Just Curious

Just Curious - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 28th Jan, 2023 - 6:12am

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Post Date: 29th Mar, 2004 - 4:22am / Post ID: #

Just Curious
A Friend

Just Curious

Just curious,given the furor in the US at this time re so called "gay marriages"how other members of this forum view this subject,as for myself ,I consider such a "union"an abomination and an assualt on the only true meaning of a marriage between a man and woman,I don't care what a gay couple does with their unatural cohabitation,but when they want to legalize such a union,that's where it should not be allowed,and if necessary,enforced thru laws.


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29th Mar, 2004 - 10:30am / Post ID: #

Curious Just

There are two approaches to this subject... one is the religious stand point and the other social. Depending on which side you are interested then you would go to that board and select the relevant thread already in existence. Since this one is posted in the Business board I am moving it to the Religious Board.

30th Mar, 2004 - 11:25am / Post ID: #

Just Curious Beliefs Religious General

I come at things a bit differently than most people. I am a Mormon, but also very libertarian.

As a Mormon, the concept of "gay marriage" is an abomination. As a libertarian, the concept of government involvement in any type of marriage is an abomination. So, I have a bit of conflict in my point of view. undecided.gif

I think that my libertarian view prevails, though. Eternally, homosexuality will have its own consequences. But by the government getting more involved, there will be massive unintended consequences.

After all, there is no problem that government involvement won't make worse.


Post Date: 28th Jan, 2023 - 6:12am / Post ID: #

Just Curious
A Friend

Curious Just

My favorite radio station is 99.7 in Memphis Tennessee. Plays The same list of 13 songs and I guess it's kinda catchy now.

> TOPIC: Just Curious


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