Supreme Court upholds offensive trademarks as form of free speech. The Supreme Court ruled Monday that federal trademarks can be registered in most cases even if they are considered derogatory. The decision was a victory for an Asian American dance rock band dubbed The Slants - and, in all likelihood, for the Washington Redskins, whose trademarks were canceled in 2014 following complaints from Native Americans. Ref. USAToday.
Offensive Trademarks (Hover)
The thing with free speech is good in all it does to help but you will always have some people who wish to take that a bit further and cause issues. Sometimes I think people need to think about what they are doing. Do you really want that as a trademark? How likely are you going to get good business with something that can be derogatory?
So, here is what I think about this. Yes, we have the right to free speech and this decision was a good one. We also have the right to vote with our pocketbook. So, when someone does something stupid or offensive, both allowed by the Constitution, we should show them the error of their ways by refusing to buy their stuff, or view their videos, or whatever else it is they want. Just ignore their stupidity.
As a non american, I try to google the trademark of this band that people here consider offensive but I don't see it, but I hope it just goes as far as abnninja say, as the going too far can also apply on this side, to the point harassing and hindering other people that want to buy the trade of this certain someone with whatever their reason that they disagree with, developing what people this day called cancel culture especially in America.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 20 2%
I think that as long as the speech isn't calling for violence or harming of individuals, then it should be allowed, even if it's considered offensive or hateful. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects all speech, even speech we don't like. So long as there is no call to violence.