Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure - Page 10 of 16

Joheri, since it is related to the Topic send - Page 10 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 9th Oct, 2008 - 1:32pm

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An interesting Topic that has so many implications to it. For those outside of the Church and some within it refers to the promise that Eternal Life will be yours. For others it means something more, even in this life. What are your thoughts about Calling And Election Made Sure?
8th Oct, 2008 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure - Page 10


I am eagerly awaiting his responses to those questions

I would be very surprised if he answers those questions directly with a yes or no answer.

Has he been on the past few days?

If you click on a person's profile, you can see when was the last time the person visited the forum.

I am having those same feelings. They tell us even the elect will be deceived and I wonder if that means someone can be on the path to their Calling & Election and start to depend on their own knowledge instead of the Spirits teachings. I don't know because I am no where near that point but I am curious.

As I stated in this same thread, I do think he had his Call and Election Made Sure now by whose authority and if indeed comes from God that's another different issue.

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9th Oct, 2008 - 3:59am / Post ID: #

Sure Election Calling Mormon


1) We might or might not be surprised, either way I hope he does answer them.

2) Thanks for the reminder, I don't know why I can't get that into my memory! rolleyes.gif I checked and actually he was here yesterday morning--might just be busy today or getting on later.


As I stated in this same thread, I do think he had his Call and Election Made Sure now by whose authority and if indeed comes from God that's another different issue.

I wasn't referring to anything that you had posted before. I was talking in a general sense--not personally against Amonhi. Sorry if you thought I was repeating. Your quote above does make sense and it could be. I am just wondering what other people think.

Post Date: 9th Oct, 2008 - 5:48am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure Studies Doctrine Mormon


Did Skousen write this? If not, who did please?

Max B. Skousen wrote a 4 books series called "A blessing hitherto unknown" in response to President Benson's well known speech about the Church being under condemnation (D&C 84). Brother Skousen was a spiritual seeker out of the ordinary. The main theme, I feel, is that our biggest mistake is our conclusive way of thinking. It is our conclusiveness that blinds us from finding the tree of life. He saw our life as either clinging to the tree of knowledge of good and evil (living the praparatory gospel) or reaching out for the tree of life. He writes extensively about Lehi's vision of the tree of life. I must say, his thoughts and insight about this allegory is very interesting.

I have those books as PDF files if anyone are interested.

9th Oct, 2008 - 5:56am / Post ID: #

Page 10 Sure Election Calling Mormon

I would love to read them if it is not too much trouble.

Rather off topic, but...
Just noticing your avatar--are you in JUDO or another Martial Arts?

Post Date: 9th Oct, 2008 - 6:18am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Sure Election Calling Mormon


I also would love the pdf copies. I went searching for his books after I read your post. Apparently his website with pdf's of his book is no longer up and running.


Post Date: 9th Oct, 2008 - 7:00am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure
A Friend

Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure

Rather off topic, but...
AlaskanLDS, I am in Shotokan karate - 1. dan black belt. I've also tried Judo, but that lasted only one year before I started practicing karate.

About the books, I have never posted any files on this forum before. Not sure how to do it. Feel free to explain...

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9th Oct, 2008 - 11:41am / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling Election Sure - Page 10


I wasn't referring to anything that you had posted before. I was talking in a general sense--not personally against Amonhi

I wasn't making a statement "against" Amonhi either and I didn't think you was doing it. My point is for example: Many people claim that they have seen God and converse with him. I have no doubt in my mind that some have done it and they are NOT lying, I am sure that's exactly what they have seen now if that's reality if that's what is indeed happening, that's another different story. But I will wait if he answers directly to those questions JB put to expand on my opinion.

9th Oct, 2008 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Calling Election Sure Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 10

Joheri, since it is related to the Topic send them to me (along with other files you feel may be useful for reading) and I will put them up in LDS Downloads 4 for Upgraded Members to read.

> TOPIC: Mormon Calling And Election Made Sure


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