Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View - Page 17 of 22

Marriage Between Same Sex Same sex couples - Page 17 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 31st May, 2012 - 3:20pm

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Same Sex Marriage - Religious View Gay Marriage & Religion - As various countries arouns the world legalize same sex marriage how does it affect your religious view point?
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Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View
A Friend

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View - Page 17

Thank you LDS, for showing me that, definitely going to show that to my friends and see what they say, heh. Anyways, no, it isn't quite the same, I'd say, but so different that it really matters? No. And I'm sure, as you are a good person from what I have seen that your reasons have... well... *Reason* behind them, so I won't ask what they are, only say 'thank you' for not being against homosexuality in general smile.gif .
P.S. Yes I'm judging there, I'm sorry, it is a judgement that defines my opinion, and therefor part of my opinion.

Reconcile Edited: Micalan on 5th Jul, 2005 - 5:05am

5th Jul, 2005 - 1:22pm / Post ID: #

View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

so I won't ask what they are, only say 'thank you' for not being against homosexuality in general

You did not ask but I would answer it anyway. My reasons against gay marriages are religious-related. I do really believe God is not pleased with homosexuality but he loves homosexuals as he loves heterosexuals and every creature on this Earth. I am a Christian and my Church teaches that even though homosexuality is wrong, we should love homosexuals as we do with other people, we should not judge them or look at them down, we should befriend them and give them service as JesusChrist would do it if he was here. They are children of God, not ANY different from heterosexuals and I strongly feel this way. But it also teaches that a marriage is sacred and only between a man and a woman.

I do think based on my experience with my friends that it is very hard for gays to understand that a loving God will not be in agreement with the way they feel, even more if this "feeling" comes since they are little. I do not have all the answers for everything but I do know that God loves each one of us and that it will reach the day when we will be with Him and he will judge not only based on our actions but also on our circumnstances.

Offtopic but,
Some years ago one of my good male friends (a sweetheart! really nice guy) who dated for years a good friend of mine told me he was living with a man and became gay. I was devastated. He had tears on his eyes when telling me all the struggles he was going through with his strong-religious family. I just hugged him, I told him I love him and that never things will change between us. I expressed exactly how I felt, that I really wasn't happy with his decision but he will always be my friend, regardless on his sexual preferences. We went out and ate some pizza and we talked as we always did. smile.gif

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 8:40pm / Post ID: #

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View
A Friend

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View Beliefs Religious General

Haven't had the chance to read all replies, but my own stance lands with that of being opposed to the concept on religious grounds.
To me, Marriage, however much the current US socioty has made a mockery of it with the ridiculous divorce rates and people marrying each other who shouldn't even be married, is a sacred institution supported by my God. MARRIAGE is, generally, a religious institution and should really be dictated by the churches.
Unions, of whatever type you would have, are a legal realm. The courts don't care if a couple is married Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, or what have you, just that the two are considered one and as such share assets, responsibilities and more.
I can't say I want the justice system of the US to bar people from each other or to penalize one group over another, but I don't want to be forced to accept something I don't believe in.
The compromise, therefore, is the courts acknowledging the union of couples, be they same-sex or not, and leaving the purview of marriage ceremonies to the churches.

Post Date: 9th Dec, 2007 - 11:12am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 17 View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

US Church splits over gay rights

A Californian diocese votes to break from the US Episcopal Church in protest at its support for gays in the Church.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/a...cas/7134835.stm

20th Feb, 2008 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

Why gay couples need an endorsement from the government is beyond me. Why they expect God to also give his nod of approval leaves me bewildered.

16th May, 2008 - 11:09am / Post ID: #

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View

I believe marriage is a private institution. The idea that government has to get involved in your relationship makes you wonder what is the real underlying purpose. I think they are mostly looking for the benefit of what marriage can do (tax breaks, ownership) legally because the government is involved.

6th Jan, 2009 - 4:56pm / Post ID: #

Homosexuality - Sex Marriage Religious View - Page 17

Why they expect God to also give his nod of approval leaves me bewildered.

I personally do not think most Gay people are looking for Gods sanction but just like JB said the economic benefits as well as the health benefits from their life mates.

In Canada I know it was going to be an infringement on Christianity at first but now has been removed to a government sanction only. I am glad of that.

Post Date: 31st May, 2012 - 3:20pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Homosexuality - Sex Marriage Religious View General Religious Beliefs - Page 17

Marriage Between Same Sex

Same sex couples win victory: Appeals court strikes down law defining marriage only as union between man and woman. Ref. CNN

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