Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 3 of 6

Thanks for the suggestion, JB! I went - Page 3 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 23rd Oct, 2004 - 10:18pm

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21st Oct, 2003 - 6:37pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 3

Did you try this site?


It gives several selections for possible download, but remember Netscape is the best wink.gif

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21st Oct, 2003 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Using You Browser Which

I am in the business (computers that is) and I gave in to the Microsoft God and use IE.  As a computer consultant, I found that if I wanted to ensure that all websites worked as intended and were compatible, I needed to accept that the vast majority were written for IE so, why fight it.  :)

Now, for home use, I might be willing to try another browser, but when responsible for a large number of PCs that must work as easily as possible, in my opinion, IE is the answer.  Yes, it is the most vulnerable to attack, but I make sure all PCs on my network are running current virus protection software, I keep the security patches up to date and I have a firewall.

I don't particularly like the quality of Microsoft products, but in the business world the vast majority of companies (at least in the US) use it and so it is easier be compatible with others and like the "Borg" to "assimilate." wink.gif

I am not a programmer or web designer so my opinion is not formed based upon what the needs are from that view.  I am a network engineer and manager of an IT Department.  I think our needs are different, which is why our views would be as well.

21st Oct, 2003 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I understand where you are coming from, I have found that the whole concept of browsers and the net has been a war from the start, that is why the issue is so complexed now. The latest issue now is if your site is WC3 compliant so that it meets the 'standard' of most browsers. So rather than the browser being good everyone is saying, 'make sure your site is good'.

Offtopic but,
IT manager eh? That is good to know, so maybe you will first moderate the computer section since it is one of our most neglected boards wink.gif

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2003 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Page 3 Using You Browser Which

It gives several selections for possible download, but remember Netscape is the best

Yea, I tried that site and several of the mirror sites they had to download, but many of those links were no good.  :(  But I won't forget that Netscape is better.  ;)  

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2003 - 2:30pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Using You Browser Which

i agree with tenaheff that IE is the the most compatible browser used. and since my boyfriend belongs to the 9% best educated ict-ers in our country and he uses IE i will keep it too

23rd Oct, 2004 - 5:36pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?

I use IE because I have too not because I want to. I've downloaded and installed Netscape on my pc at work but I have no support for it, and all the apps that are written are done so for IE only. Most times I find they behave differently in Netscape. I have tried Opera and Mozilla, but decided to stick with the Big 2. I have gotten used to IE, but agree that it is very buggy and not very secure. I'd have to agree with JB that Netscape is better. If only they would support my Yahoo! companion bar now wink.gif

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23rd Oct, 2004 - 7:17pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser You Using - Page 3

If only they would support my Yahoo! companion bar now

You can write them and suggest it, they are pretty open to suggestions, especially if they know it means people are going to leave IE.

23rd Oct, 2004 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser You Using Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 3

Thanks for the suggestion, JB! I went ahead and completed a feedback form. They said I wont get an individual response but that the suggestion would be used for future releases or updates. Hopefully there are more users out there who would like to see the same.

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> TOPIC: Which Browser Are You Using?


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