Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 2 of 6

QUOTE I use Opera... it is very fast... has - Page 2 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 21st Oct, 2003 - 1:02pm

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17th Oct, 2003 - 10:24am / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using? - Page 2


i only use internet explorer from ms

You may want to test some others. They are also free, but tend to be less of a security risk than MS IE.

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Post Date: 17th Oct, 2003 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Using You Browser Which

i could test some. do you know where you can download these other webbrowsers for free?

17th Oct, 2003 - 9:47pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

Sure, you can try Netscape 7.1, I use it and it is really great! use this link: https://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/download.jsp

Yes, it is free! wink.gif

18th Oct, 2003 - 1:21am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Using You Browser Which

I use both Netscape and IE...  I use a firewall to keep out the intrusions, which is free, and a good AV program ... which is also free!  ZoneAlarm and AVG.  I'm running in total stealth mode, man...

18th Oct, 2003 - 11:36am / Post ID: #

Using You Browser Which

To truly be in 'stealth mode' you have to disable java and a few other default options in your browser otherwise you are still vunerble. However, sounds like you are on the right track wink.gif

:netscape: is the best!

Post Date: 20th Oct, 2003 - 3:38am / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Which Browser Are You Using?


You may want to test some others. They are also free, but tend to be less of a security risk than MS IE.

I can only agree!

I use Opera... it is very fast... has a few nice touches, like opening all your favourate pages with just one click.  One click logging onto forums and other passwprd sites.

But.. the thing that does it for me...

Most security holes in a browser use IE... they are writen to exploit IE.  An example, you have a popup killer, yet some applets get around them by exploiting such security hole, they may write to your HD and popup a window from your system... not from the internet.

With Opera, the applet does not find the IE code it expects... and just either gives an error return... or dies.

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20th Oct, 2003 - 9:35am / Post ID: #

Which Browser You Using - Page 2

I hear a lot of good things about Opera all the time. If they do not keep up Netscape (which I hope they do, it would be good if they make it an open source project) then I might have to switch to it.

Does Opera have the ability to read HTML the same way IE does? For instance does marquee, glow text and javascript work the same?

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2003 - 1:02pm / Post ID: #

Which Browser Are You Using?
A Friend

Which Browser You Using Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 2

I use Opera... it is very fast... has a few nice touches, like opening all your favourate pages with just one click.

Where could you download Opera from?  I tried to find it to download and check it out last night, but most of the sites I found it on were no good.   :-/

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> TOPIC: Which Browser Are You Using?


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