I don't think it is within my heart or my mind to judge anyone. I do not want to know what goes on behind closed doors for gays or heterosexuals. I don't believe it's my business. God is the one and only judge and we are all sinners as it states in the bible. And that who is more grateful when it comes to being forgiven? The man who has little to be forgiven of or the one with much to be forgiven? I for one am one with much to be forgiven, and feel that gays have just as much right to marry as we do. And I disagree that they marry for the governmental benefits of a marriage contract, I believe that they marry for love. Just as a young girl dreams of her wedding day, so do others whether gay or lesbian. They dream of lives like heterosexuals do the only difference is that they are attracted to the opposite sex.
Whether they marry for love or not doesn't remove the fact that they are living in sin. The Bible is very clear when it condemns homosexuality and unless we want God to destroy our civilization with a mass destruction, we need to speak up against gay marriage.
I don't agree, God is the only judge. It say's so in the bible. And he will judge you with the same measure you judge others. If the government has reign over marriage and not the church any more it is on the governments heads and not our own. God is more worried about what each individual person is doing and not about what we like to think is our business. In my opinion. It is not our responsibility to dictate what unbelievers do but worry about our own church (The body of Christ) That's how I see it within my own beliefs. We all liv in sin, as it states in the bible there is not one who is without sin except the son of God. And it is threw him that we gain our salvation not threw acts but faith that Jesus gave his life for us. Edited: Canabusis on 30th Jun, 2013 - 10:57pm
But God condemns homosexuality in the bible so why are you saying then that he is the only judge? He already passed judgment against this evil practice, what else is it needed for people to realize that we're under condemnation because we're accepting gay marriage as something natural, it is not! It's an evil practice and must STOP!
After Rulings Faith Leader Continues To Fight Gay Marriage
Religious Based News
Reverend Derek McCoy fought hard against the legalization of same-sex marriage, calling it a morality issue. He speaks to host Michel Martin about how his congregation feels about the rulings and what it plans to do next.
Churches changing bylaws after gay marriage ruling to try to avoid lawsuits
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Worried they could be sued by gay couples, some churches are changing their bylaws to reflect their view that the Bible allows only marriage between one man and one woman. Ref. Source 6