Socialist America - Page 3 of 9

A socialist government would be upfront with - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 4th Dec, 2008 - 2:15pm

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This is what we may see in the future?
Socialist America Related Information to Socialist America
12th Apr, 2005 - 9:28pm / Post ID: #

Socialist America - Page 3

I think those statistics are true. However, the same is true of socialist countries. In fact it is ALWAYS the most wealthy, priveleged people who bring about communist and socialist systems. They use the rhetoric of class warfare to bring about the changes that they want. It is the middle class and the less-upper-class that suffer the most in the establishment of socialism.

Look at who are the strongest proponents of socialist programs in the US. Ted Kennedy. John F.... Kerry. George Soros. These types of people have their wealth tied up in safe places. This is just as true in European socialist countries as it is here. The ultra rich get richer, while he middle class gets poorer, and the poor vote for more entitlements to more quickly wipe out the middle class.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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13th Apr, 2005 - 5:14pm / Post ID: #

America Socialist

I think this debate is a bit ridiculous because America is a democracy. The only way socialists will run your parliament is if the Americans vote for them, therefore wanting socialism. Toure constitution guarantees democracy.

The US was established as a republic along federal lines; the democratic form of government was rejected. The Constitution guaranteed not democracy but a republican form of government to each state.

Socialism is such a dirty word in America. From a conservative standpoint, I see why Americans feel socialism is going to take there freedom, but if you want to really understand a ideology you have to read into it with a open mind.

Countless milliions over time have experienced socialism and whether with a nopen mind or not suffered under it. A great and very clear explanation and refutation of socialism can be found in Frederic Bastiat's "The Law" - in my view one of the most inspired political works you will ever read. It has helped a lot of people with open minds see what socialism really is.

Conservativsm and Socialism and Liberalism and all the ideologys have completely differetn concepts of freedom, you cannot judge a ideology based off your own political allegance, you can critisize it but you cant just brand it as the WRONG way to think. This is a narrow way to think.

This is true and why it is so important to identify the principles which underpin freedom and the progress of man.

Do you really think Karl Marx invented communism because he wanted to make an evil society, he did it because he thought it would work.

Marx did not invent Communism wink.gif He is considered the founder of its modern form perhaps, but the philosophy is age-old.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

24th Nov, 2008 - 8:35pm / Post ID: #

Socialist America History & Civil Business Politics

The government is buying stakes in most everything to keep the economy afloat and many are crying that its a socialist take over. Well where are the capitalists? Leave people to their own economic dictates and we will buy ourselves on credit too. The best thing the government can do is take over all the major enterprises and regulate what is done to the general public so we don't pay millions for nothing.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 40 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4%

25th Nov, 2008 - 9:28am / Post ID: #

Page 3 America Socialist

Socialist, you will pay one way or the other. There is no free parking anywhere. Capitalist would say, let them fail and they will generate more and ever efficient opportunity. Propping up these businesses that YOU and their management drove to failure, is just creating a "nanny-state". The payrolls of the Big 3 automakers, major mortgage and insurance companies will be on my dime.

The beauty of your utopian "nanny-state" is that people get paid billions to do nothing.

The capitalist are still here. Warren Buffet poured a lot back into the market. Don't get me wrong. He did it because he sees value. Probably not right now, but months down the road.

It is government interference that has placed us in some of this predicament. Sub Zero Loans that were FORCED by our congress (and that the lenders happily embraced), have totally screwed up the mortgage markets. So YES...we need lots more government...perhaps we can all be government employees/servants. I am sure that will temper any creative thinking as our government departments are so noted for (NASA an exception).

Is it a socialist take over? NO...unless they never sell their stakes back after the economy is righted. Should we do it? I am of 2 opinions. My mind says that we really should let them fail and good will actually come out of it in the end. However, that end may be pretty long off and will be extremely painful in the meantime. My heart says that if supporting the businesses with smooth out the downturn and actually raise the bottom, then do it. However, serious change is going to have to take place...both legislatively and business-wise to fix the underlying problems of mortgages, loan insurance and automobiles. Oh, and if it doesnt raise the bottom and we spent the money anyway and they STILL fail, we are in such trouble...I cannot even begin to explain the ramifications, but to say that Hooverville will look pretty posh to what we will have.

I love these arguments because it will be the same people screaming 10 years from now (if the government were to not sell their shares and continue to run things) that they dont want to pay for a government loan when company A will sell it for less, but they cant because they would be competing against the government and the government doesnt want to lose money. Might not be able to buy many foreign cars...gotta keep that investment good...otherwise we are just flushing dollars down the toilet keeping that US Automobile dealership and corporation in business.

Our government, in large part, got us into this mess. I have little confidence that they can get us back out of it, since they are far too busy pointing fingers at each other. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac underwrote these crappy loans. They are about as close to government entities as you can get without actually being a government holding.

Buying stakes...I am ok with, but there needs to be a exit strategy. We cannot turn budget of the US into a glorified hedge fund!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

25th Nov, 2008 - 5:55pm / Post ID: #

America Socialist

When using examples I try to use it in a positive manner. Does socialism have corruption and bad men in office at times? Yes, of course, but if they are that way you get to know about it in time. With capitalism you only know about it when the company closes its doors and you no longer can claim anything. Socialism as a working form of government allows the things that are basic to everyday living to be just that, basic. As a citizen I shouldnt have to cry over a light bill, water, or gas. These things are basic to life.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 40 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4%

26th Nov, 2008 - 1:20pm / Post ID: #

Socialist America




Price hike needed for those good and services...hey...don't think about it. It is what it is! The government has you covered.

Any need to improve service and provide options? Why is basic and they will be the sole provider. It is what it is and the government tells us so. They know what is best for us! less thing to think about!

Capitalist didn't get us into this mess...our own Government spearheaded that effort. They deregulated the mortgage industry and set it up for a failure of epic proportions. The Capitalist just perverted their new found freedoms to the nth degree. The government just didnt see it happening and when they were told about the possibility...they did a fantastic imitation of a osterich.

Let our government make our cars for us and they will cost twice as much and have fewer options. Let our government run businesses? They are now in control of the largest negatively operating business in the US.... We have debt of over a TRILLION dollars. Was that Capitalist that ran that debt up? Remember, it was over a TRILLION dollars before any buyouts! OH YEAH...let our government lessen our burdens...they have done such a lovely job to date!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

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Post Date: 26th Nov, 2008 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #

Socialist America
A Friend

Socialist America - Page 3

I totally agree. I think the government has done so much for us now I am not sure I want them to do more. It has already made my great grand children the ones to have to bail us out for today. If the government helps us out more what is in store for their children?

4th Dec, 2008 - 2:15pm / Post ID: #

Socialist America Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

A socialist government would be upfront with what the government wiill do and not do so you know where you stand. Government in America as it currently stands just does what it wants, but you are not sure where you stand. Do you know where you stand now? Your credit card is good today and not good tomorrow, you like that?

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 40 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4%

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