Two men were married in the chapel at Nova Scotia's Greenwood airbase in May, in what's being called the Canadian military's first gay wedding.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...edding0614.html
QUOTE (xtrasweetgirl @ 17-Feb 04, 8:30 PM) |
Gay marriage also should be decided upon by each individual church. If a church wants to marry a couple, so be it. If they don't, that is their religion and practices, but should not direct what happens legally and outside of the church. |
after all marriage is not a creation of the church but rather an adaption. If gay people want to get married the church should not have a hand in it and neither should the govournment. |
I believe that Gay marriages are perfectly fine, and that God had no hand whatsoever in the US constitution, (Separation of Church and State) and that whether or not God is for or against it marriage is a legal legal nowadays, it isn't always a Heavenly union under God, but a Binding union under Our (Well, USA)Government. Therefor, Separation of Church and State should apply.
Now, if the Supreme Court rules that it is religious as well then A) Why are Muslims allowed to be married? and I don't know the Bible, the last time I read it was when I was 14 and questioning my faith for the first time, so I don't know, but both to my recollection, and from my Christian friends' mouths it does not say that gay marriages or homosexuality are unholy.
As I said, I don't know for sure, and, since I don't believe in God, nor do I want the government to get more money off me, this isn't a personal issue.
Actually, same sex marriage is NOT legal, except in Massachusetts.
The US is still a democratic Republic. Since the majority of the people consistently show that they do NOT want same sex marriage to be legal, the only way for the legalization of it is by activist courts, overruling the will of the people, against the clearly stated sections of the Constitution.
Finally, when you claim the separation of Church and State, that section of the 1st Amendment is clearly designed to keep the State out of the Church, not the other way around! Not only is the wording of the Amendment clear ("Congress shall make no law....), but also the writings of the founders and authors of the Constitution. Just because the last 5 decades have hosted the development of some extreme hostility towards religion, doesn't mean that God didn't inspire the Constitution. If that is your opinion, then you are welcome to it. I am of the opinion that God DID take a strong interest, and heavily influenced, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have just allowed it to be weakened and corrupted over the years.
Nighthawk, please post the part of the Constitution in which you believe the wording is clear that it was designed to keep the government out of the Church, as I remember them referring to England, in which the Pope had more power then the King, and also the court ruling for the Moses statue with the Ten Comandments to be removed (which they denied, so it's still there) in I believe it was the Philadelphia Court did not deny the arguement that it was against the Separation of Church and State, they simply said that it would stay. This is, of course, what the media presented to me AND my own faulty memory, so who knows how far from the truth it is.
As for the fact that we have weakened and corrupted the Constitution, oh yes, I agree completely. The Constitution was, I'm sure, pure, right, good, and, well, beautiful, but not that God gave them the ideas or anything, though I do believe that humans corrupted it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.... |
it does not say that gay marriages or homosexuality are unholy. |