Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th Mar, 2003 - 1:42pm

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Poll: Are People Born Gay Or Choice?
  Born Gay       30.88%
  Their Choice       39.71%
  A bit of both       29.41%
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Discuss  Are People Born Gay Gay By Choice Homosexual behavior stems from the mind or genetics?
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Post Date: 5th Mar, 2003 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

Are People Born Gay or Choice?

NOTE From Admin: This Thread started in 2003. Policy changes do not allow the aspect of religion to be brought into Discussions on this Board. If you want to bring in the Religious angle then see some of the suggested related links above.

I don't see why one would choose a lifestyle that would make them be discriminated against and looked down upon. That is why so many gays decide to stay closeted to prevent confrontation and conflict. You can't help who you're attracted to, therefore I think gay people simply ARE just as us "Straight and normal" people are. I propose an alternative… no one is born ANYTHING. We become who we are through experience, but our sexual preference is based on how we feel. We can't help how we feel, because if we could, than it would be easier to get out of a breakup, and to not get angry when some a**wipe cuts us off on the freeway. On the alternative, we can't help the traits we're born with. Being straight or gay isn't decided upon while in the womb, or right afterwards, but rather it just gradually happens--not by choice, but by some other unexplainable force.

Go ahead and be honest, because when you come to terms with homophobia, it's much easier to deal with. My only request is that offensive slurs not be used. If you are homophobic and disagree with me, that's perfectly fine, and I can respect your opinion, just please don't be rude. What goes around…

Also, feel free to throw the religion card in there if you must. Please note, however, than any argument proposed I will find to be irrelevant. This is because, though I respect them, I don't put much stock into religious beliefs, I believe in god not in any particular religion. To me, discrimination in ALL forms is unacceptable. An open mind is a free and happy one.

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
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5th Mar, 2003 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

Are People Born Gay or Choice?

I do agree with some of your thoughts xtrasweetgirl, particularly with the discrimination issue. People should love and respect each other despites of all our differences. As you well said, I believe gays are not born that way but they become because of different life issues that they have experienced. I have plenty gay friends (men and women) back in my country Argentina and for what I have seen most of them struggled with lots of unsolved family matters, others were abused as some women I know and they decided that they have enough of men and choose the other side. Personally, I don't think there is a unexplainable force that makes gay people to feel the way they do. I think there is an explanation for all things and if they want to live their lives as gays then that's a choice that they make for themselves, nobody forces them to do anything against their wishes. Of course, the pressure must be a big issue but when they become adults they pretty much do what they think is right.

I don't have anything against homosexuals, I think they're children of God like you and me, but I do not agree with the lifestyle that they have chosen, I think is wrong and yes, against God wishes, I think they can turn themselves and be 'straight' if they really have a deep wish to do so. But as I said before, I have many friends who are gay and are the nicest people I ever met, now it doesn't mean that I will approve the kind of life they have and they know it, so many times I have been in situations where they tried not to do certain things that they would normally do just to not make me feel uncomfortable.

I do not agree with the propaganda of homosexualism like 'Gay Pride Day'. (there is a thread about it in the Mature Discussion). There is nothing to feel 'proud' about, at least, in my eyes...

Post Date: 7th Mar, 2003 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Now this is a puzzler.
Bottom line? Who knows?
I don't see it as 'an abberation' or a 'disorder'.
There does seem to be tendencies that manifest very early.
I know and have been around gay people all my life, including family members.
There is nothing wrong with any of them, mentally or emotionally.

Personally, I can't imagine 'kissing a guy'. Whew! I have a great imagination, but that stretches it.

But then again, I have seen a lot of women I can't imagine kissing, either. "Ugly to the bone, what I'm sayin'!

I have wondered if early childhood environment and experiences play a role, plus maybe testosterone vs hormone levels. Who knows?

I surely don't buy the idea that it is 'wrong' or 'abnormal' or that they should 'change'.

To resolve the issue on a personal level I simply content myself with concentrating on my own sex life (or lack thereof) and let others worry about theirs.

I'm with LDS about them making a big deal about it. You know seeing a bunch of hairy-legged guys parading up 5th Avenue in bra and panties is just what I want to watch over morning coffee. Besides which,

Hey guys, I don't care!!! Give it a rest!!

I also like xtra's explanation. "An unexplanable force".
I'm going to use that the next time I get my face slapped for getting fresh.

"The Force made me do it"!!

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 2:05pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

wink.gifI can't say if a person is born gay or if its tought.  I feel its enviorment myself.  If a child has been sexually abused, or had horrifying things done to them, this seems to trigger the responce.  I feel it is possible to have the gender prefferences implanted, but I also feel its possible to confused the messages and therefore a person may become gay.  I do not, however, believe they are born that way unless their genes are confused by birth defect.

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 4:45pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

Well I have to concede that point.
There lies an issue where our (AMerica) legal system has overstepped its bounds.

None of that is any of their business. It is founded on the premise of a particular religion's doctrine, which is not supposed to happen under our Constitution.

Unfortunately, it happens all the time.

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 10:40pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

I don't think people are born gay. I think it is a coice. I don't know how someone could coose it though. I am i guess unlearned about that whole side of things

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8th Mar, 2003 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice

1. Should gays be legally married
2. Should they be allowed to adopt?
3. What about their sexual influence on their kid?
4. What about men who act like women or women that like men - is it normal?
5. Should it be mentioned on forms and applications if it would make others feel uncomfortable?
6. If a guy is gay would you feel comfortable changing in the same room?
7. Should gays be in the military?

We are talking about PEOPLE! :smile.gif  isn't funny how we say if they should do this or that...they're gay yes but they are PEOPLE! I have mixing feelings about this I know but I think they should have rights like anybody else. Of course, there are some issues that need to be deeply discussed.

Post Date: 15th Mar, 2003 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I know many gay people and they were totally born that way they knew from a very young age that they were different- why would any one choose to be discriminated against and ridiculed that's just ignorant thinking- I bet the people who say that they chose to be gay have never actually sat down and talked with someone who is gay- they are probably scared they'd be hit on or something which is also not true- if a gay person knows that there is even a chance you are straight they will not go after you- which is more than I can say for some straight people who try to "Change" gay  into being straight....

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