Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View - Page 22 of 22

The Christian religion takes a stance against - Page 22 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 7th May, 2022 - 11:18pm

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Same Sex Marriage - Religious View Gay Marriage & Religion - As various countries arouns the world legalize same sex marriage how does it affect your religious view point?
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Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View
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Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View - Page 22

Honestly I don't believe in homosexuality or more genders existing. Maybe because of my religion or household but this is getting ridiculous just because the baker refused and their going to make a big deal of It? They could've just left but no.

26th Oct, 2020 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

I find it different that a lot of responses mentioned on the first page. I tend to not go by the churches as many times it is through man that they are deciding if homosexuality is allowed or not. However, what I would go towards through religious assumptions is through the bible. Shouldn't that be the first thing you look upon if looking in a religious standpoint?

In the bible, which in this scripture it is rather straight to the point, in 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, it mentions all the traits and actions that isn't acceptable in God's viewpoint. Which of these it includes effeminate (Or defined as [of a man] having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly)

Now to me, homosexuality is practically as if one partner is taking the rule of male and the other as female.

Leviticus 18:22 also mentions to not lie down with a man as if you would with a woman, that would be through the standpoint of a man and a woman relationship.

I however am not going to hate on those that has different opinions, I am not forcing my religion on to others. I'm just stating my opinion and beliefs. If you were to be a Christian in my eyes, you would read and understand what you should and shouldn't do in depth, and if you see the response in the bible then it should be applied, if not you are taking actions for yourself than in the eyes of God.

Final scripture, Proverbs 3:5 - to basically trust in God with all your heart and meditate on his examples, not of your own understandings of what you think should and should not go.

12th Jan, 2021 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View Beliefs Religious General

The same god that helped the founding fathers write the Constitution is the same one that allowed slavery… based on the Bible. Also didn’t allow women to vote… using the Bible. Homosexuality isn’t a crime because it harms NO ONE.

27th Sep, 2021 - 7:12am / Post ID: #

Page 22 View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

I think it is a separate matter. People should have the right to marry who ever they want. No matter what the religion is.

27th Sep, 2021 - 7:27am / Post ID: #

View Religious Marriage Sex - Homosexuality

I think church and/or religions should not have any power in anything concerning government and social and political life, for starters.

Like, I'm not going to hate anyone if you chose to follow a religion, but I do not understand how people can personally chose to follow a badly translated text from 3.000 years ago that makes no sense in the modern days and believe that what's written in it is "The Truth". Religion also should have no saying in gay marriage.

7th May, 2022 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Homosexuality - Same Sex Marriage - Religious View

The Christian religion takes a stance against same-sex sexual activity as it presents health hazards. The Christian religion also views marriage as an institution that is shared by three: God, one man, and one woman. The man acts as a representation of the benevolence and provision of Christ to his wife who represents the church. Both the man and the woman devote themselves to God in the social institution of marriage just as Christ and the church devote themselves to God in and through the church.

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