I don't really care either way. I have no reason to believe gay marriage is wrong. I believe that if two people love each other, gender shouldn't matter. Marriage is a commitment between two people, and that commitment is equally valid regardless of whether it's between a man and a woman, two men, or two women.
Anyways, that's just my opinion. I'll get those thirty posts yet! *shakes fist*
Personally, I'm rather oblivious to another person's sexual orientation. I'm not going to be best friends with a person and later run away from him/her if he/she reveals that he/she happens to be gay.
I'm not a homophobe, for one thing. And I'm not against it if two people of the same gender are truly in love with each other.
The thing is, I'm not against it but neither am I for it. The thing is that it's another man's lifestyle and it's really not up to me to judge if it's right or wrong. God may not approve of it, but I am not going to discriminate someone just because of their sexual orientation.
What if that person happened to be your best friend? Are you going to just ignore him/her and hope that nothing happened? Because it really hurts.
But on the topic of civil union... I should say that they do have the right to get married and adopt children. The two are rather separate topics (the part about adoption), but they ought to have the right - because legally (and in America, state is separate from church), there's no reason to discriminate against them. It's not as if they just murdered someone, and neither are they breaking the law. They're ordinary people, like everyone else... So there's really no reason to deny them of their rights.
From a religious and moral standpoint, I believe gay marriage to be wrong, period, end of story. From a civil standpoint, this is my view on the argument about gays having the same rights as married couples. Marriage is a constitution honored by our legal system. Any other coupling of people living together cannot get the same rights given to a married couple simply because they live together, share responsibilities etc. How is this any different from a couple of friends living together in the same house, sharing bills, etc. Should they be given the same rights as a legally married couple because they meet some of the criteria? Absolutely not! Marriage was always intended to be the joining together of a man and a woman. Homesexuality is one of the main reasons Sodom and Gomorrah was brought down as a city of sin. No human law should be allowed to say otherwise. I have gay aquaintances, and I feel for their burden with taxes, etc, but I also have single friends who are taxed just as much, who are not gay. What argument do they have? Edited: malexander on 5th Jul, 2004 - 2:05pm
I think that 2 people of the same sex should be allowed to be married if they love each other.
Hey, love is love. I have nothing against it, honestly its a thing not all people find, it doesn't really matter what sex they.
The religion thing, I have nothing against it but as long as it doesnt interfer with them as believers 'personally' they shouldn't have to worry about it.
But thats just my oppinion.
I believe 2 people of the same sex shouldn't get married. Homosexuality is against God's laws. Besides that why are they (homosexuals) always stating that they're gay? I couldn't care less with whom they sleep with. At my job, I work with one guy that's always making comments about muscle men. All I can say is keep your comments to yourself. We don't need to know.
If same sex marriage gets legalized, it may create a big snowball effect. For instance, if it gets legalized, polygamists will likely plead their case about polygamy and try to get that legalized (I heard some would actually do that, supposedly). There are probably other types of "marriage" people would try to legalize too. This might not turn out so well for governments, if that's the case.
Edit: Almost forgot. I don't think same sex marriage should be legalized, and not just because of the snowball effect mentioned above. Edited: Talduras on 20th Sep, 2004 - 2:51am
If same sex marriage gets legalized, |
I'm not certain, but I heard one of the same sex legalizations got overturned. I don't think it was Massachusetts, though. Probably California. At any rate, I at least know that George W Bush is trying to stop "renegade decisions" like that. It was in his acceptance speech somewhere (text version here). Can't remember what he said, but it's in there somewhere.
Anyway, I was talking on the national level anyway. Having just a few states legalize it doesn't do much, as I think the legality remains within those states. At least that's to say that Utah doesn't recognize out of state same sex marriages.