Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 2 of 35

No, no, no, Msslm, I am not holding you for - Page 2 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 5th Jul, 2003 - 10:28pm

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Poll: Are People Born Gay Or Choice?
  Born Gay       30.88%
  Their Choice       39.71%
  A bit of both       29.41%
Total Votes: 68
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Discuss  Are People Born Gay Gay By Choice Homosexual behavior stems from the mind or genetics?
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Post Date: 15th Mar, 2003 - 2:02pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 2

I don't think people choose to be gay.
I know some people who are gay and they said if they could change the wy the feel then they would so they could be treated the same as everyone else.
I think that childhood events might play a part in it or they might be born like it.

I also agree with LDS_forever, they are people and they're not hurting anyone so why should they be treated any differently?

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16th Mar, 2003 - 12:41am / Post ID: #

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

Well, personally the only issue I have with gay people is the Gay Pride Day, listen to me...first of all, what is there to be proud of? We don't have a Heterosexual Pride Day right? so what's need for it? if you all tell me, well they need to express themselves and express their views...fine! great! I agree with it...BUT is there a NEED to be almost naked in the streets that day and showing off how 'proud' they are to be gay? *shaking head* I cannot put all the details in here but there is a thread about this in the Mature Discussion.

25th Mar, 2003 - 10:47pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

From CS Monitor:

The US Supreme Court hears arguments today in a challenge by gay-rights
advocates to a Texas law banning consensual acts between same-sex
couples. The case was filed on behalf of two men arrested in 1998 for
violating the state's Homosexual Conduct law, which opponents say
violates privacy rights. Texas, one of 13 states with such statutes on
the books, argues that it has the right to pass legislation that
promotes community moral standards.

Post Date: 26th Mar, 2003 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Page 2 Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

Unfortunately it does not have that right.

"Moral" standards are rooted in religious doctrine, and have no place in our legislative process.

What people do, or do not do, in private, is no business of the government.

There is another train of philosophical/religious thought that contends that sex is not evil or wrong, and is equally as valid as the prevailing christian one.

Everyone please note that this society is not a "democracy", as we so often call it. It is a Republic.

Therefore the neither the christians, nor the muslims, nor any other sect gets the luxury of cramming their own ideas down anyone else's throats.

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2003 - 2:25pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

I have a cousin that is gay.  But she doesn't broadcast it to everyone that she meets.  (Of course, it's pretty obvious, because of the way she dresses and keeps her hair.  I'm not stereotyping either, she dresses, walks, and acts like a man.)  She says that she has been that way as far as she can remember.  I used to work with her.  She is pretty cool.  I mean, she had alot of her gay friends (men and women) hanging out at work with her.  She would always be excited about some woman she just met.  She would want to tell me all the details, but I politely told her, that I didn't mind her telling me about her date, just as long as she didn't go into any details about what they did.  She was cool with that.  I am all for people being happy, I just don't want the inside details about such things.

There is a lesbian couple that lives across the street from me.  They pretty much keep to themselves.  I have had the pleasure of meeting them once while paying rent.  They seem to be pretty nice and polite.  One of the ladies also has a teenage son, and he is not gay.  He is currently engaged to be married to his fiance.  They are no different from me as far as views on life, politics, raising kids and stuff like that.  The only difference is, they are gay, and I'm straight.  

I also have an uncle who is gay.  I never knew growing up what being gay was.  It wasn't until I was much, much older that my parents finally told me that he was gay and it was his boyfriend living with him.  Of course I was shocked, but he is my uncle and I do love him.  I don't hate him for it or question why because, it was his choice to live that way.  

I don't buy into the 'born gay' thing.  If that were the case, why aren't all the people born gay?  Why is it in just certain people?  I think that it is impressed upon them at a young age.  Of course it could also be caused by some kind of tramatic sexual experience with someone of the opposite sex.  Which would then be a choice of being gay.  Plus, in some states, it is against the law for such things (i.e. gay marriages, relations between two same sex people).  I think someone told me once that it was a sin and that it was in the bible, but I didn't even know where to begin to look for it.  

People should be accepted as they are and not judged by their lifestyle.  People are different and of course many will never share the same views, but to force the views upon the ones that don't believe them is just wrong.  Tolerance has and always will play a big part in the whole scheme of things.

5th Jul, 2003 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

I agree with everything you said. One question comes to mind is this though... Why do we refer to ourselves as being 'straight' if we are hetrosexual, does this mean that being gay is 'crooked'? It is a common term used by everyone. Something to think about.

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Post Date: 5th Jul, 2003 - 9:55pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice - Page 2

Why do we refer to ourselves as being 'straight' if we are hetrosexual, does this mean that being gay is 'crooked'?

Jb, this is a good point.  You know I never really thought about that before.  But I don't think that a gay person would be considered crooked.   I just used the word straight for lack of the better word, (hetrosexual).  I couldn't find the word that I was looking for and the word straight came to my mind first.  ooops:

5th Jul, 2003 - 10:28pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 2

No, no, no, Msslm, I am not holding you for anything, I just noticed it, but I always here it being used in  common way, but I am not sure if both groups (those 'straight' and those that are 'gay') notice the implied meaning.

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