Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 10 of 35

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 22-Jul 05, 11:43 AM) Really? - Page 10 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 26th Jul, 2005 - 12:03pm

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Poll: Are People Born Gay Or Choice?
  Born Gay       30.88%
  Their Choice       39.71%
  A bit of both       29.41%
Total Votes: 68
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Discuss  Are People Born Gay Gay By Choice Homosexual behavior stems from the mind or genetics?
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Post Date: 11th May, 2005 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 10

User FierceKitty, the topic doesn't require a specialist of any kind to have an opinion and express it. If you are unwilling to participate in the discussion specific to this thread, don't post here. Start another thread to discuss what you want that doesn't relate to this thread if you wish, but this thread must stay on topic.

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Post Date: 4th Jul, 2005 - 8:05am / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

I don't see why one would choose a lifestyle that would make them be discriminated against and looked down upon. that is why so many gays decide to stay closeted to prevent confrontation and conflict. you can't help who you're attracted to, therefore I think gay people simply ARE just as us "straight and normal" people are. I propose an one is born ANYTHING. we become who we are through experience, but our sexual preference is based on how we feel. we can't help how we feel, because if we could, than it'd be easier to get out of a breakup, and to not get angry when some a**wipe cuts us off on the freeway. on the alternative, we can't help the traits we're born with. being straight or gay isn't decided upon while in the womb, or right afterwards, but rather it just gradually happens--not by choice, but by some other unexplainable force.

I've always thought that. That nothing is decided when you're just born or before, but then again it could be a genetic change (Don't want to say 'mutation' since, well a mutation as I see it is if Bigfoot A) exists, and cool.gif was born from human parents, and homosexuality is completely natural, there are 'gay' wolves... Of course the they are always low in the pack... Okay don't want to analyze farther, there'll probably be too many resemblances, heh.). Course, even through personal experience I have no more answers then you, all I know is that the homophobes of the world tick me off, especially the ones who use religion as an excuse. (Sorry, it's how I feel, and I'm not saying that it's *always* just an excuse, I'm sure many actually believe it is unholy.)

4th Jul, 2005 - 11:39am / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Why do you have the assumption that anyone who thinks that homosexuality is wrong, is a "homophobe"? Why do you assume that religious beliefs are "only an excuse" for homophobia?

How do you know these things are true? What research proves these points? Don't these assumptions indicate the following attitudes?

1. Intolerance of other people's beliefs and opinions

2. Stereotyping

Post Date: 4th Jul, 2005 - 7:35pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Page 10 Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

(Sorry, it's how I feel, and I'm not saying that it's *always* just an excuse, I'm sure many actually believe it is unholy.)

An answer to your first question, and as for stereotyping I don't see how. If it is because I used the word "homophobe" then, well, I'm not saying that all people who disapprove of homosexuality are homophobes, I'm just saying that the ones who *are* tick me off. The ones who dissaprove of it for reasons more sophisticated and educated then "it's icky" (exagerration, but you get my point, I hope) don't bother me. And yes, I realize that I'm passing judgement on what's okay and what's not, but everyone is allowed *some* close-mindedness in their psyche's right? wink.gif

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2005 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

1. Should gays be legally married?

Sure they should. They should also be allowed the same benefits such as spousal insurance coverage, etc.

2. Should they be allowed to adopt?

Gay couples are already adopting. Who is to say that they could not be equal if not better parents than some straight couple? Anyone willing to adopt a child has more love to give than someone who would not.

3. What about their sexual influence on their kid?

They would have just as many issues to deal with as a child who is brought up in a home where the father beats the mother or either parent gets jacked up everyday on drugs. Sure, they may get teased in school, sure, they will wonder why Little Johnny has a mother and a father and they only have 2 mothers (or 2 fathers). But what's the difference when mother and father get divorced and they grow up having two sets of parents - how confusing must that be for a child?

