Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties? - Page 2 of 12

My point about it is that the scriptures don't - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 27th Nov, 2006 - 7:08pm

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29th Jun, 2006 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties? - Page 2

JohnnyUtah said:

but elsewhere I find it not so earnestly pushed upon the members.

This is very true. I'm from Argentina and even though most kids on my stake always wore a white shirt and a tie, it was never strongly emphasied, specially with those kids with very low resources. I have seen Young Men so respectful, so faithful, being there every Sunday without no friends or family...and without a nice white shirt, yet they were so reverent while passing the Sacrament.

Personally I think if it is possible to have them in white shirts, great...if not, I do not see a big deal about it. As Jesus told the Pharisees about cleaning the vessel, we focus so much in cleaning the outside of it that we forget the inside.

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Post Date: 21st Nov, 2006 - 10:12pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties?
A Friend

Ties Shirt White Wear Priesthood Mormon

In our ward the Young Men are allowed to pass the sacrament only if they are dressed appropriately. A white shirt and tie, proper dress shoes (no trainers) and dress pants. Think about what the sacrament represents... if possible, it should be passed my appropriately dressed men. Now, with that said... if someone is less fortunate and can't afford the tie and such, it should be strictly up to the bishopric to decide after following promptings of the Spirit. I know that personally... I will not allow my hubbie to walk out the door on Sundays with any color shirt... it has to be white. (he's good about it though) If something happens last minute and they need my husband to pass the sacrament, I don't want his answer to be "sorry, I didn't wear an appropriate colored shirt!" That's a silly reason not to be able to do such a beautiful thing. (a little opinionated, I know... sorry)

21st Nov, 2006 - 10:32pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties? Studies Doctrine Mormon

QUOTE (Dbclayton)
I agree that a lot of the priests and teachers who prepare/bless the sacrament take it too lightly, but it's something that comes with maturity.

There are two thoughts that I would like to add here, maybe even three:

1. Branch President / Bishop buys your white shirt and tie - I have seen this many times and the priesthood holder still does not wear it - this is no longer a case of maturity - it is just plain slack.

2. We are not talking physics - it is a simple thing to dress for something that last maybe 10-15 minutes. Just imagine, if the Word of Wisdom was made for the weakest of all Saints, then wearing a white shirt and tie must be akin - for the weakest of all priesthood holders.

3. Countries where ties are not the customary wear - as a thought, wearing a white shirt and tie is largely a Western tradition. In many countries this may not be the most formal wear - I wonder if it is still required there - I doubt it.

21st Nov, 2006 - 10:53pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Ties Shirt White Wear Priesthood Mormon

I still thinking the white shirt and tie issue is not as important as most people put it. I mean, it is great if the person wears it...yet I do not think it should be a requirement to pass the Sacrament.

21st Nov, 2006 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Ties Shirt White Wear Priesthood Mormon

QUOTE (LDS_forever)
I do not think it should be a requirement to pass the Sacrament.

It is important to understand that it is not a requirement, it is merely a policy mostly enforced based on the desire of the Branch President / Bishop, and encouraged by the Brethren. In other words it falls into line with the way the sacrament is passed - no requirements (save for Presiding authority gets it first), but their may be policy about passing it this way or that, etc.

White shirts and ties are symbols - symbols of a willingness to conform or should I say follow along with the rest of the group. It is an outward show that you do care about your position within the group. I suppose it is like a uniform and prepares the younger souls especially for wearing it everyday on a mission.

27th Nov, 2006 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties?

I have a copy of a letter from a man who is even more disturbed than I am at the constant attempts to make us look like Babylon. Here are a couple of short quotes from it.

The attire we have begun to emphasize is the official dress code of Babylon in our modern day.  Presidents of countries and nations, movie stars and CEO's of corporate America sport and even set the standard just as the business and religious leaders of Christ's day did (Matt 23).  These are things to "be seen of men" or serve as a way of "enlarging the borders of their garments" as Christ put it.

