Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 4 of 6

When I needed a good "Text only" - Page 4 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 3rd Mar, 2016 - 5:06pm

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18th Dec, 2014 - 7:19pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 4

I use Mozilla Firefox as my internet browser, it is much safer than the buggy Internet Explorer. But at the same time IE is more compatible and easier to use than other browsers, it all depends on which site I am browsing and how fast the internet is currently running.

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Post Date: 8th Oct, 2015 - 6:38am / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Using You Browser Which

Mozilla Firefox is the only browser I trust. I like their privacy stance over Google and IE.

Post Date: 24th Oct, 2015 - 5:39am / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Which Browser Are You Using? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I use Google Chrome for the ease of porting my bookmarks between all my Android devices. I do use Firefox from time to time with certain software that Chrome does not allow.

14th Jan, 2016 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Using You Browser Which

A couple of years ago, I would have said Firefox myself yet because of issues I was having with the browser I switched over to Chrome. I have used it ever since, not really looking back except to use Firefox once and a while.

I have consider trying Firefox again, though given Chrome does what I want I haven't been motivated for such. I am also interested in trying Windows Edge.

Post Date: 2nd Mar, 2016 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Using You Browser Which

I would switch to any browser that simply had a "Stop" button that would freeze the web page as it is, halt scripts, prevent forwarding, etc. Just literally STOP right where it is.

I would also want to have my favorite "Plug ins" such as "Nuke Anything" which allows you to Right-Click on any content and remove it, Ad Block, and "No Script".

It's disappointing that mainstream browsers don't come with a built in "Text only" mode that lets you view web pages like a boring old black and white newspaper (Without the photos). The last time I wanted my browser to do that I think I had to install at least three different plug ins. That was basically a necessity for a job I had where you often had to sit there waiting for work to do, yet you weren't allowed to browse the web or bring books to read for "Image sake". They didn't want employees to "Look like they're not working" while they were just sitting around waiting.

For huge memory intensive web pages that seem to choke IE, I found Chrome to run a lot faster, but, I'm not a clever enough hacker to know when Google is collecting data on me, and I'd rather just not be a "Data source" for them. So, I'd LIKE to use FireFox, but I sometimes find it crashing, or glitchy.

Reconcile Edited: Chris on 2nd Mar, 2016 - 7:30pm

2nd Mar, 2016 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?

I like Firefox that's what I use. I also like this site isn't memory intensive so it works fast on my mobile. Chris, you didn't say what you're actually using. There are plugins for Firefox to remove images.

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3rd Mar, 2016 - 2:16am / Post ID: #

Which Browser You Using - Page 4

I used to run Opera but when they updated their engine to Chrome it became a ram-eating monster. Sadly, I went back to original Google Chrome…

Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2016 - 5:06pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Which Browser You Using Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 4

When I needed a good "Text only" browsing experience, I did use Firefox - just removing images was not enough. I needed to remove styles/colors/etc.

These days I do mostly use Firefox with NoScript and AdBlock Plus because there are a few things I can't tolerate when browsing the web: "Pop behind" adds and these pages that try to take away your control over the browser by popping up dialogs that stop you from closing the browser with some obnoxious dishonest messages about fixing "Problems with your PC" - they're trying to get you to install their software or call their support phone number. You can't just click "X" to close the page without another dialog popping up and another re-direct to load a new page so you have to "End Task" in the task manager just to get away from their annoying web page.

This is one reason why I want a "Stop" button that freezes everything and puts control back in the user's hands - and, doesn't allow the web page to popup a protest if you click "X".

NoScript prevents these annoying web pages from hijacking my control in the first place, but it also stops most of the pages that I WANT to work until I click five, six, a dozen times to "Allow" the scripts I want.

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> TOPIC: Which Browser Are You Using?


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