Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure - Page 7 of 16

The only way I found out about the actual - Page 7 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 19th Sep, 2008 - 9:36pm

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An interesting Topic that has so many implications to it. For those outside of the Church and some within it refers to the promise that Eternal Life will be yours. For others it means something more, even in this life. What are your thoughts about Calling And Election Made Sure?
11th Sep, 2008 - 3:20am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure - Page 7

I look forward reading the article. I sent you a PM so I can check it out and see if I can post it here as well.

Does your wife had her Call and Election Made Sure as well?

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Post Date: 11th Sep, 2008 - 4:07am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Sure Election Calling Mormon

Does your wife had her Call and Election Made Sure as well?

Yes we received it together, she actually received it first by about a week but didn't realize it. (hmm I wonder if I did too?) Then we received it together and had an incredible experience!

In our families, my Father, my wifes Parents, her brother and his wife all have received it. We have members of both our extended families that are not as interested in it or even DON'T want it because they are afraid to it even though they are members.

So, why did you think I had received it? (You don't generally go around asking people such personal questions do you? hehehe, You know, there are better ways to get to know people, right? laugh.gif)

How did you expect me to respond?

Reconcile Edited: Amonhi on 11th Sep, 2008 - 4:09am

11th Sep, 2008 - 4:14am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure Studies Doctrine Mormon

QUOTE (Amonhi @ 11-Sep 08, 12:07 AM)
So, why did you think I had received it? (You don't generally go around asking people such personal questions do you? hehehe, You know, there are better ways to get to know people, right? laugh.gif)

How did you expect me to respond?

I don't know, I just felt it. Little things here and there you have said in other threads that made me think you have received it. And yes, I expected you to tell me you had.

Thanks for the article, is it okay to share it in this thread?

If it is, I will see how to go about putting it here. A couple of questions:

1. Did you receive your C&E made sure in the Temple through a Church authority?

2. If the Call and Election Made Sure is the "baptism" ordinance in the Church of the Firstborn, what happens next?

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2008 - 5:54am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Page 7 Sure Election Calling Mormon

I don't know, I just felt it. Little things here and there you have said in other threads that made me think you have received it. And yes, I expected you to tell me you had.

That is the whispering of the spirit. That is how I knew that you knew, ya know? ;-)

Thanks for the article, is it okay to share it in this thread?

Absolutely, Elliaison told me it was written for that purpose alone. If you like it, share it freely. Some have said it is like drinking clean fresh water when you are dehydrated. Spiritual nourishment to a starving people.

1. Did you receive your C&E made sure in the Temple through a Church authority?

No, I will let you read the article to find out these details. It covers the very moment various people received it, where they were, what they were doing, who was there, how it was done.

By the way, we received it before coming across this article or Elliaison's teachings, or the TOG website or... This is only to say that people are experiencing this the same way all over the world having no interaction with each other. Thus the Kingdom of God is taking over the earth, very slowly now, but picking up quickly!

2. If the Call and Election Made Sure is the "baptism" ordinance in the Church of the Firstborn, what happens next?

It depends on the person. Some people go less active/back to the physical Church. Some continue as before plodding along. Some get confused or upset that the LDS Church teaches so many things contrary to the gospel that comparatively few make it to C&E. Some start running! Most do all of these at different times.

Nothing happens to you, except maybe the Second Comforter. That seemed to happen to us later. Everything else we had to seek for. Not much is written on the CoFB, we didn't even know we were part of it for a long time. Then we read about it and said, hey that sounds cool, and asked (informally) to know more and we began to be taught by different people. We called them "meetings". We realized that everyone has there own opinion even angels. And everything must be checked by the Holy Ghost from within. We got to meet some cool people that we read about in the scriptures and some that were left out.

The purpose of calling and election made sure is to be able to progress faster. Learn faster, leave the foundation of repentance and really go on to exaltation! To free us from our mental and spiritual bondage, and help us to become Gods of our lives. It can be a slow lonely road. (Like you are experiencing where no one around you gets it or cares.) Things change So much. Your relationship with God changes. The Gospel as you knew it is completed and "ALL things become new". Not just some things, ALL things. The leadership, the atonement, ordinances, everything. Callings come differently, "If you have a desire, you are called to the work." Callings come via "Inspired Desires", like the 3 witness experienced (D&C 17:heading).

