It does not matter if drugs are legal or not you will still have those who abuse them and those who will revert to criminal activities to keep up with their habits. Legalizing drugs can be a good thing as it will cause the black market and criminal elements that deal in drugs only out of business in some ways. Legalize it and tax the heck out of it like they have with alcohol and cigarettes.
Alcohol use went UP when it was made illegal.
Keep the particularly egregious drugs that can be controlled like meth illegal. Legalize those with minimal impact other than the associated criminal elements and tax em.
Its not a solution I like, but its better than what we have.
Edited: daishain on 28th Apr, 2017 - 9:33pm
I think we should legalize a lot of them. Think of the money we spend incarcerating all the non violent drug offenders. We could divert those resources to other crime. In addition it would save billions on support programs for families because parents will be out of prison and can support their own family.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Apr, 2017 - 9:40pm
Really, I read something in the post yesterday or the day before that said driving under the influence of drugs has surpassed under the influence of alcohol for the first time ever. That said, I only believe about half of what I read and you have first hand knowledge. I agree with you and Daishain though, we have to do something different. We have too many people in jail for petty crimes like marijuana. We need to try something different.