The French vs UK and US?

The French Uk Us - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 13th Mar, 2003 - 10:32pm

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Post Date: 13th Mar, 2003 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

The French vs UK and US?
A Friend

The French vs UK and US?

What does everyone think of the French after these issues in Iraq?

Were they acting out of good faith in protecting international stability, or where they trying to undermime the United States and the United Kingdom for personal gains, such as strengthening their position in the EU.

As a nation, I've never really like the French. Generally, the UK and France have a love/hate relationship (they love to hate each other!).

In these recent events, I have to say that I have no respect at all for the French Government.(je deteste la France.) By undermiming UK/US attempts to threaten war on Iraq, they've made it more likely, because they've reduced the credibility of the threat against the Iraqi's. I think they would have capiculated long ago if France hadn't kept open the shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. When they realised they'd come to the end. They would've been far more likely to comply with the International commmunity. I beleive with people like Saddam Hussein, the only thing these people understand is war and violence. Playing the UN is something they're great at.

I find it so disturbing after the amount of bloody the British and Americans spilt on French soil in the last century, the French are still completely self motivated.

If I blame this crisis on escalating to the need for war, I would say it's the French. The Russians, while stand against the need for war, have tried hard to listen to both sides, and properly mediate a peaceful solution. But the bloody French.... just do their "nee haww, nee haww, we say no."

Ah well, that's just the French for you... pffft.  ;D

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Post Date: 13th Mar, 2003 - 10:32pm / Post ID: #

The French vs UK and US?
A Friend

US UK French The

My opinion of the French remains the same that is has always been.

They are not worth even considering. They won't fight for their own country, much less anything else.

Everytime they have been confronted by Germany they rolled over on their backs like a submissive dog, and waited for the US to come and do their fighting for them.

When they were stupid enough to lead a UN contingent into Bosnia, they suffered a humiliating defeat and went crying to the US.

Now they are talking big, like they really know something. What they need to do is put on a red dress and high heels and go cruise the Rue de Champe.

> TOPIC: The French vs UK and US?


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