I challenge anyone to show a single place where a strict dress code has ever been taught by holy prophets on a regular Sunday basis or at all for that matter?  Going on, Christ's discourse in Matt 23 is perhaps the strongest verbal assault of our Savior ever recorded.  He even went so far as to say this to the finely dressed leaders; "That the publicans and harlots shall go into the kingdom of God before you" (JST Matt 21:31).

QUOTE (Brigham Young)
It is the fashion in the world to embrace men in their faith, or a fine meeting house, or a genteel congregation, thinking, "O, what perfect order, and how pretty they look; how straight they walk to meeting, and how long their faces are during the services; how pretty that deacon looks under the pulpit; the people are so pretty, the meeting house is so nice, that we want to join such pretty people." Such feelings will take a people to hell. Embrace a doctrine that will purge sin and iniquity from your hearts, and sanctify you before God, and you are right, no matter how others act. (Brigham Young; JD 4:78)

There is NOWHERE in the scriptures where we are urged to dress in a certain way. The scriptures NEVER emphasize image. Yet the emphasis on image is overwhelming within our culture, and our religious practice, today.

Does it REALLY increase our spirituality, or the spirituality of our young men, to require a 12-year-old to wear a tie, against his will? Does it contribute to the spirit of reverence?

Do we experience a greater outpouring of the Spirit when we enter the temple and notice that all the men are clean-shaved? Does the knowledge that this is a requirement for service in the Temple add to our experience there? Is there a greater educational experience at BYU or any other Church school based upon our knowledge that the men are treated like little children, required to keep their hair short and their faces cleanly shaved?

Is a strict dress standard really part of the religion that Joseph Smith restored? Or is it an attempt to live in, and be acceptable to, Babylon?

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Post Date: 27th Nov, 2006 - 4:53pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Must Wear White Shirt and Ties?
A Friend

Mormon Priesthood Wear White Shirt Ties - Page 2

This is such a wonder topic, because it reminds me of the military. One cold winter morning I strolled into work. I being a low ranking airman at the time wore an issued black fleece coat liner. When I walked into my section one of the sergeants stopped me and asked if I just walked from my car wearing what I was wearing. I said "yes sir, why?" He began to lecture me that the uniform is important and we are only to wear the liner with the appropriate jacket. Years later, and now that I myself am a sergeant, I realize it wasn't the uniform that was important to him, it was the uniformity as a whole Air Force. In the military we must try to have the same mindset because when it matters most, every one must be on the same page to get the mission completed.
We as a church must also be on the same page to complete our missions and to prepare for the second coming of our Messiah.
How can I be in charge of the men under me if I can't fallow a simple rule as wearing my uniform properly?
How can I be a father to my son (we found out we're having a boy by the way), a husband to my wife, supervisor to my troops, and magnify my callings if I can't fallow a small, simple idea like do my best for God. And to be honest my white shirts and ties are my favorite/best uniform.

Rather off topic, but...
Our son's name will be Asher McKay Garcia. I'm done being proud now

27th Nov, 2006 - 7:08pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Priesthood Wear White Shirt Ties Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

My point about it is that the scriptures don't support such an idea. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young didn't support such an idea. The scriptures actually teach specifically AGAINST the wearing of special, "fine" clothes for worship. (Such as $500 suits)

I fully understand your point about uniforms in the military. But that is entirely a Babylonian idea, not a Celestial, or even Zion idea. And, what is much more disturbing to me is that the "uniform" you are talking about is the uniform of business (Babylon).

We aren't a "peculiar" people anymore. You can't tell a Mormon from any other businessman now.

The reason we got me a new suit recently was to wear for my job interviews.

That exact same suit (used to impress Babylon) is the EXPECTED uniform at Church.

We can't live "in the world, but not OF the world" (which I hate anyway) if we embrace and demand that we also use the World's uniforms, modes of worship, etc.

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