4. What about men who act like women or women that like men - is it normal?

This I believe is genetic, or at least having a greater percentage of male hormones or female hormones has been discussed recently in the news as influencing homosexuality. Who defines normal anyway these days?

5. Should it be mentioned on forms and applications if it would make others feel uncomfortable?

I think this should be treated as religion or race would be on an application. Who's business is it and does the fact that someone being gay negates their ability to receive a benefit or disqualify from the same job if they are equally or better educated in that particular field?

6. If a guy is gay would you feel comfortable changing in the same room?

If a female was gay, and I had to change in the room in front of them, I would not exercise any other action than if I was in a room full of straight women. Humans are curious by nature, but as long as you are respectful, what's the big deal?

7. Should gays be in the military?

If someone that is gay is willing to fight for my right for freedom... let him/her do it. I know plenty of straight men who would never sign up for the military and would never go to war, and if a gay man or woman is game, please, they will make up for the few that are too scared to step up to the plate. Having said that, I understand that many men are terrified of the unknown, and would feel uncomfortable thinking a gay man was checking them out. My advice is to get over it.

Now, to the original question, In my opinion, I believe it is a little of both, I think you may be genetically predisposed to certain characteristics, but I also believe you can become emotionally attached to someone of the same sex, after all, they feel love too, it's not just a sick perversion meant to fire up the homophobic individuals of the world.

Post Date: 22nd Jul, 2005 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

Just to throw a cat amongst the pigeons! I'm bi sexual and I don't think theres any such thing as 100% gay or straight I think it depends on who you fall in love with, of course we all tend to lean more one way than the other but I've heard of people who always thought they were straight suddenly in a gay relationship and vice Versa, I think Homosexuality may be a gene to certain extent but a gene that we all have thats just more "awakened" in some people than others I also think it's choice to a certain extent as in we choose our lovers, a guy could fall in love with a girl and he's still attracted to other girls.. a guy could fall in love with a guy and still be attracted to girls! I know quite a few people here will disagree with me but theres a huge statistic of people out there who have some kind of gay experience at least once in their lives which I think has everything to do with naturally exploring our sexuality and nothing to do with depravity! as for the religious point of view I have friends of all faiths some of who are gay and the rest have no problem with it need I point out that quite a number of priests over the years have been arrested over pedophilia? you want sin look no further!

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22nd Jul, 2005 - 4:43pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice - Page 10

I think Homosexuality may be a gene to certain extent but a gene that we all have thats just more "awakened" in some people than others

Really? I don't think so. Do you have any scientific evidence for this?.

but theres a huge statistic of people out there who have some kind of gay experience at least once in their lives

I would like to know the percentage of this statistics and details if you can provide them (social group, country, age, etc). Nevertheless, even if the percentage is "huge" it will just show in my opinion, the decadence of society.

Offtopic but,
... a guy could fall in love with a guy and still be attracted to girls!

Is that so?, I cannot understand it. There is a thread about bisexuality in the Mature discussion. I would like to read your opinion on the matter since you define yourself as "bisexual". Thanks.

Post Date: 26th Jul, 2005 - 12:03pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 10

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 22-Jul 05, 11:43 AM)

Really? I don't think so. Do you have any scientific evidence for this?.

no this is just my personal opinion!

As for the Statistics no I don't know the exact statistics, I remember reading a survey a few years back asking if people had, had a gay experience in their life and the percentage that said yes was quite high!

As for the whole thing of straight people falling for the same sex and vice versa I've personally seen this happen lots of times, maybe you could argue that maybe they we're confused in the first place? an example of this, I don't watch reality t.v but I saw a clip of our Big brother and their is a guy in there who's gay, never slept with a woman in his life and confessed he thought he was going through a "conversion" this may however be playing up for the cameras!

maybe I'm just an old romantic in that I don't think you always get a choice who you fall in love with, and if the other person happens to be of the same sex and feels the same way, well isn't all love pure?

> TOPIC: Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?


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