Name: Sagine
Title: Tutoring
Comments: Hi Deejay, please call me [..]. I'm a specialized therapist in [POS] and also tutor for special needs children. I run an office from home and just arrived from [Montreal,] Canada last week. I have my bachelor's degree in Therapeutic Recreation ( therapy through play and leisure, learning through play) and my training in A.B.A therapy for children with autism. I will be running therapy and tutoring sessions from my home in Maraval, please contact me if you or anyone you know needs help with their special needs child.
Name: FedUp
Comments: Sagine, what makes you think that Deejay's child has special needs or you are just interested in promoting your business regardless?
Name: Sagine
Comments: FedUp, Deejay asked for homeschooling, I offer tutoring and weather it's with a special needs child or a child without needs, I have my certifications for both. I just arrived to Trinidad and I need to work with the children here, unfortunately if everyone thinks I am here to make money off parents and sell my business then I will have to move back home. I was a missionary worker in Africa for 4 years working for the Arch Bishop of Togo, I created and held a summer day camp for children with special needs, I am not a bad person, but a therapist with a big hearth who wants to help children and families in need. Get to know me, I don't mind holding a free session also to build a program together in order to accomplish the goals needed for your child. I am scared now.... I hope I get to network with parents or else my dream of living in this beautiful country is over....
The main thing about homeschooling is it will need to be regulated. The government should ensure that the children are being taught the same curriculum so that the children's education isn't being kept back. I'm not against it, but how do you ensure the child is being taught properly if there are no standards in place.
I think homeschooling ca be a good thing if everyone can be assured the quality of education is the same or better but I don't know of any parents willing to invest the kind of time would take to do that so it makes homeschooling questionable.
Name: Curious Me
Title: Home Schooling
Comments: I am very interested in home schooling ( with a private tutor)my two boys after they complete the SEA exams in which they have already committed significant time and effort. Can you tell me if home schooling is legal in Trinidad and where I might find the right private tutors to prepare these boys for the secondary exams staring from the age of 11? Thanks for the insight on your site. This kind of information is very hard to come by in Trinidad
Someone created an association called the "Homeschooling Association of Trinidad and Tobago". I do not know who runs it etc but yes it is legal to home school. Now with regards to tutoring; my experience has been disappointing to say the least so I cannot recommend anyone.
I know someone that home schools their children because they felt their children weren't getting the right kind of teaching from the schools. They supplemented their learning time with lots of different activities like field trips. I can't tell yet how its working out but can't blame them either for taking action.