boards and browse through that and the TTCrime Board to see the Banana Republic that we live in to really get an understanding of what we face. These people come from a different stock (see the history of Trinidad), they are not like the South Americans where you talk to them and they listen or try to pass it on... no, this stock takes what you say and turns are tries to destroy you. |
QUOTE (Amonhi) |
To what do you attribute your spiritual success? |
QUOTE (Amonhi @ 11-Sep 08, 11:06 PM) |
I mean for real who here doesn't hide their beliefs from the members of their ward or their leaders because they think they might be criticized or excommunicated? I do. |
QUOTE (LDS_Forever) |
Amonhi, why would you do that? I mean, you have your Call and Election Made Sure already, the Church has no "power" over you, can't do anything. Why would you hide your beliefs to other members of the Church? I have the feeling you don't care too much what other people think so it must be something else. Please share. Thanks. |
Prov. 25:2 - It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. D&C 42:61 - If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things-that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal. John 16:23-24 - And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. |
I would not share half of what we Discuss here with anyone in my Branch. I have tried to once before with a couple of people and have been amazed how disinterested they are about the Mysteries of God. Instead of getting excited they almost seem to be bored or worried that they might hear something that will shake their faith. I keep all my thoughts to here and share with only those who will listen, I mean really listen. Given the state of the Culture here I do not share with anyone.
Rather off topic, but... Check the Thread "Amonhi's Submission", additionally please place a review in the Mature LDS Thread within the Deep Doctrine Board so others can know how exciting it is to learn here. Check your Rave Thread there too. I have a couple of questions for you. Update: HERE. |
In order to keep my oldest son focus on sacrament meeting, I told him few weeks ago that for every time he hears the word "Jesus Christ" in Sacrament through the talks (prayers not included) he will get a treat. Well, for almost four weeks I was not able to give him a treat because the word Jesus Christ was not mentioned, not even once. No, I am not kidding.
We do hear though about the missionaries and the missionaries and the missionaries, wives talking bad about their husbands and viceversa, about what to bring for the next potluck activity and that we shouldn't be concern too much and "all the time" about our families and witnessing mothers beating their kids in the middle of sacrament (only way of discipline in Trinidad and when I say beat, I don't mean spanking!) between many other things.
I am feeling so stressed and the words of the hymn "Where Can I Turn For Peace" sound in my heart. We live such stressful lives that the only place where you think you could find solace, you cannot. Heartbreaking is an understatement.
Things have not really changed even though two years have passed since I last posted. Jesus Christ is not mentioned at all in sacrament meetings and most of the talks and testimonies are based on men.
Someone was recently called to a very high position, one that mistreats and mocks his wife in public, who tell parents in sacrament meeting that they don't care about their children and who mocks the weight of some sisters and compare them to air blimps in social networking sites. Not a gossip, I have seen it.
Yes, and members are supposed to meet him for spiritual advise.
I am truly sick of how the Church runs here and along with an extremely, I repeat extremely stressful life adding Church on top of is just beyond anything I ever experienced.
Right now, I am truly turned off and I reached the stage of "I don't care" to commune with the Saints anymore, I have enough on my plate.