The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough? - Page 27 of 33

Name: Bro Man Comments: Then why did Joseph - Page 27 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 25th Aug, 2014 - 2:02am

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Are Mormons meant to follow blindly? We may say no, but if you disagree what do you do? Pray UNTIL you believe? Should we believe that all that is written and said by the Modern Prophets is correct and infallible? If so, then why do we have to pray about it? Is it for us to believe what they say or really to find out if that is what we ought to be doing? Controversial Mormon Issue.
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Post Date: 19th Aug, 2014 - 4:19pm / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough?
A Friend

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough? - Page 27

No I'm am not saying prophets are infallible. But they are infallible when speaking by the power of the Holy Ghost. Answer me this: If plural marriage was introduced once again by a future prophet, and the people vetoed it, would that make it not of God? Or what if there were another prophet that said Michael is God, and we should know Him as such? Does the Church need to vote on such a revelation, even though Pres. Young said the same? Does not the scriptures teach us that every word shall be established by the testimony of two?

international QUOTE
Matt. 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established

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Post Date: 21st Aug, 2014 - 12:45pm / Post ID: #

Enough That So Prophet Mormon The

Name: Jane

Comments: If we're supposed to just believe then why even bother to pray about it or develop a testimony?

Post Date: 21st Aug, 2014 - 1:45pm / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough?
A Friend

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough? Studies Doctrine Mormon

That's the thing; many just believe without actually taking the time to pray about it and develop a testimony. I am not saying to just believe. No; what I'm saying is to consider, than to pray; and then you will know for yourself. Many don't even try to consider the things that many of the prophets of old have stated just because it clashes with their traditions of right and wrong; and goes against what the world has taught them.

Take for instance the doctrine 'Blood Atonement', wherein one must shed his own blood to atone for sins committed, that will not be atone for by Christ's own atonement. This is doctrine. This is truth and light. Think not that you can enter in to the everlasting covenant and continue in sin, crucifying as it were, Jesus a second time. It does not work that way. Yet there are many who think that such a doctrine undermines the atonement of Christ, and goes against natural laws.

If we don't even try to consider the truth in a doctrine, our minds will become clouded by false traditions and our hearts hardened with worldly issues. The Spirit will not be able to penetrate us; and we will find ourselves kicking against the pricks.

22nd Aug, 2014 - 11:46am / Post ID: #

Page 27 Enough That So Prophet Mormon The

international QUOTE (JaGa)
But they are infallible when speaking by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Hence, it is important to pray before following any kind of revelation and receive our own personal testimony. Also because prophets aren't infallible it is important that the revelation may be presented to the Saints for their sustaining vote. There IS a reason for that procedure.

The issues I see with your last message Jaga is that so far, the whole "what is doctrine" topic does not seem to have a clear answer. Not everything our present or past prophets have spoken have been doctrine.

Post Date: 22nd Aug, 2014 - 4:47pm / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough?
A Friend

Enough That So Prophet Mormon The

international QUOTE
doc·trine (Plural doc·trines)

noun Definition: 1. Rule or principle: a rule or principle that forms the basis of a belief, theory, or policy

2. Ideas taught as truth: a body of ideas, particularly in religion, taught to people as truthful or correct

international QUOTE
prophet proph·et (Plural proph·ets)

noun Definition: 1. Somebody who interprets divine will: somebody who claims to interpret or transmit the commands of a deity

2. Somebody predicting the future: somebody who predicts the future prophets of economic doom

3. Advocate of something: somebody who advocates a cause or idea

4. Inspired leader: somebody considered to be an inspired leader or teacher

I have given the definition of these so that we may all fully understand what doctrine and prophet mean. First off, a doctrine is defined as being a rule or principle and as an idea that is considered truth. Prophets are people who interprets divine will, predicts future events, advocates a cause or idea, and is considered an inspired leader or teacher.

Now here's my question:"Do you believe that our prophets are who they say they are as defined here?"

Now if so, then you should have no problem with the doctrines revealed by these prophets. If you do, you more than likely do not have a testimony of the prophet, and if you don't have a testimony of the prophet, than you probably don't have a testimony of the Church either. Just like if you have a testimony of the Book of Mormon than you automatically have one of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

How can you have a testimony of the Church but not one of the prophet? Or how can you have one of the prophet but not one of his teachings? These things go hand in hand. If you understand the reason God gives His children prophets than you wouldn't have the disposition to question the prophet. For if he is incorrect, yet you will be awarded righteousness for being faithful and obedient to God's elected servants. There is very few instances were God's prophets have mislead His children,actually I can think of none.

I am not saying have blind faith. No, one must always pray and have the Spirit with them, and receive revelation for themselves. What I am saying though is that it is better to be faithful than to be disobedient, and just like many testimonies are not received until one takes those steps of faith and bears his or her testimony, you more than likely will not receive witness of doctrines until you actually exercise faith and put them into practice. It's just common sense.

My point being, follow the prophet, walk in faith, and if you don't feel good about what has been taught by the prophet, after putting into practice all that has been taught, than pray and seek the witness of the Spirit.

international QUOTE
President Taylor reiterated his former comment when he said, "Why is it, in fact, that we should have a devil? Why did the Lord not kill him long ago? Because he could not do without him. He needed the devil and a great many of those who do his bidding to keep men straight, that we may learn to place our dependence on God, and trust in Him, and to observe his laws and keep his commandments. When he destroyed the inhabitants of the antediluvian world, he suffered a descendant of Cain to come through the flood in order that he might be properly represented upon the earth" (Journal of Discourses 23:336).

Is this spoken as pure speculation of a racist man or doctrinal truths spoken by a prophet of God? There must be opposition in all things.

Post Date: 23rd Aug, 2014 - 11:43am / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough?

Name: Bro Man


international QUOTE
How can you have a testimony of the Church but not one of the prophet?
Which prophet? Each one has something different to say for their era, so its a matter of finding out.

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Post Date: 23rd Aug, 2014 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet Said So, Is That Enough?
A Friend

The Mormon Prophet So That Enough - Page 27

All the prophets! How can you say you have a testimony of Jesus and not one of Isaiah? Or how can you say:"I know Joseph Smith was and is a prophet, but Brigham Young, I'm not sure about that guy"? You just can't do it.

Of course they all had something different for their era, but that doesn't take away from their message. Their testimonies still stand true today as they did when they first bore them.

international QUOTE
Luke24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

Let us not be as those fools who went before, but let us believe all that the prophets have spoken.

Post Date: 25th Aug, 2014 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

The Mormon Prophet So That Enough Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 27

Name: Bro Man

Comments: Then why did Joseph start plural marriage and by the turn of the 19th century the prophets were saying they don't do that anymore?

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