There is a communion with the entire Church of the First Born, if sought after. There is a direct connection with Christ who is also an equal member of the CoFB. This is nice because it allows you to see as he sees, and feel as he feels. Even when others are doing really stupid or harmful things. For example, the 9-11 Terrorists or the suicide bombers or my mother. :-)

Everything is different, but as you begin to understand the differences, various scriptures which didn't make sense before or were mysterious seem obvious. Not always, but most of the time.

hmmm, can't think of much else right now. Nothing that is not really available to anyone else. Really we are just normal people, I mean we don't glow or anything, well, not all the time anyway... :-S

I re-read your question and thought maybe you wanted to know what ordainances happened next. I don't think you would believe me right now, and it is much easier to talk about when your hiding behind the veil of "nobody knows your talking about yourself". Let me think on this one...

Reconcile Edited: Amonhi on 11th Sep, 2008 - 5:58am

13th Sep, 2008 - 4:55am / Post ID: #

Sure Election Calling Mormon

I have a question for you Amonhi. For what I read those who have made their Call and Election Made Sure in the Temple cannot be excommunicated, but only God can deal with them. How is it in your case since you received it outside the Temple? Is your Bishop or any leader aware that you received it? If they do not know, can this mean they can excommunicate you at anytime if you commit a serious offense?

Post Date: 13th Sep, 2008 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure

Have you finished the article?

As shown in the article, many of the examples given by Harold B. Lee received it exactly as we did, except the wording and the emotional and spiritual manifestations of the spirit were not captured. In fact, even if the prophet told you were sealed up to exaltation it would mean nothing unless it was sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. This happens via a witness from the Holy Ghost which is "the voice of God" and cannot lie.

And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant, it was instituted for the fullness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God.
  7 And verily I say unto you, that the conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity, and that too most holy, by revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this power (and I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.

The wording is deceiving here as it seems that it would require the prophet to do the ordinance, or even all ordinances which are part of the new and everlasting covenant. (Baptism, Holy Ghost, endowment, sealing, etc..) But, understand that any ordinance not sealed by the holy spirit of promise is not accepted by God. So, for example you lie to get baptized or aren't worthy to receive the priesthood and your unworthy of the ordinance then the Holy Spirit will not seal it and it is of no effect in the eternal world. However, your records are updated and it is in effect in this life only in the organization of the church. So, for example an elder could sleep with a someone last night and bless the sacrament today and no one would know. But God knows and this person does not have the priesthood power of heaven. So, in effect the church is deceived. The Church thinks it is done, when it may not be. This goes for all ordinances. God accepts nothing unless he tells you via the Holy Spirit of Promise.

Also, if God tells you via the Holy Spirit of Promise, but the church does not know about it, it is still in effect both in the world and in eternity, but not in the church. For example, a person who receives there calling and election has the promise of God. Then a bishop says, I don't like what he is doing and there is a court and he is excommunicated. He is ex'ed in the eyes of the church, but the church did not give the promise and cannot take it away. So, the person will still be exalted.

The examples used in the article, as quoted by President Harold B. Lee, were all of people receiving it the same way my wife and I did. Yet the only reason the church knows about it is because the journals of these people have become public record. Then, reading these journals we say, oh, he received his calling and election made sure at that moment. No Bishop, stake president interviews, not even the prophet of the day received word of it. No temple or Holy of Holies. No member is going to be restricted from this blessing if they are worthy because they can't get to a temple or the President of the church doesn't know them, or they live in TT.

There is another actual ordinance that happens secretly in the Temple on Sundays while the temple is closed. Few hand selected members are privy to this event. It is performed by an apostle in utter secrecy. (They are told not to tell about it.) They are given various ordinances, washing of feet as well as there calling and election the spirit being there will witness and thus seal the ordinance. They receive everything that is part of the Calling and election spelled out so that they know about it if they listen. Ordinances point to spiritual things but are only the fingers not the moon they are pointing to. However, they do point very well so that many people get the physical idea, but often do not see the spiritual that the physical is pointing to.

