What Is "Official" LDS Doctrine? - Page 4 of 7

B. H. Roberts, a General Authority of the - Page 4 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 15th Jul, 2007 - 8:13pm

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Define Mormon Doctrine
15th Jul, 2007 - 2:36am / Post ID: #

What Is "Official" LDS Doctrine? - Page 4

I am sure I have beliefs and doctrines that I believe I know, that I have based on some obscure or misinterpreted statements of the apostles and prophets that may be proven false when I eventually see the whole picture (especially about the second coming, the spirit world, or other deep doctrines)

I would hope that my testimony of the fundamental doctrines of the Church are not shaken because one of my obscure beliefs is contradicted in the future when I receive higher knowledge.

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15th Jul, 2007 - 2:49am / Post ID: #

Doctrine LDS quotOfficialquot What

You did not answer or addressed the topic directly. What constitutes for you "official" LDS Doctrine? The Church statement (on page 1) is very clear so my question is:

If (as the statement reads) " Not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. "and that the doctrine resides in the four 'standard works" of scripture (the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price), official declarations and proclamations, and the Articles of Faith. Can a Prophet establish doctrine that goes against the Standard Works? The answer seems obvious because of this statement, then why do we say the words of the Prophet have more "weight" than the Scriptures?

15th Jul, 2007 - 3:31am / Post ID: #

What Is "Official" LDS Doctrine? Studies Doctrine Mormon

I believe that the modern day Prophet has more weight, because the Lord reserves the right to reveal doctrine that expounds on what has been revealed. Doctrine that is given by the Prophet as doctrine also supersedes previous revelation. I.e the law of moses being superseded by the gospel, Doctrines of the Temple revealed to the early saints, the priesthood given to all worthy men of the Church.

Amos 3:7


Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Articles of Faith 8

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

Reconcile Edited: dbackers on 15th Jul, 2007 - 3:33am

15th Jul, 2007 - 3:54am / Post ID: #

Page 4 Doctrine LDS quotOfficialquot What

I believe that the modern day Prophet has more weight, because the Lord reserves the right to reveal doctrine that expounds on what has been revealed

Okay. I believe in continuous revelation but the measuring sticks are the Scriptures. If it goes against the Standard Works as an early Prophet have said, must be discarded as non-doctrine.

Hence I believe that as members of the Church we should study our Scriptures faithfully in order to rely on the Spirit and not in the arm of the flesh.

I am glad the statement the Church gave about what constitutes doctrine. Many members think everything said in General Conference is Doctrine as well as everything they read in the Ensign.

Post Date: 15th Jul, 2007 - 10:17am / Post ID: #

What Is "Official" LDS Doctrine?
A Friend

Doctrine LDS quotOfficialquot What

LDS-Forever, you have referred to the Press Release by the Church about what constitutes doctrine a couple of times. Obviously it is hard to misinterpret. I think it would be a good idea to just look at it a little closer. As it states the doctrine resides in the Standard Works, Official Declarations and Proclamations and the Articles of Faith. The sentence before is where some ambiguity resides. It states that what the Presidency counsels about is consistently proclaimed in official publications. It seems to me like the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend, would all fall under the title of official publications.

What you will find in those publications is doctrine with perhaps a modern day twist to it, which is why we have a modern day prophet. The articles written therein are not just written and submitted to the editor. Each article is reviewed by the GA's and either approved or not approved. I have a member of the seventy in my ward that reviews the Friend.

I may be completely up in the night too, but where does it state that we, as a congregational church, have to vote on doctrine? If you can provide me with that I would like to know about it.

And Nighthawk, you are going to keep me up the rest of the night with what you have said. Very interesting.

15th Jul, 2007 - 12:29pm / Post ID: #

What Is "Official" LDS Doctrine?

QUOTE (bobnbrittw @ 15-Jul 07, 4:17 AM)
I may be completely up in the night too, but where does it state that we, as a congregational church, have to vote on doctrine? If you can provide me with that I would like to know about it.

I can't think of a reference right now (I am actually getting ready for Church at the moment).

However, we can look at a couple of specific cases.

The Word of Wisdom specifically states that it is not to be taken as commandment. Yet, in the 1850's or 60's, Brigham Young suggested that the saints make it binding upon themselves. He did this in General Conference, and it became binding by the vote of the members. In the 1940's and 50's, it became a requirement for temple worship, while it never had been before.

The Manifesto is defended based upon the fact that it was presented to the Church in General Conference, and supposedly passed unanimously, at which time it became binding upon the Church. Of course, it was opposed, and not even the General Authorities paid much attention to it for several years, as they encouraged and performed plural marriages.

I will try to find out where the idea of acceptance in General Conference came from.

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15th Jul, 2007 - 5:32pm / Post ID: #

What "Official" LDS Doctrine - Page 4

It also comes to my mind the Official Declaration 2, concerning the Priesthood extended to all worthy males, it was presented in General Conference for vote. I think we need to distinguish between doctrine and policies. The Church changes policies quite often and they are mostly related to the temporal aspect of the Church than anything else, hence does not need vote in General Conference because we are not speaking about doctrines or revelations that they are going to become binding and part of our beliefs.

Now when we are speaking about NEW doctrine then I believe (as the examples Nighthawk posted and mine as well) that needs a vote in General Conference. Or are we saying if the Prophet tomorrow says that from now on we will believe in the doctrine that God has more than one wife, it will be read to us the new doctrine and that's it? No, it needs the approval of the Twelve (majority) as well as the membership. Everything in Church must be done by common consent. If it was NOT needed, then why did we vote as members in the Manifesto and Blacks and the Priesthood issues?

I'll research where the idea comes from as well.


The sentence before is where some ambiguity resides. It states that what the Presidency counsels about is consistently proclaimed in official publications. It seems to me like the Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend, would all fall under the title of official publications.

Hmmm...not sure about that, it does show some ambiguity. I personally do not believe that everything contained in the Ensign or the New Era should be taken as doctrine (there is some doctrine as well as some good-intended OPINIONS) as well as what is said in every General Conference. Not everything we hear in General Conference should be taken as doctrinal and binding. MANY of it is doctrinal, but MANY of it are also opinions as stated in the Church press-release.


15th Jul, 2007 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

What "Official" LDS Doctrine Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 4

B. H. Roberts, a General Authority of the LDS church, summarized the issue perhaps as well as anyone has:


The Church has confined the sources of doctrine by which it is willing to be bound before the world to the things that God has revealed, and which the Church has officially accepted, and those alone. These would include the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price; these have been repeatedly accepted and endorsed by the Church in general conference assembled, and are the only sources of absolute appeal for our doctrine.

It is not sufficient to quote sayings purported to come from Joseph Smith or Brigham Young upon matters of doctrine. Our own people also need instruction and correction in respect of this. It is common to hear some of our older brethren say, "But I heard Brother Joseph myself say so," or "Brother Brigham preached it; I heard him." But that is not the question. The question is has God said it? Was the prophet speaking officially? . . .

        As to the printed discourses of even leading brethren, the same principle holds. They do not constitute the court of ultimate appeal on doctrine. They may be very useful in the way of elucidation and are very generally good and sound in doctrine, but they are not the ultimate sources of the doctrines of the Church, and are not binding upon the Church. The rule in that respect is--What God has spoken, and what has been accepted by the Church as the word of God, by that, and that only, are we bound in doctrine.

Reconcile Message Edited...
LDS_forever: I just fixed your quote tags.

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