The people involved in this ceremony are referred by those who have already received it. So, people who have received it from in the temple from the Apostle can suggest that X couple receive it. I understand that it must be couples. The couples aren't interview until they get to the temple on Sunday morning, and briefly. It is possible, that a person could receive this ordinance and not be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. (This was what I was alluding to in my comment previously where a person could think they received it but hadn't. Yes, it is possible, but Highly unlikely. However, this happens all the time with the "Endowment" of Power". People receive the ordinance but not the blessing.

Now I am ready to answer your questions...

For what I read those who have made their Call and Election Made Sure in the Temple cannot be excommunicated, but only God can deal with them.

This is a half truth. They can be excommunicated from the church that doesn't know. Also, this second anointing is not recorded in local records. Last I saw of the member records it doesn't even have a place to enter whether they have received this ordinance whether in the temple or not. (Can anyone check to see if this has changed?)
So, a discipline action could be taken without knowledge. Whether someone spends their time following up on all these and wiping them off the records is highly unlikely. And if the leaders noticed that the records were not updated they might try to get them updated again until they thought it was done.

How is it in your case since you received it outside the Temple?

Same as any other, I am not bound to the Churches organization. It does not matter what they do or do not do. I am part of the CoFB and my records there are perfectly in line with my spiritual progression. The LDS church is wrong quite often, as you know. The CoFB is not.

Is your Bishop or any leader aware that you received it?

Only as we have told them. Again, the personal records as of years ago do not have any place to enter such information.

If they do not know, can this mean they can excommunicate you at anytime if you commit a serious offense?

They could. And it would not matter in the eternal sense as I would still have all the blessings and powers and promises both in this life or the next. It is interesting because as you could imagine Abraham's antic to kill his son was not told to Mel. his leader to whom he paid tithes. If it were, he might have been ex'ed. But it wouldn't have mattered, he still had his promise given long before Isaac was even born.

As you read the article, ask yourself how these various people, who have received their calling and election, would answer these questions that you asked me. Let me know your thoughts.

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14th Sep, 2008 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling Election Sure - Page 7


There is another actual ordinance that happens secretly in the Temple on Sundays while the temple is closed. Few hand selected members are privy to this event. It is performed by an apostle in utter secrecy. (They are told not to tell about it.) They are given various ordinances, washing of feet as well as there calling and election the spirit being there will witness and thus seal the ordinance. They receive everything that is part of the Calling and election spelled out so that they know about it if they listen. Ordinances point to spiritual things but are only the fingers not the moon they are pointing to. However, they do point very well so that many people get the physical idea, but often do not see the spiritual that the physical is pointing to.

The people involved in this ceremony are referred by those who have already received it. So, people who have received it from in the temple from the Apostle can suggest that X couple receive it. I understand that it must be couples. The couples aren't interview until they get to the temple on Sunday morning, and briefly. It is possible, that a person could receive this ordinance and not be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. (This was what I was alluding to in my comment previously where a person could think they received it but hadn't. Yes, it is possible, but Highly unlikely. However, this happens all the time with the "Endowment" of Power". People receive the ordinance but not the blessing.

This is what I had in my mind of what a Call and Election Made Sure was about and its process. Through you now, I hear about other way of receiving it. I did not know that.

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2008 - 9:36pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Mormon Calling Election Sure Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 7

The only way I found out about the actual one that happens in the temple by the Apostles is by a self proclaimed "Son of Perdition". I do not believe he is because of my current knowledge, but hey, what can you do?

Here is the link I found: Second Anointing Experience

I believe what he said because every blessing he talks about being pronounced is correct and I have never heard anyone except those who receive it say anything about it with that much clarity and so precise.

I was especially surprized by the mention of sealing power and having power over life and death. No body knows those parts...

I once found a brief but similar experience elsewhere performed by another apostle, but it was hardly worth looking up. Very short.

If I weren't for these accounts, I would have known it is still done today.

between, Do you read that article, Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by Elliaison? What did you think? Can you make it available to all on the forum?

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